Lintukangas Elisa
Urban planner
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In the Riihimäki master plan 2035, a new workplace area (TP) and a new residential area (A16) have been assigned to the central area of Herajoki, for which a site plan must be drawn up. The site plan resolves the area's more detailed land use and traffic network arrangements.
The area's traffic network has been studied in the Seututie 130 traffic survey between Parmalantie-Lasitehtantie-Sipiläntie. In connection with the station planning, among other things, the more precise location of the Mattilantie ramp-reutie 130 junction and the more precise positioning of the area's driving connections, pedestrian and cycling connections will be examined. In addition, traffic noise and the location of the area in the groundwater area are taken into account in the planning of the area.
According to the preliminary schedule estimate, the site plan work for the center of Herajoki will begin in the fall of 2022. The work will begin with the preparation of the necessary background materials and reports and the updating of the participation and evaluation plan. The participation and evaluation plan tells, among other things, how the zoning is progressing and how you can participate in the zoning.
(The site plan project for the center of Herajoki has been running since 2011. The first participation and evaluation plan was completed in February 2011 and was updated in August 2013. The site plan work has not progressed in the past years.)
Urban planner
Planning Manager