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Welcome to Riihimäki City's procurement website!

The city of Riihimäki's procurement operation is organized in a planned, economical and efficient manner. Riihimäki is a pioneer in responsible, sustainable and innovative procurement, and the goal is to create added value for city residents by taking into account social, environmental and economic aspects in procurement. The city strives to promote the local economy, support communities and reduce environmental impact by choosing suppliers who share our commitment to responsibility and sustainable development.

Our goal is to constantly improve the quality and effectiveness of our procurement activities. We develop procurement practices regularly so that we can meet the city's needs and promote a sustainable future.

  • In its procurement, the city of Riihimäki follows the city's procurement guidelines, public procurement legislation and the city's procurement policy.

    Up-to-date procurement legislation

    Instructions regarding city procurement

  • The procurement of the city of Riihimäki includes purchases of internal and external services, materials, supplies and goods, as well as investments. Procurements make up a significant part of the city's budget every year, more than half of the city's expenses. Procurement notices for procurements exceeding the threshold value of the Procurement Act are published in the public procurement notification channel (HILMA depending on the value of the purchase, either nationally or EU-wide.

    In tenders, the city uses the electronic tendering system Cloudia. Requests for tenders for procurements exceeding the threshold value and their attachments are available in their entirety during the tender period In the portal, where bidders also submit their bids. Registering for the offer service is free of charge for the offeror. Competitive procurements are not announced separately on the city's website.

    The city of Riihimäki's own procurement guidelines apply to small procurements below the threshold value of the Procurement Act. Public tendering obligations do not apply to small procurements, but the city's guidelines ensure that good governance is followed in small procurements as well and that the procurements are fair and transparent.

    The city of Riihimäki maintains a procurement calendar, which shows the object of the procurement, the validity periods of the contracts and the area of ​​responsibility.

    Public procurement procurement calendar - procurement contracts

    In addition, the city has joint procurement agreements at its disposal. In the attached table you can see the joint procurement agreements to which the city of Riihimäki has joined. A joint procurement unit is a procurement unit that makes procurement and framework contracts for goods, services and construction contracts for its owners.

    Riihimäki city's joint procurement (updated 4.12.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX)

    The latest procurement decisions are available on the city's website, under agendas, minutes and official decisions. In this part, you can familiarize yourself with the city's decision-making and follow how procurements are progressing and how decisions are made:

  • Riihimäki city procurement action

    The city has four sectors: the administration and group sector, the energy sector, the technical sector and the education and welfare sector. In addition, the city has a water supply company. The city of Riihimäki is a procurement entity according to the Procurement Act.

    Centralized procurement

    The procurement of the city of Riihimäki is centralized in the procurement unit, which operates in the city's administration and group industry. The procurement unit is responsible for the overall coordination, preparation, tendering and decision-making support of the city's procurements. The unit also takes care of the development of city-level procurement, maintenance of procurement guidelines and internal procurement advice in the city.

    Procurement category model

    The procurement unit uses a procurement category model, where the products and services to be procured are divided into three main categories, each of which contains several subcategories. This model supports procurement planning and execution, and it ensures an efficient and economical procurement operation.

    The procurement category model is based on three main categories, which are as follows:

    1. Animal Welfare Specialist services
    2. Education, culture, travel, ICT
    3. Construction, technology, real estate

    Openness and cooperation

    The city of Riihimäki encourages suppliers and stakeholders to participate in its procurement processes. If you want more information about procurement or if you want to offer services and products to the city of Riihimäki, feel free to contact the procurement unit. You can contact regarding future tenders or other procurement matters.

  • All tenders exceeding the threshold value are carried out as public tenders in accordance with the Procurement Act. Requests for tenders are published in Tender service and Hilma service and they and their attachments are openly available to bidders. During the bidding process, the city ensures that all bidders receive the same information and that the bidding process is open and fair to all parties. We ensure that all bidders have equal opportunities to participate in tenders and receive the necessary information. The bids are evaluated objectively according to the pre-defined criteria in the request for bids, and the city chooses the winning bid(s) taking into account both financial and qualitative aspects.

    When submitting a bid, it is important to follow the instructions and deadlines given in the request for bids. Below are key guidelines to help the bidder prepare a correct and accurate bid.

    Instructions for responding to requests for quotations and the procurement process:

    Participate in a possible market dialogue

    We publish requests for information and invitations to market dialogue about our tenders in the HILMA service. With the market dialogue, we aim to find out the options available on the market.

    Read the tender request and attachments carefully

    Before making a bid, read the request for bids and its attachments carefully. The tender must meet the requirements set in the tender request and be in accordance with the tender request. The product or service offered in the competition must meet the requirements stated in the request for tender.

    Fill in all required information

    The offer must contain all the requested explanations and information. The offer must contain all the necessary documents and be in accordance with the tender request. Answer all required items and questions. An incomplete offer may lead to the rejection of the offer.

    Meeting the minimum requirements

    The offered product or service must meet the minimum requirements set for the object of procurement. Make sure that your offer meets all the conditions and requirements set in the request for offers.


    The prices indicated in the offer must be presented in the manner and accuracy specified in the request for offer. The price must cover all parts of the offered product or service.

    Terms and conditions and reservations

    The tenderer accepts the conditions specified in the request for tenders and cannot present his own conditions or reservations in his tender. The offer must be made in accordance with the request for offers.

    Additional information questions and deadlines

    The deadline and procedure for submitting additional information questions during the tender are specified in the tender request. Bidders may ask additional questions related to the tender, but the procurement unit will not answer questions that have been asked in other ways than in the procedure stated in the request for tenders. This ensures that all bidders receive equal treatment and the same information.

    Follow the deadline for submitting the offer stated in the request for tender. Late bids are not included in the bid comparison. The offer must be valid at least until the date specified in the request for an offer.

    Comparison of offers 

    The comparison of offers is carried out after the opening of requests for offers. During the comparison, the procuring entity may contact the bidders to request additional explanations of the bids. If you receive a request, please submit the requested reports as quickly as possible so that the bidding process can proceed smoothly.

    Review of eligibility requirements

    The procurement unit has the right to request additional information or certificates from the bidder on the fulfillment of suitability requirements at any stage of the procurement process. This may include, for example, qualification or financial reports. Bidders must provide this information appropriately so that the procurement process proceeds without delays.

    Procurement decision

    The procurement decision is made after comparing the offers. All interested parties are notified of the procurement decision at the same time, and all bidders are given information about the decision and possible next steps.

    Appeal period

    After notification of the procurement decision, the appeal period begins. The instructions for the appeal are always delivered as an attachment to the procurement decision, and bidders should familiarize themselves with them carefully.

    Signing the contract

    When the appeal period has passed, the contract can be signed. After this, the procurement proceeds to the stages according to the contract, and the bidder can start implementing the contract.

  • We want to hear what your company could offer the city of Riihimäki! You can register as a potential supplier by filling out the form below: Registration as a potential supplier to the city of Riihimäki

    By registering as a potential supplier of the city of Riihimäki, you will receive information about future procurements and related events. We use information about potential suppliers in market surveys related to tenders, and we can also approach registered companies for information about our procurements, market dialogues or tenders for tenders below the national threshold, i.e. small procurements.

    The city follows the following principles when processing personal data: Riihimäki City's terms of personal data processing and description of processing operations

    More information:

    If you have any questions about registration or procurement, contact


  • The city of Riihimäki is committed to responsibility in all its operational areas, and this principle also guides the city's procurement processes. The city promotes sustainable development, environmental responsibility and ethical practices in all its purchases.

    In order to participate in the city of Riihimäki's tenders and to be selected as a service provider, the provider must accept and commit to complying with the city's ethical guidelines. This means that providers comply with e.g. the following principles:

    Responsible business: Providers undertake to comply with laws, regulations and good business practice, and to act honestly and openly in all their business activities.

    Environmental responsibility: The provider takes into account the environmental effects of its operations, such as energy efficiency, waste management and the principles of sustainable development, which support the environmental goals of the city of Riihimäki.

    Social responsibility: Providers take care of working conditions and human rights and ensure that employees have appropriate working conditions and that occupational health and safety laws are followed.

    Responsible supply chain: Bidders ensure that subcontractors and suppliers meet the same ethical requirements.

    Below you can learn more about the city's ethical principles:

    The city's ethical principles


  • The city of Riihimäki's purchase invoice data is published Handata.fiin the service.

    City e-invoicing addresses:

    Send invoices as e-invoices to the e-invoice address. The city and Riihimäki Vesi do not receive invoices as e-mail attachments.

    City of Riihimäki:
    Online billing address/OVT code 003701525634694
    Online invoice operator CGI Oy, 003703575029
    City registration number 0152563-4

    Riihimäki Water:
    Online billing address/OVT code 003701525634100
    Online invoice operator CGI Oy, 003703575029
    Riihimäki Vede's ID number 0152563-4

Additional information