Lintukangas Elisa
Urban planner
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The area was designated for housing with a plan change. The purpose of the plan change was to secure the preservation of the ensemble of four small houses located along Petsamonkatu and the adaptation of the construction to the environment. The area is part of the small house area of Petsamo and Juppala, which has been defined as a provincially valuable built cultural environment based on its building history and landscape features.
The plan showed the possibility to build in the rear parts of the plots as well. The construction located at the back of the plots must be clearly subordinate to the building located along Petsamonkatu and on a smaller scale.
The properties located at Petsamonkatu 15, 17, 19 and 21 (the name of the plan is Petsamonkatu 15-21) are, according to the Riihimäki city's premises program 2017-2026, objects that the city is trying to get rid of as quickly as possible. Before the sale of the properties, it was appropriate to change the site plan in the area, taking into account the cultural and historical values of the area.
The area is part of the small house area of Petsamo and Juppala, which has been defined as a provincially valuable built cultural environment based on its building history and landscape features. The buildings located at Petsamonkatu 15, 17, 19 and 21 form a coherent whole that has been preserved.
The plan change is intended to take into account the preservation of the area's valuable features and character. The planning takes into account, among other things, the placement of buildings in relation to the streetscape, massing and typical features of buildings; facade materials and shapes.
The zoning decision was made on 7.10.2019 October 18 (Riihimäki's zoning manager, decision no. 2019/XNUMX)
Petsamonkatu 15-21 site plan change came into effect on December 8.12.2019, XNUMX.
A separate participation and evaluation plan was not made for the site plan change.
The draft plan was available for viewing between 9.12.2019 December 3.1.2020 and 4 January XNUMX on the zoning website and on the Riihimäki zoning notice board at Eteläinen Asemakatu XNUMX.
The proposal for the site plan change was available between 20.1.-21.2.2020 on the website of the zoning and on the Riihimäki zoning notice board at Eteläinen Asemakatu 4 (3rd floor).
The Urban Development Board approved Petsamonkatu 15-21 site plan change on 17.3.2020 March 43 § XNUMX.
Minutes of the meeting of the Urban Development Board
Petsamonkatu 15-21 site plan change has entered into force on April 29.4.2020, XNUMX.
Site plan map, legally binding
Site plan report, legally binding
Urban planner