Articles for Riihimäki residents
Riihimäki is a city of almost 30 inhabitants, which is full of stories and interesting people. In the Riksulainen section for you, we tell you about the people, places and things in Riihämäki - and of course also about the city's decision-making. New content is published on the site about twice a month.Better than before At Riihimäki, the challenges and opportunities of internationalization are discussed constructively
In the fall, Riihimäki has started to discuss the different dimensions of internationality as the basis of the international Riihimäki action program. In the city council, the discussion took place in a forward-looking and constructive spirit.
Read the whole thingRickshaw lovers The R symbol insirs knitters
Satu Suominen and Leena Salonen from Riihimäki are keen knitters. Both have woven the city's R symbol into the embroidered socks.
Read the whole thingBetter than before Could less be more?
In his blog, Mayor Jouni Eho reflects on how recent headlines about, among other things, the housing fair and the Eastern School have affected the image of Riihimäki.
Read the whole thingWorking in a rickshaw Riihimäki's new vitality director Anna-Riitta Kujala: "People make the city vibrant"
Anna-Riitta Kujala, 42, who started as director of vitality in August, sees that the center of vitality is people, i.e. residents, entrepreneurs, tourists and those who work in the city.
Read the whole thingWorking in a rickshaw The new principal trio is ready for the school year: "We cooperate a lot and support each other"
All three middle schools in Riihimäki will have a new principal in the fall. They introduce themselves in this story.
Read the whole thingWorking in a rickshaw "Robotics is a modern craft that no one can do without"
Esa Santakallio, who will retire in the fall, is the father of robotics in Riihimäki. Thanks to him, Riihimäki is the capital of robotics in Finland.
Read the whole thingBetter than before Riihimäki's profile as an international innovation and technology center is on the rise
The mayor says in his blog that investing in the defense ecosystem is now starting to produce concrete results in the form of business investments.
Read the whole thingWorking in a rickshaw Add vitality and new residents to Riihimäki
According to Teemu Seppälä, Riihimäki's new director of technology and innovation, Riihimäki is an attractive city for companies, with incredible opportunities and strong expertise.
Read the whole thingRickshaw lovers I found the love of my life in a bar in Riihmäkelä
Anne Sario from Helsinki came to her friend's Riihimäki for the opening of the summer season, which has become a tradition, met a local man, got to know each other and fell in love. Now he has lived in Riksu for almost 17 years.
Read the whole thingWorking in a rickshaw Better bike paths and cozy parks
City gardener Päivi Sundman and designer Janina Suppula are planning the renovation and development of the city's parks, green areas and streets.
Read the whole thingBetter than before Define ready to join NATO's Diana network in Finland
In his latest blog post, Mayor Jouni Eho opens up about the Defense Innovation Network Finland (Define) network led by the city of Riihimäki.
Read the whole thingVolunteer work Leila Mustanoja-Syysmeri, 76: "It's refreshing to go on a road trip after a long time!"
When Leila Mustanoja-Syysmeri and Ekku Syysmeri go on a car trip with car driver Jari Peltola, they decide to drive first to their former home corner Hämeenaukio and then to the scenery of the glass factory.
Read the whole thingWorking in a rickshaw Environmental health inspector Päivi Levänti supervises the consumer's interests
A big part of environmental health inspector Päivi Levänt's work is doing inspections in restaurants. He goes there unannounced, preferably in the middle of lunch preparations, when everyone is there.
Read the whole thingWorking in a rickshaw It's good to be a teacher in a small town
"In a small town, you can easily go on trips with the students on foot, and education is available," say Anja Sankari and Jukka Eronen, who work as teachers at the Eteläinen school.
Read the whole thingBetter than before Next Riihimäki! The surprising team of the urban field is built through actions
City manager Jouni Eho wanted to combine city strategy with concrete action and build a stronger connection in people's minds to our city. The final result is the Next Riihimäki development program.
Read the whole thing