Mäkelä Otto
Urban planner
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The aim of the site plan is to enable business activities to be located in the area. The goal is supported by the location of the area in the vicinity of good traffic connections, the Arolammi interchange and highway 3. The site plan follows the goal indicated in the general plan of implementing a new industrial and warehouse area on the west side of Meijerintie. The preliminary goal is e=0,5 plot efficiency. In the design, special attention is paid to stormwater management. The initial part of the Retkiojantie private road on the west side of Meijerintie is to be aligned further south than it is today and designated as a street area.
The city council has decided to start planning at its meeting on May 11.5.2020, XNUMX.
Meijerintie 21 is object A2021 of the zoning review 4.
The station plan and the change to the station plan have been launched on June 14.6.2020, XNUMX (announcement in Aamuposti and on the website).
Participation and evaluation plan (14.6.2020/31.5.2021/XNUMX, updated XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX)
The draft of the Meijerintie 21 site plan and site plan change was available for viewing on May 31.5. – 29.6.2021 June 30 (MRA § 4) on the Riihimäki zoning notice board at Eteläinen Asemakatu 3 (XNUMXrd floor) and www.riihimaki.fi/kaavoitus.
Site plan report, draft
Site plan report, draft
A presentation and discussion event on the draft plan was organized on January 8.6.2021, XNUMX.
Memo of the presentation and discussion session
At its meeting on August 23.8.2021, 21, the City Board decided to make the Meijerintie XNUMX site plan and the site plan change proposal available for viewing.
The proposal was available for viewing on 30.8. – 5.10.2021 October 65 (MRL § 27, MRA § 4) on Riihimäki's zoning notice board at Eteläinen Asemakatu 3 (XNUMXrd floor) and www.riihimaki.fi/kaavoitus.
At its meeting on November 1.11.2021, XNUMX, the city council decided to present to the city council the approval of the site plan and the site plan amendment as well as the plot division.
The city council approved Meijerintie 21 site plan and site plan amendment and plot division on 15.11.2021/118/XNUMX § XNUMX.
The Meijerintie 21 site plan, site plan amendment and plot division have entered into force on January 7.1.2022, XNUMX.
Online announcement on 7.1.2022 January XNUMX
Legal formula material:
Site plan map, legally binding
Site plan report, legally binding
Urban planner