Matkala Niina
Planning Manager
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The Arolampi I and II site plan and the site plan change enable the workplace area to be placed in the southeast sector of the Arolampi interchange. The previously launched Arolampi I and Arolampi II site plan projects were combined into the project Arolampi I and II.
The planning area is bordered by Hyvinkääntie in the north and highway 130 in the west. The surface area of the zoned area is approximately 19 ha.
Surveys made in connection with the design work:
Arolampi I and II site plan reports, report and attachments
Appendix 3.2 Stormwater management plan 1:3000 (A3)
Appendix 5.1 General plan for land leveling
Appendix 5.10 Section BB CC
Appendix 5.10 Section AA
Appendix 8.1 Longitudinal section of Virtakatu
Arolampi I and II traffic report
Nature survey of Arolampi I and Herajoki southern areas 2016
Asolamme's flying squirrel survey
Other explanations:
Mt 130 traffic report between Linnatuuli-Hyvinkää and attachments
-Land use information – Figures 5-7 of the report
-Appendix 4 – Target cards
The site plan and site plan change came into effect on 25.6.2018 June XNUMX.
The participation and evaluation plan and the draft plan material were made available for viewing at the start of the event.
The draft of the Arolampi I and II site plan and the site plan amendment was available from June 25.6 to August 10.8.2018, 30 (MRL § 4) on the urban planning notice board at Eteläinen Asemakatu XNUMX and on the planning website.
The proposal for the Arolampi I and II site plan and the site plan change was available from 16.10 October to 14.11.2018 November 65 (MRL § 27 and MRA § 4) on Riihimäki's urban planning notice board at Eteläinen Asemakatu 3 (XNUMXrd floor) and on the zoning's website.
The city council approved the Arolampi I and II site plan and site plan amendment on 10.12.2018 December 112 § XNUMX.
City council meeting minutes
Arolampi I and II site plan and the change to the site plan became law on 24.1.2019
Site plan map, legally binding
Site plan report, legally binding
Planning Manager