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Lasitehtiantie 12-20 delineation of the site plan area in the ortho-aerial view.
Lasitehtiantie 12-20 delineation of the site plan area in the ortho-aerial view. Image: MML orthographic image 2023

Hirsimäki, Lasitehtantie 12-20

Station plan change

The aim of the site plan change is to enable the expansion of the current Lasitehtaa plot 694-11-1105-1. On the east side of the glass factory area, there are warehouse buildings that belong to the glass factory, but are located in the city's public areas, which are supposed to be connected with their areas as part of the Glass factory's plot. The purpose of use of the expansion area is indicated by a plan designation and order (KTY/-s) that coincides with the plot of the current glass factory.

The plan change enables the development of business activities in the Glasitehtaa area and the promotion of operational opportunities. At the same time, the unnecessary and unrealized Pinttipolu street area will be removed from the area and the implementation of a road connection to the area from Lasitehtatientie will be made possible.

Detailed planning progress

  • The city government has decided to start the site planning of the Lasitehtantie 12-20 area in connection with the approval of the planning review 2022 on 28.3.2022 March 109 § XNUMX.

    The announcement about the launch and making the participation and evaluation plan visible was published in Aamuposti and on the city's website on September 19.5.2024, XNUMX.

    As the planning process progressed, changes were made to the plans, as a result of which the participation and evaluation plan dated 19.5.2024 May 16.9.2024 was updated in the proposal phase on XNUMX September XNUMX.

    Participation and evaluation plan (16.9.2024)

  • The draft of the site plan change for Lasitehtiantie 12-20 was available for viewing between 20.5.2024 May 10.6.2024 and 30 June 4 (MRA § XNUMX) on this website and at the Riihimäki office center in Vetur at Eteläinen Asemakatu XNUMX.

    The announcement that the draft plan is available for viewing was published in Aamuposti and on the city's website on December 19.5.2024, XNUMX.

    Plan draft material:
    Station plan map, draft
    Site plan description and attachments, draft

    In the draft phase, the necessary official and expert opinions were requested. The participants had the opportunity to leave an opinion on the draft plan during the viewing. No comments were received.

    The statements given were used by the designer when preparing the plan proposal. A summary of the statements with their equivalents can be seen in the proposal phase as an attachment to the formula description.

    A presentation and discussion event on the draft plan was organized on January 29.5.2024, XNUMX.
    Memo of the presentation and discussion session


  • After the draft phase, a formula proposal was drawn up. The plan proposal and the feedback received in the draft phase, as well as the equivalents, were prepared for consideration by the city board. At its meeting on September 16.9.2024, 12, the City Council decided to put the proposal for a change in the site plan for Lasitehtantie 20-XNUMX on display.

    It was announced on October 22.9.2024, 30 that it was available for viewing on the city's website. The proposal was available for viewing for 23.9 days from October 22.10.2024. – November 65, 27 (MRL § 4, MRA § XNUMX) agency center in Veturi at Eteläinen Asemakatu XNUMX (A-stair) and on this website.

    Design proposal material:

    Station plan map, proposal
    Site plan statement and attachments, proposal

    Participants had the opportunity to leave a reminder of the formula proposal.

    In the proposal phase, the necessary official and expert opinions were requested. The statements and reminders were used by the designer when preparing the plan for the approval phase (revised proposal).

  • At its meeting on November 4.11.2024, 323, the City Council decided to present the amendment to the site plan for Lasitehtantie 12-20 for the city council's approval in § XNUMX.

    The city council approved the amendment to the site plan for Lasitehtantie 12-20 on 11.11.2024 November 87 § XNUMX.
    Minutes of the city council

    Announcement of acceptance was published on the city's website on March 17.11.2024, XNUMX.

    Approved formula material:
    Station plan map, approved
    Site plan description with attachments, approved

  • The Lasitehtaantie 12-20 town plan amendment has entered into force on January 10.1.2025, XNUMX.

    The online announcement about the validity of the law was published on the city's website on August 10.1.2025, XNUMX.

    Legal planning material:
    Site plan map, legally binding
    Site plan description with attachments, legally binding

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