Business services
In Riihimäki, every company is important. Our services are available to all companies. The city also affects the development and growth of companies through zoning and land supply and by offering guarantees for the projects of Riihimäen Tilat ja Kehitys Oy.
The services offered to companies include premises services, business consulting, public financing, organization activities for companies and national business services.
You can get personal service when searching for premises (business, office, production and storage premises) from Riihimäki Tilat ja Kehitys Oy and from real estate agents in the area.
- premises searches
- construction of premises (industrial, logistics, etc. properties).
- renting office space for companies
- financing the construction of premises
- advertising spaces with led screens, pylons and giant boards as well as events
- development projects
YritysVoimala offers free advice in, among other things, the following business matters:
- business planning
- business development
- surveying funding opportunities
- marketing
- personnel issues
- business registers
- networking
- internationalization.
Business Park Riihimäki, Kaartokatu 2, offers your company affordable office space, a workstation or a room, as well as help and advice.
More information
Ojanen Reima
Business manager
Riihimäen Tilat ja Kehitys Oy