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The goal of the site plan change is to combine the properties owned by Sako Oy located on the east and west sides of Ilveskadu into a unified area serving the company's operations and to enable the expansion of the current factory hall in the direction of Ilveskadu. With the consolidation of the properties, Ilveskatu is to be moved to the western edge of the area.
In connection with the site plan change, e.g. a traffic report and general plans for street areas are drawn up. The area is home to a provincially valuable built cultural environment and buildings protected by the site plan. In addition, the area is located in a place that is significant in terms of cityscape, next to the Lasitehtaantie. The plan amendment provides the necessary regulations regarding the built cultural environment and cityscape.
The change of the station layout has been undertaken at the request of Sako Oy. The site plan work is done as a consultant under the guidance and supervision of the city of Riihimäki. The applicant is responsible for all the costs of preparing the site plan and the costs incurred by the city. In connection with the change in the site plan, a land use agreement is made before the plan is approved.
The city council has decided to change the site plan and approved § 16.1.2023 of the zoning initiation agreement on January 15, XNUMX.
The city council approved the site plan change application and decided to proceed with the plan change on 16.1.2023 January 15 § XNUMX. The city of Riihimäki and the landowner have agreed to start the planning in accordance with the decision.
Ilveskatu 2, Sako site plan change started and the participation and evaluation plan was made available for viewing on August 6.8.2023, 62 (MRL § 63 and MRL § XNUMX). The launch and making the participation and evaluation plan public was announced in Aamuposti and on the city's website.
Ilveskatu 2, Sako The draft of the site plan change was available from 7.8 August to 28.8.2023 August 30 (MRA § 4) on this website and at the Riihimäki office center in Vetur at Eteläinen Asemakatu 3 (XNUMXrd floor)
Plan draft material:
Station plan map, draft
Site plan report, draft
An online announcement about the start of the site plan change and making the draft plan material available for viewing was published in Aamuposti and on the city's website on August 6.8.2023, XNUMX.
A presentation and discussion event about the draft plan was organized in Riksula (Eteläinen Asemakatu 2) on Wednesday, August 16.8.2023, XNUMX.
Memo of the presentation and discussion session
At its meeting on 9.10.2023 October 300, the City Council approved the site plan proposal for Section 2 Ilveskatu XNUMX, Sako and decided to put it on display.
Minutes of the City Council
The proposal was available for viewing from 16.10.-14.11.2023 (MRL § 65, MRA § 27) on this website and at the Riihimäki city office center in Vetur at Eteläinen Asemakatu 4 (3rd floor).
An announcement about the availability of the plan proposal was published on the city's website on March 15.10.2023, XNUMX.
Design proposal material:
Station plan map, proposal
Site plan statement and attachments, proposal
At its meeting on February 26.2.2024, 66, the City Council decided to present Ilveskatu 2, Sako site plan change for approval by the city council in § 18.3.2024. The city council approved the site plan change at its meeting on March 19, XNUMX § XNUMX.
Minutes of the City Council of 18.3.2024 June XNUMX
The approval notice was published on the city's website on June 25.3.2024, XNUMX.
Station plan map, approved
Site plan description with attachments, approved
Ilveskatu 2, Sako site plan change as well as lot division and lot division change has entered into law on 6.5.2024 May XNUMX.
Online announcement on the validity of the law was published on the city's website on August 6.5.2024, XNUMX.
Legal planning material:
Site plan map, legally binding
Site plan description with attachments, legally binding
Urban planner
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