Lintukangas Elisa
Urban planner
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Jokikylä residential area and park is one of the new residential areas according to the master plan of the station area. The goal is to create a high-quality and cityscape-interesting residential area within walking distance of the train station in the Jokikylä area. The central role will be played by the Vantaanjoki, which will be moved to the middle of the residential area, and the public park area formed around the riverbed.
Jokikylä residential area and park is one of the new residential areas according to the master plan of the station area. The plan for the Jokikylä area was refined with a reference plan, which was completed in the summer of 2020. The reference plan serves as a starting point for further planning.
Riihimäki's urban development board, the city government and the city council presented their opinions on the further planning of the reference plan areas (Kov 16.11.2020 § 82). In the statement, it was presented that in the further planning of the Jokikylä area, it must be ensured that there is enough open line of sight to the river from Eteläinen Asemakatu.
Minutes of the city council 16.11.2020 November XNUMX
Based on the decision, the northernmost block along Eteläinen Asemakatu presented in the reference plan has been lightened by removing the northernmost building masses in order to maintain openness to the park and the river.
In the current situation, the Vantaanjoki River runs along the northern and western edge of the area. The transfer of the Vantaanjoki riverbed to the center of the area requires a water management permit issued by the Regional Administration Office (AVI). The general planning for the relocation of the Vantaan River bed, aimed at applying for a permit, was done in the fall of 2020. The Regional Administrative Agency of Southern Finland (ESAVI) has granted a permit for the relocation of the river at the end of 2021 (legal 1/2022).
You can find the master plan material for the transfer of Vantaanjoki on this website in the section Plans and survey materials.
Water management permit, decision of the Southern Finland Regional Administration Office
The following reports and plans have been used in the preparation of the site plan change:
The city council has decided to proceed with the plan change in connection with the approval of the planning overview 2020 on March 2.3.2020, 61 § XNUMX.
The station plan change has been initiated on 20.12.2020 December XNUMX.
The announcement about the launch and making the participation and evaluation plan visible was published in Aamuposti and on the city's website on December 20.12.2020, XNUMX.
Participation and evaluation plan (updated 27.3.2023/XNUMX/XNUMX)
The site plan change for the Jokikylä residential area and the park was available for viewing between 5.12.2022 December 5.1.2023 and 30 January 4 (MRA § XNUMX) on this website and at Riihimäki's office center in Veturi at Eteläinen Asemakatu XNUMX.
The announcement that the draft plan is available for viewing was published in Aamuposti and on the city's website on December 4.12.2022, XNUMX.
Plan draft material:
Station plan map, draft
Site plan description and attachments, draft
A presentation and discussion event about the draft plan was organized in Riksula (Eteläinen Asemakatu 2) on Wednesday 14.12.2022 December XNUMX.
Memo of the presentation and discussion session
On March 27.3.2023, 111, the City Council approved Section XNUMX of the Jokikylä residential area and park site plan proposal and decided to put it on display.
Minutes of the City Council
The proposal was available for viewing from 3.4 April to 2.5.2023 May 65 (MRL § 27, MRA § 4) on this website and at the Riihimäki city office center in Vetur at Eteläinen Asemakatu 3 (XNUMXrd floor).
Design proposal material:
Site plan map, proposal stage
Site plan report and attachments, proposal stage
Plot division and change of plot division
An announcement about the availability of the plan proposal was published on the city's website on March 2.3.2023, XNUMX.
In its meeting on May 29.5.2023, 183, the City Council decided to present the site plan change of Jokikylä's residential area and park for approval by the city council in § 5.6.2023. The city council approved the site plan change at its meeting on June 55, XNUMX § XNUMX.
Minutes of the City Council of 5.6.2023 June XNUMX
The approval notice was published on the city's website on June 13.6.2023, XNUMX.
Station plan map, approved
Site plan description with attachments, approved
The site plan change of the Jokikylä residential area and the park, as well as the plot division and plot division change, have entered into law on August 3.8.2023, XNUMX.
The online announcement about the validity of the law was published on the city's website on August 3.8.2023, XNUMX.
Legal planning material:
Site plan map, legally binding
Site plan description with attachments, legally binding
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Urban planner
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