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Vuoden 2025 avustukset tulevat hakuun kevään aikana. Tarkemmat tiedot päivittyvät tälle sivulle. 

Kulttuurilta on haettavissa ympäri vuoden tapahtumajärjestämisen avustus ja kohdeavustus.


Every year, we award various grants to associations, events and individuals, among others.

Grants for cultural activities

Myönnämme kulttuuritoiminnan avustuksia harkinnan mukaan riihimäkeläisille yhdistyksille ja yksityishenkilöille. Toiminta-avustus on tarkoitettu taide- ja kulttuuritoimintaa harjoittaville yhdistyksille kuluvan vuoden toimintaan.

  • An operating grant can be granted to support the general activities of the cultural activities of the Riihimäki associations. When considering the appropriateness and amount of grants, the following are taken into account:

    • the ratio of the association's own fundraising to the association's entire budget (the grant can be a maximum of 1/3 of the association's expenses for cultural activities)
    • the number of public events organized by the association
    • activity according to regulations and the action plan
    • number of members and membership structure

    as well as in particular

    • quantity and quality of activities aimed at children and young people
    • audience of events organized by associations
    • the level of the association's activities and its development
    • activities that support the association's cultural city image of Riihimäki
    • amount of cooperation.
  • The studio/workspace subsidy is a rent-based subsidy that professionals in various art fields, including those who do not live permanently in Riihimäki, can apply to compensate for the rent of a workspace in Riihimäki.

    The grant can be applied for the rental costs of a new workspace, or for an existing paid workspace. The subsidy cannot be obtained for real estate or work space owned by the applicant.

    The grant can be applied for in the spring during the city's other grant applications. The grant can be a maximum of 50% of the studio's rental costs and can be received for a maximum of two calendar years at a time.

    The vitality board decides on granting the subsidy. A conditional decision on the grant is given for the latter year, provided that the grants receive sufficient budget funding for the latter year. The grant is paid in three installments over the course of the calendar year.

  • Target grants can be granted to Riihimäki residents to professionals in various art fields and individual art enthusiasts

    • primarily for the organization and material costs of a single exhibition or concert organized in Riihimäki
    • to publication costs
    • for equipment and work equipment purchases and
    • to other material costs.

    The target grant cannot be used for permanent space rents or real estate expenses. Target grants can be applied for all year round for costs incurred in the same year. The amount of the target grant can be no more than 1/3 of the project's costs. The grant is awarded by the responsible cultural producer. A total of 4000 euros will be allocated to projects applied for during the year. 2/3 of the grant allocation is set aside for projects applied for by the end of June, 1/3 remains for projects at the end of the year. A report on the use of the targeted grant must be submitted to the awarding authority within six (6) months of the completion of the project. If the project that received the grant is not carried out according to the plan, the grant grantor can request additional explanations (receipts) and recover the granted grant in whole or in part at its discretion.

  • The grant for organizing events is intended to support cultural events organized in Riihimäki. Events can be free or with an admission fee. The grant can be granted at discretion to companies, associations, so-called for free action groups or a private person. The grant can be applied for at all year round. The decision to grant the grant is made by the director of vitality based on the presentation of the cultural producer in charge.

    The size of the grant can be no more than 1000 euros/event and no more than 20% of the event's total budget. A total of no more than 5000 euros will be allocated to projects applied for during the year. 2/3 of the grant allocation is set aside for projects applied for by the end of June, 1/3 remains for projects at the end of the year. The grant can be applied for in the year the event is organized or in the previous year. As a rule, the grant is paid a week before the event, provided that the event arrangements have gone according to the plan presented in the application.

    The condition for receiving the grant is that the event organizer enters into an agreement with the city on marketing cooperation related to the event. An explanation of the use of the grant must be submitted to the responsible cultural producer within six (6) months of the event taking place. If the event that received the grant does not take place according to the plan, the grant grantor can request additional explanations (receipts) and collect the granted grant back in whole or in part at its discretion.

  • The Vitality Board selects the recipients of the culture recognition award based on the presentations.

    Young artist from Riihmäki of the year

    Riihimäki communities or individuals can propose the "Riihimäki young artist of the year" recognition award. The purpose of the award is to encourage young professional artists in their careers and to make Riihimäki's creative skills visible. The award can be granted to an artist who lives permanently in Riihimäki, is under 35 years old and works professionally in his field of art on a part-time or full-time basis. The recipient of the art recognition award is selected by the vitality board based on the proposals. The amount of the prize is 1 euros.

    The art recognition award has been awarded to:

    • 2022 by Carlos Lievonen
    • 2021 director, filmmaker Iiris Anttila
    • 2020 actress and director of theater expression Onerva Tikka
    • 2019 amateur writer Aleksi Wilenius
    • 2016 fashion artist Justus Kantakoski
    • 2015 artenologist Veera Tuominen
    • 2014 glass artist Marja Hepo-Aho
    • 2013 Green House
    • 2012 Cooperative Lasismi
    • 2010 visual artist Katja Luoto.

    Culture recognition award

    The culture recognition award is awarded to a Riihimäki resident who has achieved merit in the field of culture, or to a person or community that has an impact on Riihimäki. The recognition award can also be based on a cultural act or event.

    The cultural recognition award has been awarded to:

    • 2022 Reijo Kurkela
    • 2021 Cultural historian Juho Haavisto
    • 2020 Chamber Choir Gaudete!
    • 2019 no suggestions
    • 2018 Lantern Walk – Finland 100 anniversary opening event on Riihimäki 8.1.2017 January XNUMX
    • 2017 Olli Soini and Anni Paunila
    • 2016 Film culture association Kino Sampo ry
    • 2015 Samuli Paronen club members Kaarina Ivanoff and Kirsi Ollila.
  • Toiminta-avustusta, sekä ateljee/työtila-avustusta voit hakea vuosittain erikseen ilmoitettavana aikana maalis-huhtikuussa. Kohdeavustus ja tapahtumajärjestämisen avustus on haettavissa ympäri vuoden.

    The goal of the Cultural Activities Act

    The aim of the Municipal Cultural Activities Act (166/2019) is to support people's opportunities for creative expression and activity as well as for making and experiencing culture and art, to promote equal opportunities for all population groups and participation in culture, art and culture, to strengthen the population's well-being and health, as well as inclusion and community spirit, and to create conditions for the development of vitality.

Additional information

Grants for physical activity

We grant grants for sports activities to registered associations in Riihimäki. The new association is eligible for assistance in the calendar year following registration. The main emphasis in the grant distribution principles is on functionality and especially on activities aimed at children and young people.

  • An activity grant can be granted to support the general activities of the sports associations of Riihimäki residents. The association must be a member of a national sports organization, and the association must have at least 20 members. When considering the appropriateness and amount of grants, the following are taken into account:

    • scope and quality of operations
    • number of members and membership structure
    • targeting activities especially to children and young people
    • sports activities organized for special groups
    • regional importance and the services offered by the association to the municipalities
    • cooperation
    • activity according to regulations and the action plan
    • the grant can be a maximum of 1/3 of the expenses used by the association for sports activities.
  • Target grants can be granted to associations engaged in sports activities for sports activities organized for special groups and for the maintenance and renovation of basic sports facilities, when the sports facilities that are the subject of the grant can be used by all municipal residents free of charge.

  • Rental assistance can be granted to sports associations that have had regular practice sessions lasting the entire competition season in private and community sports facilities in the Riihimäki city area. When granting a grant, judgment is used, taking into account the conditions of the sport, the availability of sports facilities and the available budget. The rent subsidy is granted based on the actual costs incurred during the previous year, and the maximum amount of the subsidy is one third of the realized costs.

    When deciding on the grant, the following conditions must also be met:

    • It is not possible for the city of Riihimäki to offer the facilities required by the sport for training during the competition season
    • assistance can only be granted if there is guidance on the shift and they are targeted at children or young people under the age of 21


  • If you are unable to fill out an electronic grant application, you can pick up a paper form from the Information Center, Eteläinen Asemakatu 2. You can return the completed form and the relevant attachments to the Information Center or mail it to the address Riihimäki kaupunki, ligutaspalvelut, PO Box 125, 11101 Riihimäki. Mark the envelope clearly that it contains a grant application.

    Familiarize yourself with the aid rules before filling in the application forms.

Additional information

Grants for youth activities

We grant an operational grant to support the general activities of the associations that engage in youth activities in Riihimäki. These associations include the local member associations of national youth organizations and youth work organizations and registered local youth work associations and youth action groups.

  • Quality, purpose and scope of activity:

    • number of members and membership structure
    • change in the number of members
    • the number of regular clubs and gatherings
    • total number of other activities: camps and excursions
    • the number of participation times in the activity/year

    Economical operation:

    • the applicant's own fundraising and grants received from other parties (the grant can be a maximum of 1/3 of the expenses used by the association for youth activities)
    • the city grant's share of the costs of organized and planned activities

    Youth political and educational significance:

    • young people's participation in planning the contents of the activity
    • activation of young people, the number of events open to all young people per year
    • participation in trainings, number of participation times/year
    • the amount of functional cooperation with the city and/or other associations
    • times of participation in international activities
  • The aim of the Youth Act (1285/2016) is:

    • to promote young people's participation and opportunities to influence, as well as the ability and prerequisites to function in society
    • to support young people's growth, independence, sense of community and the related learning of knowledge and skills
    • support young people's hobbies and activities in civil society;
    • promote the equality and equality of young people and the realization of rights
    • improves the growth and living conditions of young people.

    The starting points for realizing the goal are:

    • solidarity, diversity of cultures and internationality
    • sustainable development, healthy lifestyles and respect for the environment and life
    • multidisciplinary cooperation.

    When implementing the goals and starting points of Section 2, the municipality must, taking local conditions into account, create conditions for youth work and activities by organizing services and facilities aimed at young people and by supporting young people's civic activities.

  • If you are unable to fill out an electronic grant application, you can pick up a paper form from the Information Center, Eteläinen Asemakatu 2. You can return the completed form and the relevant attachments to the Information Center or mail it to the address Riihimäki kaupunki, ligutaspalvelut, PO Box 125, 11101 Riihimäki. Mark the envelope clearly that it contains a grant application.

    Familiarize yourself with the aid rules before filling in the application forms.


Additional information

Grants granted by the city government to associations and communities

The city government grants an event grant for events organized in the previous calendar year, which have been organized in the area of ​​the city of Riihimäki and which have been open to everyone. The applicant must be a non-profit organization from Riihimäki with well-established activities.

In accordance with its rules, the Suojeluskunna donation fund grants operating grants for voluntary national defense work and targeted grants for purposes promoting shooting sports, sports and youth education, volunteer fire brigade work and culture

  • The distribution principles of grants granted by the City Council to associations

    The city government has decided to reform the principles of the distribution of its grants so that grants to associations under the city government (both international twinning city associations and other associations) are only awarded for events organized by the associations, and thus operational grants similar to those previously awarded will no longer be awarded.

    General principles

    The applications are submitted to the City Hall by those associations whose industry does not belong to the administrative area of ​​any board or to the aid area according to the rules of the Donation Fund of the Protected Communities.

    The applicant must be a non-profit organization from Riihimäki with well-established activities.

    The grant is discretionary. Grants are not granted for events whose main goal is business profit, advertising or similar activities. The grant is also not granted to associations whose activities are mainly aimed at the distribution of grants, nor to party political associations.

    Event assistance

    The event must be organized in Riihimäki and open to the municipality. The event must support the city's own service structure or significantly support the positive image of the city of Riihimäki. The grant can also be an event that consists of several individual events.

    The grant will not be awarded for more than half of the event's total funding (includes own work, other funding, etc.) However, an individual grant can be a maximum of 1.500 euros, unless the preparatory committee proposes otherwise, taking into account the scope and significance of the event for the city's image or event offering.

    Acceptable expenses when calculating the amount of the grant are material costs, information costs, temporary rental costs, fees for performers, etc., direct costs of the event, but not e.g. administrative costs. The costs of catering organized at the event are also not eligible expenses. The consideration of the grant amount is influenced by, among other things, the suitability of the event's content to the city's service structure, the number of visitors and possible image impact.

    Declaring and applying for a grant

    The city government announces the grant to be applied for with a public announcement in March. Grants are applied for on the city's website or on the form available from the Information Center by the deadline.

    The application must be accompanied by an extract from the association's register, a description of the event's implementation, a financial statement, the association's most recently approved financial statements, and the supporting documents for the grant payment. Late or incomplete aid applications are not eligible for aid.

    Payment of grants and supervision of use

    The grant is granted for the activities of the previous calendar year and is paid provided that the above-mentioned documents are attached to the application.

    The grant may not be used for a purpose other than that for which it was granted. The recipient undertakes to return the grant to the extent that it has not been used for the purpose stated in the grant application or in the reasons for the grant.

    The city has the right to inspect the administration and accounts of the community receiving the grant to the extent that monitoring the use of the grant requires it

    Announcing the decision

    Applicants will be notified of the grant decision in writing.

  • The grant rules of the management committee of the conservancy's endowment fund

    The distribution criteria for the donations of the patronage fund have been confirmed by the city council on 16.10.1989 October 1216 § XNUMX as follows:

    Operational grants:

    • Voluntary national defense 20%

    Target grants:

    • Shooting sports 10%
    • Sports and youth education 45%
    • For purposes promoting culture 20%
    • For purposes promoting voluntary fire brigade work 5%

    The other principles concerning the grants of the management committee of the Patronage Endowment Fund are:

    • The aided associations must be registered associations from Riihmäki and the activities must be of general benefit.
    • The patronage's donation fund does not grant aid to international activities and does not support the activities of party organizations. The activities of party organizations are not considered to be, for example, traditional band activities.
    • The grant is not granted for the repair or purchase of an object related to rental activities.
    • The payment and receipt vouchers must be from the year in which the grant is applied for, the grant will not be granted retrospectively or in advance.

Additional information

Event assistance from the City Council: Eija Kokkonen.
Sujoeluskunta donation fund: Tarja Lumme-Virtanen.