Mäkelä Otto
Urban planner
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The goal of the plan change is to support the operational possibilities of the speedway in its current operating environment and to clarify the real estate structure to reflect the area's management and ownership relationships. On the west side of the Ravi track, in the vicinity of Juurevantie–Risteyskatu, the possibility of small house living is being studied in accordance with the goals of the general plan 2035. In addition, the goal is to partially widen the Oravankatu street area and to investigate the removal of the drive-thru option from Oravankatu via Risteyskatu, Juurevantie and Nurmelantie to Uramontie.
The area is partly owned by the city.
The site plan work is done as the city's own work. Riihimäki city and Riihimäki Raviseura ry have agreed on changing the site plan regarding the eastern part of the planning area.
The city council has decided to start the site planning in connection with the approval of the planning program 2019 on April 29.4.2019, 2021. The Ravirata–Juurevantie site plan change is item A2 of the XNUMX zoning review.
The station layout change has come into effect on 20.6.2021 June 20.6.2021 (announcement in Aamuposti on 21.6.2021 June XNUMX and online announcement on XNUMX June XNUMX).
Participation and evaluation plan (20.6.2021/15.11.2021/XNUMX, updated XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX)
The draft of the Ravirata–Juurevantie site plan change was available for viewing on 15.11. – 14.12.2021 (MRA § 30) on Riihimäki's zoning notice board at Eteläinen Asemakatu 4 (3rd floor) and www.riihimaki.fi/asu-ja-rakenna/kaavoitus.
Plan draft material:
Plan draft map with regulations
Plan draft description with attachments
A presentation and discussion event on the draft plan was organized on January 23.11.2021, XNUMX.
Memo of the presentation and discussion session
At its meeting on January 31.1.2022, XNUMX, the City Council decided to make the Ravirata–Juurevantie site plan change proposal available for viewing.
The proposal was available for viewing on 7.2. – 15.3.2022 March 65 (MRL § 27, MRA § 4) on the Riihimäki zoning notice board at Eteläinen Asemakatu 3 (XNUMXrd floor) and www.riihimaki.fi/asu-ja-rakenna/kaavoitus.
Design proposal material:
Plan proposal map with regulations
Statement of plan proposal with attachments
At its meeting on May 16.5.2022, XNUMX, the city government decided to propose to the city council the approval of the site plan change and plot division.
On June 6.6.2022, 60, the city council approved the Ravirata–Juurevantie site plan change and plot division § XNUMX.
Approved formula material:
Approved plan map with regulations
Approved Formula description with attachments
The Ravirata–Juurevantie site plan change and plot division has entered into law on August 2.8.2022, XNUMX.
Online announcement about the validity of the law on 2.8.2022 October XNUMX.
Legal planning material:
Legal plan map with regulations
Legally valid Plan Statement with attachments
We recommend making appointments in advance.
Urban planner