Saarinen Ari
Emergency and safety manager
Technical industry
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Safety is part of the well-being of city residents. Safety is a basic right, which is ensured by all different actors together, the city, authorities, communities, business life and residents.
A safe home, workplace and neighborhood are important to everyone. Each of us has a role to play in maintaining and improving safety. Safe everyday environments are the interest and right of all of us.
For your part, take care of the safety of your environment. Familiarize yourself with the authorities' instructions, familiarize yourself and be prepared. The right information and action help in an accident situation.
In life, it is also important to be prepared for various disruption situations. They can include anything from storms and floods to long power outages.
Take a look at the materials on this site, which we have compiled for your use from sources from various authorities.
To the emergency number 112 should always be called in urgent, real emergency situations when life, health, property or the environment are threatened or in danger, or if there is reason to suspect this to be the case.
Via the emergency number, the alarm is forwarded to the ambulance, police, rescue service and social services.
The most important e-mails and telephone numbers of the city of Riihimäki can be found in a summary Contact usfrom the page. You can search for contact information by name, title, industry, task or keyword.
In an emergency, you should always call 112.
From the website of the Häme Police Department you can find phone numbers and information about the opening hours of the police department.
Kanta-Hämee is served by the national emergency number 116 117. Always call the toll-free number 116 117 before you consider applying to the emergency room. If there is a queue on the line, you can choose the callback option, in which case the emergency assistance will call you back as soon as possible.
In an emergency, however, always call 112!
Social and crisis emergency, Oma Häme
Riihimäki Water is a water supply company owned by Riihimäki. Riihimäki Vede has a 24-hour emergency service in case of emergencies. Error messages
Caruna Oy is the electricity network company in the Riihimäki area. You can look From the disturbance map of Caruna current power outages. If necessary, you can report a power outage On Caruna's Power outages page. You can also order free power outage messages to several phone numbers or e-mail addresses according to the instructions on the page.
Notification of street light faults Through the feedback service of the city of Riihimäki.
Preparedness is one of the city's basic tasks, and it is always based on arrangements for disruptions under normal conditions.
The goal of Riihimäki city's activities is basic services and other aspects of society
organizing vital activities in all conditions in the Riihimäki city area.
The goal of preparedness and contingency planning is to support the city's strategy, to create a safe living environment, to manage the municipality's service production as smoothly as possible in all conditions, to manage disruption situations and to recover from them.
Being prepared for various disruptions helps to cope with situations. By preparing, the city ensures that the services and decision-making that are important to the municipality's citizens work even in normal times of disruption and exceptional conditions.
During disruptions, there may be interruptions in services, but the aim is for services to return to normal as soon as possible.
The emergency plan of the city of Riihimäki describes how to prepare for disruptions and exceptional conditions, and defines, among other things, practical operating models for disruptions, who is responsible for the activities and how the activities are managed.
The contingency plan has been updated by the city government in the fall of 2022 and its up-to-dateness is checked every two years.
The city's preparedness is led by the mayor. The city's preparedness group is operated by the emergency management group. In addition to the city's management team, other experts are invited to the management team for disturbance situations.
Rescue plans have been drawn up for all properties in the city.
Communication is part of managing a crisis situation, and the responsibility for communication lies with the actor managing the situation.
In a crisis situation, the city's communication is managed by enhancing well-functioning, tried-and-tested and
reliable normal communication practices and channels.
In connection with possible disruptions, the city communicates the development of the situation on the website, social media channels and with the help of the media.
The main principles of crisis communication are: initiative, speed, clarity, reliability and dialogue.
The goal of crisis communication is:
We should all be prepared to manage independently at home for at least three days in the event of a disruption ( The home should have food, water and medicine reserved for three days.
It is also important to know the basics of preparedness - for example, where you can get reliable information in an emergency and how to survive a prolonged water or electricity outage.
Did you know that home equity is also used if the situation requires moving to a civilian shelter? Residents must bring their own food and personal items with them, among other things.
Preparing in advance and also ensuring your own comfort make winter power outages more pleasant. A preparedness walk is one way to ensure that every member of the family can easily find the things they need in the event of a power outage. A power outage can happen even when the child is alone at home.
Today, information security is everyone's everyday life. Data security includes, for example, data encryption, backup, and the use of a firewall, anti-virus program, and certificates.
Protect your online connection, log in securely, create a secure password for services and protect your money.
You can find more information about all of these in preparation from the 72tuntia website.
An infectious disease is, for example, caused by a virus, bacteria, parasite or fungus. Among infectious diseases, the most common are various respiratory infections such as influenza, coronavirus or common colds, as well as various intestinal infections.
An epidemic is a disease that infects a large part of the population of an area.
Pandemic, on the other hand, means an epidemic that spans continents.
Getting to know yourself and practicing new skills are key factors in strengthening mental crisis resilience. By striving to understand yourself, building healthy routines, acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills, and maintaining a sense of community, you can increase your ability to survive and adapt in difficult situations.
See for example:
More info from the 72-hour website.
In dangerous and emergency situations, the authorities warn the population of imminent, imminent danger with a general danger sign and a danger bulletin.
The duties of the authorities include maintaining the population's basic care and society's ability to function, as well as protecting the population if necessary.
In dangerous and emergency situations, the authorities warn the population of imminent, imminent danger with a general danger sign and a danger bulletin. General danger sign is given via outdoor alarms or mobile alarms installed in vehicles outside built-up areas.
Taking shelter indoors and acting according to the instructions in a dangerous situation is the first and usually sufficient method of protection. Everyone should recognize a common danger sign and know how to act correctly after hearing it.
The danger notice is read on all radio channels and, if necessary, shown on page 3 of YLE, MTV112 and Nelonen text TV and in television programs as running text at the top of the screen. The purpose of the hazard notice is to warn of a dangerous event and give action instructions.
The duties of the authorities include maintaining the population's basic care and society's ability to function, as well as protecting the population if necessary. The rescue service, as one of the internal security authorities, is on duty 24/7. People living in Finland can sleep peacefully at night.
Sheltering in population shelters is not the first measure in many situations, but the population is always primarily moved to a safer area.
If there was a need to protect yourself, the authorities would provide instructions on the required measures separately for those buildings and properties that do not have their own civil protection. Measures can include, for example, sheltering inside or building temporary shelters.
The protection is based on population shelters for large properties (apartment buildings, schools, workplaces). The protection can also be shared by several buildings. The owner of the building is always responsible for public protection.
The Kanta-Häme rescue service takes care of accident prevention, rescue operations and emergency preparedness and first aid in its area.
You can find more detailed information about the Kanta-Häme rescue service and its operations and services From the website of the Kanta-Häme rescue service.
In a gas hazard situation and a radiation situation, a general danger sign is given.
The radiation situation is constantly monitored throughout the country. Even very small changes in the radiation situation are detected immediately and reported immediately.
Think carefully, do you absolutely have to go out? If you end up with this solution, wear a close-fitting outfit that covers the entire body, covering the skin. Use e.g. rain clothes. Use a respirator, towel, paper to prevent radioactive particles from entering the lungs. When you return, rinse the rain gear already outside (if possible). Take off all your clothes when you enter the hall, close the hall and proceed to wash thoroughly.
Emergency and safety manager
Technical industry