Lintukangas Elisa
Urban planner
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The site plan is intended to expand the existing industrial and warehouse area on the west side of Tehtaankatu (Tehtaankatu 5-21, odd numbers) in the direction of regional road 130 to an area without site planning. At the same time, the possibility of opening a new exit and street connection from the county road 130 at the Merkosenkatu exit between the county road and Tehtaankatu is being investigated.
The purpose of the site plan is to expand the existing industrial and warehouse area on the west side of Tehtaankatu in the direction of regional road 130 into an area without site planning. At the same time, the possibility of opening a new exit and street connection from the county road 130 at the Merkosenkatu exit between the county road and Tehtaankatu is being investigated. The purpose of the new connection (Sepänkatu extension) is to improve the accessibility of Mattila's industrial area and move traffic to the area away from the northern end of Tehtaankatu, where museums and a school are located. In addition, the connection will promote the east-west and south-north pedestrian and cycling connections of the area and regional road 130.
The site plan takes into account the location of the area in the groundwater area and partially in the groundwater formation area.
The City Council has decided to initiate the preparation of the Tehtaankatu 5-21 site plan and site plan amendment in connection with the approval of the zoning review on March 1.3.2021, 76 § XNUMX.
The area of Tehtaankatu 5-21 site plan and site plan change is part of the defunct object of the previous years' zoning programs, the west part of Mattila.
The urban block areas of the planning area are owned by private landowners. The unzoned part between the block areas and regional road 130 is mainly owned by the city of Riihimäki. Some parts of the area owned by the city are leased for the use of operators in the area or are privately owned.
The site plan and changes to the site plan require agreements between private landowners and the city.
The station plan is drawn up as the city's own work.
- Highway 130 traffic report between Linnatuuli-Hyvinkää (Trafix Oy, 2017)
- Regional road 130 traffic report between Parmala – Lasitehtantie-Sipiläntie (City of Riihimäki, Sweco, 2022)
- The plan's traffic report and general planning of the street and access options (Sweco Infra&Rail Oy, 2022)
– Soil contamination research and groundwater monitoring (for official use only)
– Mapping of Riihimäki's valuable natural sites 2021, Tehtaankatu forest destination card (T. Häyhä, 2021)
- Tehtaankatu 5-21, nature survey (T. Häyhä, 2021, update 2022)
The City Council has decided to initiate the preparation of the Tehtaankatu 5-21 site plan and the site plan amendment in connection with the approval of the zoning review 2021 on March 1.3.2021, 76 § XNUMX.
The station plan and the station plan change have come into effect on January 30.1.2022, XNUMX.
The announcement about the launch and making the participation and raffle plan visible was published in Aamuposti and on the city's website on January 30.1.2022, XNUMX.
Participation and evaluation plan (31.1.2022/27.3.2023/XNUMX, updated XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX)
The Tehtaankatu 5-21 site plan change and the draft of the site plan change were available for viewing between January 31.1 and February 25.2.2022, 30 (MRA § 4) on this website and at Riihimäki's office center in Vetur at Eteläinen Asemakatu 3 (XNUMXrd floor).
The announcement that the draft plan is available for viewing was published in Aamuposti and on the city's website on January 30.1.2022, XNUMX.
Plan draft material:
Station plan map, draft
Site plan description and attachments, draft
A presentation and discussion event on the draft plan was organized via remote connection on Wednesday, February 9.2.2022, XNUMX.
Memo of the presentation and discussion session
On 27.3.2023 March 112, the City Council approved the site plan proposal for Section 5 Tehtaankatu 21-XNUMX and decided to make it public.
Minutes of the City Council
The proposal was available for viewing from 3.4 April to 9.5.2023 May 65 (MRL § 27, MRA § 4) on this website and at the Riihimäki city office center in Vetur at Eteläinen Asemakatu 3 (XNUMXrd floor).
An announcement about the availability of the plan proposal was published on the city's website on March 2.4.2023, XNUMX.
Design proposal material:
Station plan map (proposal stage)
Site plan description and attachments (proposal phase)
At its meeting on May 29.5.2023, 184, the City Council decided to present the Tehtaankatu 5-21 site plan and the site plan amendment to the city council for approval under Section XNUMX.
The city council approved the Tehtaankatu 5-21 site plan and site plan amendment on 4.9.2023 September 69 § XNUMX.
Minutes of the City Council of 4.9.2023 June XNUMX
The approval notice was published on the city's website on June 11.9.2023, XNUMX.
Approved formula material:
Station plan map
Site plan description and appendices
Tehtaankatu 5-21 site plan and site plan amendment as well as plot division and plot division change have entered into law on 23.10.2023 October XNUMX.
Online announcement about the validity of the law on 23.10.2023 October XNUMX
Legal formula material:
Legal plan map with regulations
Legally valid Plan Statement with attachments
Urban planner
Planning Manager