Mäkelä Otto
Urban planner
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The goal of the zoning was to meet the needs of business operations by enabling more industrial and storage space for companies coming to the city and operating in the city along the good transport links. The site plan follows the goal shown in the general plan of expanding the industrial area on the west side of Meijerintie. The preliminary goal was at least e=0,5 block efficiency. The planning ensured the preservation of ecological connections and the continuity of the green area network in the southern part of the planning area.
The city government has decided to start urban planning in connection with the approval of the planning program on April 29.4.2019, 5. Meijerintie 17–2019 is object A9 of the zoning program XNUMX.
The station plan and the change to the station plan came into force on August 11.8.2019, XNUMX.
The Participation and Evaluation Plan (OAS) was published on 11.8.2019 January XNUMX. The updated OAS is attached to the legally binding formula statement.
The draft of Meijerintie 5–17 site plan and site plan change was available for viewing on 14.10. – 1.11.2019 November 30 (MRA § 4) on the Riihimäki zoning notice board at Eteläinen Asemakatu XNUMX and on the website of the planning project.
At its meeting on January 16.1.2020, 5, the City Council decided to make the Meijerintie 17–20.1.2020 site plan and the site plan change proposal available for viewing. The proposal was available for viewing from 25.2.2020 January 65 to 27 February 4 (MRL § XNUMX, MRA § XNUMX) on Riihimäki's zoning notice board at Eteläinen Asemakatu XNUMX and on the website of the planning project.
At its meeting on March 30.3.2020, XNUMX, the city council decided to present to the city council the approval of the site plan and site plan amendment as well as the plot division and plot division change.
The city council approved the Meijerintie 5-17 site plan and site plan amendment on June 1.6.2020, 41 § XNUMX.
City council meeting minutes
The Meijerintie 5-17 site plan and the change to the site plan have entered into force on July 17.7.2020, XNUMX.
Site plan map, legally binding
Site plan report, legally binding
Urban planner