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Application and payments

You can apply to Riihimäki early childhood education and pre-school with a continuous search. Please note that the place must be applied for at least four months before the need for a treatment place. For the operating period starting in August (August 1.8), the application must be submitted by the end of March. For new children starting early childhood education, an income statement must be made no later than two weeks after starting care.

If the reason for your application is an unexpected start of studies, employment or a move to the locality, we will arrange a place two weeks after the application arrives.

You can apply for early childhood education electronically in the eDaisy service.

  • The early childhood education fee is redefined every August 1.8. for the starting operating period. We need an income statement from all families delivered via the eDaisy transaction service on August 25.8. by. For newly starting children, an income statement must be submitted within two weeks of the start of treatment.

    In order to determine the early education fee, in addition to the income statement form, we need proof of all your family's taxable income, for example wage income, pension, business income, kela benefits (not child allowance or housing allowance). In addition, we need a receipt for the maintenance payment to be received and/or paid. The maintenance payment received is taken into account as income only from a child in early childhood education.

    If income information is not provided, we will determine the highest payment according to the selected hourly scale. Income information submitted late does not entitle you to a retroactive change in the payment decision without a justified reason.

    An income statement must always be made for a new operating period, even if you accept the highest payment.

    If the guardians live at different addresses, the payment is determined according to the income of the family with which the child has a place of residence according to the Population Register.

    The income information to be submitted cannot be older than 6 months in August, so income information from March or newer is valid for making a payment decision.

    You can make an income statement in the eDaisy transaction service -> Applications -> Early childhood education services -> Select: Income statement -> Fill out the form

  • eDaisy is Riihimäki's electronic transaction service for early childhood education, where you can manage applications and notifications for early childhood education services and receive information about children's placement and payment decisions.

    Transaction service includes

    • early childhood education applications,
    • applications for early childhood education supplementing preschool education,
    • income statements,
    • termination and change notices and
    • investment and payment decisions.

    You can find all investment and payment decisions made in early childhood education in eDaisy under Decisions.

    Log in to the service through the service with strong identification either with bank credentials or a mobile certificate. You can find the instructions for the service after logging in.

  • DaisyFamily is a daily transaction channel between guardians and early childhood education staff, which includes, among other things

    • making appointments for treatment,
    • attendance and absence information,
    • daily communication (messaging and group-specific permission inquiries, bulletin board, growth folder, early childhood education plan) and
    • maintenance of the family's basic information (information about the child, such as allergies, substitute applicants, general permits).

    You can find instructions for logging into the service at the bottom of DaisyFamily's website or application.


There is a monthly fee for early childhood education, the size of which is affected by your family's income, size and the number of care hours you book. We also charge a monthly fee for supervised club activities. At the start of the treatment relationship, you will receive a brochure on treatment fees.

Early childhood education fees are based on the Early Childhood Education Customer Fees Act (1503/2016) and the decisions made by Riihimäki's education and skills board.

  • The customer fee is a monthly fee that is determined based on the size and income of your family, as well as the average attendance hours of early childhood education reserved for your child. The euro amount according to the income limit is deducted from your family's gross income, and a payment according to the payment percentage is calculated from the thus obtained monthly income. Family refers to persons who are married or cohabiting or who have registered their partnership, as well as the children of both living in the same household under the age of 18.

    Income limits and payment percentages

    The monthly fee for full-time early childhood education (attendance in early childhood education on average at least 35 hours per week) may not exceed the euro amount indicated by the payment percentage determined by the size of your family from the monthly income exceeding the minimum income limit. The municipality can set a maximum payment if you have not declared the family's income.

    Early childhood education income limits and payment percentages

    Family size, persons Income limit, euro per month Payment percentage
    2 4 066 10,7
    3 5 245 10,7
    4 5 956 10,7
    5 6 667 10,7
    6 7 376 10,7

    If the family size is larger than 6, 275 euros are added to the income limit for each subsequent minor child in the family.

    When there are several children from the same family within the scope of early childhood education organized by the municipality, a payment according to the income limits is defined for the youngest child. The payment can be a maximum of 311 euros/month. The fee for the second child is 40 percent of the calculated full-time early childhood education fee for the youngest child. The fee for the following children is 20 percent of the calculated full-time early childhood education fee for the youngest child.

    The lowest monthly fee charged per child is 30 euros.

    Income that is not taken into account

    • child benefit
    • benefits according to the Disability Benefits Act
    • child increase of the national pension
    • housing benefit
    • medical treatment and examination expenses paid on the basis of accident insurance
    • military allowance
    • breast supplement
    • study allowance
    • adult education support
    • housing allowance for study support
    • operating allowance and travel allowance paid as subsistence allowance
    • maintenance allowance according to Act 566/2005 and Act 1295/2002
    • grants and other similar grants for studies
    • compensation for the costs of family care
    • support for home care of children.

    The income is deducted from the paid child support payments or alimony.

    You can estimate the amount of the early childhood education fee with the fee calculator, which you can find in the eDaisy transaction service, on the early childhood education application.

    Customer fee based on the reserved average early childhood education time

    Customer fee based on the reserved average early childhood education time

    early childhood education period
    Booking on average hours/day Booking average
    Share in percent
    the customer's full-time
    early childhood education
    of the monthly fee
    maximum 12,5 2,5 53 47
    more than 12,5,
    maximum 20
    4 84 60
    more than 20
    less than 35
    less than 7 146 80
    35 hours or more 7 hours or more 147 or more 100

    When calculating the monthly hours in the "Booking average hours/month" column, the average daily booking is multiplied by the number 21.

    Indicate the average early childhood education period, which is the basis of the customer fee, in connection with your income statement. The average time is booked for the operating year on August 1.8. -31.7. The reserved average early childhood education period can be changed to the period 1.1.–31.7., if you notify the change on 15.12. by. Otherwise, the allocated early childhood education time can only be changed if the work, study or family situation changes. If the family's situation changes due to the guardian starting work or studying, the child can immediately switch from part-time care to full-time care.

    Exceeding the reserved average early childhood education time

    If the average early childhood education time reserved for your child is exceeded on a monthly basis, a fee according to the average early childhood education time scale realized will be automatically charged for the month of the excess. If the crossing happens in two
    in a consecutive month, the child will be permanently transferred to the payment ladder implemented in the previous month. We will not refund any unused hours. If the need for early childhood education is 1–4 days/month, you can choose temporary care and the related fee.

    Early childhood education outside preschool

    Free preschool education is offered for 4 hours on school days (not on Saturdays). For early childhood education outside of preschool education, we charge a fee based on the reserved early childhood education time. For open early childhood education club activities, we charge a fixed monthly fee decided by the board. If early childhood education is recorded in the child's special care program as rehabilitation, we do not charge a customer fee for the rehabilitation portion of early childhood education. The special care program is drawn up in disability services.

  • The fee is charged as a monthly fee for the calendar months in which the child is in early childhood education organized by the municipality or has a place reserved. The fee is charged for a maximum of eleven months during the operating year (August 1.8–July 31.7). If the child's early childhood education starts in August and the customer fee has been collected from August to June, July of the following year is free of charge. When early childhood education starts or ends in the middle of the operating month, the payment is determined from the start date and the payment ends when the place is terminated.

    If the child is absent for more than 10 working days during a calendar month due to illness, half of the monthly fee is charged. When a child is absent for all the working days of a calendar month due to illness, no fee is charged for that month. Other temporary absences do not reduce the monthly fee.

    When the child is absent for all the operating days of the calendar month, half of the monthly fee is charged.

    If there is even one day of attendance during the calendar month, the entire month's fee will be charged.

    Late payment interest

    If the prescribed payment for the service has not been made on the due date, the annual collection interest may be charged starting from the due date at most according to the interest rate referred to in section 4 subsection 3 of the Interest Act. Early childhood education customer fees are enforceable and the collection of the fee is handled by the debt collection office.

  • The fee is redefined in each operational year (from August 1.8). The payment is redefined if the regulations regarding customer payment change, or if the payment is incorrect. You can request a payment review when your family's income changes substantially (more than 6%).

    If the decision regarding the imposition of the customer fee was based on incorrect information provided by the customer or his representative, the fee may be corrected retroactively for a year. When changing jobs, you must always submit a new income statement with attachments to check the payment.

    Fee reduction

    The customer fee for early childhood education may not be collected or it may be reduced due to the person's maintenance obligation or income requirements. The same can be done if early childhood education is necessary for child protection reasons. In order to remove or reduce the fee for the reasons mentioned above, a statement is required.

  • If you use a private service, we pay support to the service provider. In private early childhood education, the payment you receive, i.e. the deductible, is based on the contract between you and the service provider.

Contact us

Office of Early Childhood Education

Office of Early Childhood Education

Visiting address

Postal address