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Delineation of the planning area in the ortho-aerial image (MML, 2023)
Delineation of the planning area in the ortho-aerial image (MML, 2023)

Taipale, Uusi Karhintie


The main goal of the site plan is to designate the unplanned road section of Uusi Karhintie as a street. The station plan enables the realization of a roundabout in the area between Kokonkatu and Mäenpäänkuja. From the new roundabout, a new street connection (Kokonharjunkatu) is planned to the northwest outside the planning area.

The zoned area is located approximately 2–3 kilometers northeast of Riihimäki railway station. The planning area includes a section of approximately 1 meters long from Uusi Karhintie. The planning area borders on the Taipale small house area in the south. In the north and southeast, the planning area is bordered by fields and forest areas.

In the plan proposal, the entire site plan area is designated as a street named Uusi Karhintie.

  • The City Council has decided to start the site planning of Uusi Karhintie in connection with the approval of the zoning review and program 2024 on 11.3.2024 § 86. The site plan of Uusi Karhintie is in the zoning review with target code A11.

    The new Karhintie site plan has come into force on 21.4.2024 April 63 (MRL § 21.4.2024). The announcement of the launch has been published in Aamuposti and on the city's website on April XNUMX, XNUMX.

    The site plan has little impact, which is why a separate participation and evaluation plan (OAS) is not drawn up from the site plan. The station plan is also not prepared as a plan draft or other preparatory material, but is prepared directly as a proposal to the vitality board.

  • At its meeting on June 13.6.2024, 20.6, the Vitality Board decided to make the Uusi Karhintie site plan proposal available for viewing. The proposal was on display on 19.8.2024. – 65 August 27 (MRL § 4, MRA § XNUMX) agency center in Veturi at Eteläinen Asemakatu XNUMX (A-stair) and on this website.

    Design proposal material:
    Plan proposal map with markings
    Statement of plan proposal with attachments

  • The Vitality Board approved Section 12.9.2024 of the Uusi Karhintie site plan on 120 September XNUMX.

    Approved formula material:
    Approved plan map with markings
    Approved Formula description with attachments

  • The new Karhintie site plan has entered into law on 28.10.2024 October XNUMX.

    Online announcement about the validity of the law on 28.10.2024 October XNUMX.

    Legal planning material:
    Station plan map with markings
    Station plan description with attachments

Observation picture

Observation picture: The new roundabout and other street network made possible by the new Karhintie site plan proposal. Delimitation of the plan area in red in the picture. Photo: Janina Vuorinen, Riihimäki zoning.

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