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The woman works in Riihimäki Information Centre
Photo: Jenniina Nummela

Information Center

The Information Center is Riihimäki's customer service point, where you can

  • pay bills invoiced by the city, for example parking violation fees, water bills, rents and the adult education center's fees
  • buy bus display tickets for primary and secondary school students and get the code needed for a mobile ticket
  • As a Riihimäki resident, you will receive a parking permit at the Matkakeskus parking platform every year at the turn of August/September (take your bank credentials/mobile certificate with you)

We guide and advise to the best of our ability in matters of all the city's industries.

Welcome to the information center! We serve you in the high-rise office building of Matkakeskus at street level near the train station. Entrance from the street side. The Medical Center Mehiläinen also operates in the same building.

Opening hours

The information center is open from Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 15 p.m. and on Fridays and eves from 8 a.m. to 14.30:XNUMX p.m. At other times, we serve by agreement.

Publications for sale

You can buy the following publications (in Finnish) from the Information Center

  • Aapiskujalta Öllerinkadulle 19,18 €
  • Kukkiva Riihimäki 5 €
  • Minä riksulainen -sticker 0,50 €
  • Opaskartta 2014 12 €
  • Riihimäen historia I 10,00 €
  • Riihimäki – hyvien yhteyksien kaupunki (historia II) 10,00 €
  • Riihimäen historia I and II for a combined price of 15,00 €
  • Riihimäkeläistä päivähoitoa Sinikellojen aikaan 10,09 €
  • Rakas Riksu cartoon stories from Riihimäki €15,00


Information Center

Information Center

Visiting address

Postal address

At the Riihimäkelians' customer service point in Tietotuva, you can pay the bills charged by the city (for example, parking violation fees, water bills, rents and civic college course fees), buy bus display tickets for elementary school and secondary school students, as a Riihimäkel resident, get an annual renewal access parking permit for the Matkakeskus parking platform, and inquire about pending issues.

Opening hours

Open from Monday to Thursday from 8 am to 15 pm, on Fridays and eve days from 8 am to 14.30 pm.

At other times, we serve by agreement.

Information center location on the map Jump over the embedded map: Information center location on the map