Mäkelä Otto
Urban planner
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The main goal of the Kokonharju site plan is to enable the construction of a new residential area close to nature with a majority of small houses. The aim is to create a distinctive look for the area and versatile, communal housing solutions that are connected to nature.
In the site plan, a total of 26 residential blocks, one service block, extensive local recreation areas and a playground are assigned to the area. The southern part of the planning area will be lined with a street connection branching off from Uusi Karhintie, which will support the land use of the area. More efficient housing construction and a local service plot are indicated near the new street connection. The amount of residential building rights according to the site plan is approximately 32 floor square meters, which means approximately 000 new residents in the plan area.
The City Council has decided to start the site zoning of the Koko area in connection with the approval of the zoning review 2023 § 27.2.2023 on February 60, 2. The Kokko area is in the zoning review with target code AXNUMX. In the initial phase of the planning work, it has been decided to implement the detailed planning of the Kokko area as two different detailed plans: Kokonmäki and Kokko. These detailed plans are drawn up as the city's own work.
The Kokko general plan has been completed on February XNUMX, XNUMX. The general plan was prepared by Lundén Architecture Company under the guidance of the city of Riihimäki. The planning material serves as the basis for the detailed planning of the Kokko area. In the general plan, e.g. the targeted block structure of the new residential area, building efficiency and street network, as well as preliminary recreation areas and principles of stormwater management are presented.
You can familiarize yourself with the Kokko general plan material by clicking here!
Nature survey
Breeding bird survey
Cloak frog survey
Storm water clearance
Noise clearance
Observation picture
Plot distribution maps
Evaluation report of the formula's climate resistance
A summary of the feedback received and the responses
Station plan tracking form
Noise clearance
Air quality assessment
Flying squirrel survey
Small water settlement
Parking program
Storm water program
The Kokonmäki detailed plan and the change to the detailed plan have been launched and the participation and evaluation plan has been made available for viewing (MRL § XNUMX and § XNUMX) on XNUMX. The announcement about the launch and making the participation and evaluation plan available has been published in Aamuposti and on the city's website on XNUMX.
Participation and evaluation plan (September 3.9.2023, 10.12.2023, revised December 11.3.2024, XNUMX and March XNUMX, XNUMX)
In the initial phase, the name of the scheme has been Kokonmäki.
The draft of the Kokonmäki detailed plan and the detailed plan change can be viewed from 11.12.2023 – 9.1.2024 (MRA § 30) on this website and the Virastokeskus Veturi at Eteläinen Asemakatu 4 (3rd floor).
Plan draft material:
Plan draft map
Plan draft markings and regulations
Plan draft description with attachments
Construction instructions
A presentation and discussion event on the draft plan was organized on January 19.12.2023, XNUMX.
Memo of the presentation and discussion session
In the draft phase, the name of the formula has been Kokonmäki.
At its meeting on March 11.3.2024, 15.3, the City Council decided to make Kokonharju's site plan and the proposed site plan change available for viewing. The proposal was available for viewing on 15.4.2024. – 65 April 27 (MRL § 4, MRA § XNUMX) agency center in Veturi at Eteläinen Asemakatu XNUMX (A-stair) and on this website.
Design proposal material:
Plan proposal map
Design proposal markings and regulations
Statement of plan proposal with attachments
Construction instructions
A free-form discussion session was organized on Wednesday, April 3.4.2024, XNUMX, about the plan proposal.
At its meeting on April 29.4.2024, 149 (§ XNUMX), the city council decided to present Kokonharju's site plan and site plan amendment as well as plot division for approval by the city council.
The city council approved Section 6.5.2024 of Kokonharju's site plan and site plan amendment and plot division on 31 May XNUMX.
Approved formula material:
Station plan map
Site plan markings and regulations
Station plan description with attachments
Construction instructions
Kokonharju's site plan, site plan amendment and plot division have entered into law on June 25.6.2024, XNUMX.
Online announcement about the validity of the law on 25.6.2024 October XNUMX.
Legal planning material:
Station plan map
Site plan markings and regulations
Station plan description with attachments
Construction instructions
Urban planner
Planning Manager