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The main goal of the plan change is to diversify the plot supply in the Metsäkorpi residential area by enabling the realization of small detached plots in block 3108. To counterbalance the small plots, part of the block is to be converted into a neighborhood recreation area.
The city council has decided to initiate the drafting of the Haukankaarre area plan change in connection with the approval of the zoning review 2021 on March 1.3.2021, 76 § XNUMX.
The Haukankaarre site plan change came into force (MRL § 62 and § 63) on 13.3.2022 March 14.3 and the draft plan was available for viewing on 12.4.2022 March. – 30 April 4 (MRA § 3) on the city's website at www.riihimaki.fi/asu-ja-rakenna/kaavoitus/asemakaavoitus/haukankaarre/ and on Riihimäki's zoning notice board at Eteläinen Asemakatu XNUMX (XNUMXrd floor).
Plan draft material:
Plan draft map with regulations
Plan draft description with attachments
A walkthrough of the draft plan was organized on March 22.3.2022, XNUMX.
The memorandum of the pattern walk with attachments
At its meeting on May 19.5.2022, XNUMX, the Vitality Board decided to make the Haukankaarre site plan change proposal available for viewing.
The proposal was available for viewing from May 30.5 to June 28.6.2022, 65 (MRL § 27, MRA § 4) on Riihimäki's zoning notice board at Eteläinen Asemakatu 3 (XNUMXrd floor) and on this website.
Design proposal material:
Plan proposal map with regulations
Statement of plan proposal with attachments
On August 24.8.2022, 119, the Economic Vitality Committee approved the amendment to the Haukankaarre site plan and the amendment to the plot division § XNUMX.
Approved material:
Approved plan map with regulations
Approved Formula description with attachments
The change to the Haukankaarre site plan and the change to the plot distribution has entered into law on 11.10.2022 October XNUMX.
Online announcement about the validity of the law on 11.10.2022 October XNUMX.
Legal planning material:
Legal plan map with regulations
Legally valid Plan Statement with attachments
Urban planner
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