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Suokylä, Maisterinkatu 7-11

Maisterinkatu 7-11 delineation of the planning area shown in the aerial view.
Maisterinkatu 7-11 delineation of the planning area shown in the aerial view.

Station plan change

The goal of the site plan change is to supplement the center of Riihimäki and enable the area of ​​the plan change to be completed with a residential apartment building. In place of the carport and parking area located in the western part of the area, the placement of an approximately 7-story apartment building is being investigated with the help of a reference plan. The extent of the new apartment building is estimated to be 2 floor square meters. Parking is intended to be implemented structurally.

Two existing buildings in the area along Maisterinkatu are intended to be preserved, and the site plan for them will be revised to be up-to-date.

  • The site plan change area is located on the southeast side of the intersection of Maisterinkatu and Kirkkopolu (property 694-2-9019-9), about 500 meters northwest of Riihimäki railway station. The approximately 2500 m2 property is owned by Kiinteistö Oy Riihimäen Maisterinkatu 9 and Maisterin Helmi Oy.

    The site plan change has been made at the landowner's request. The site plan work is done as a consultant under the guidance and supervision of the city of Riihimäki. The applicant is responsible for all the costs of preparing the site plan and the costs incurred by the city. In connection with the change in the site plan, a land use agreement is made before the plan is approved.

    The city council has made a zoning decision on 23.11.2020 November 366 (§ XNUMX).

Stages of the station plan

  • The station layout change came into effect on March 24.1.2021, XNUMX (announcement in Aamuposti and on the website).
    Participation and evaluation plan (24.1.2021/15.9.2021/XNUMX, updated XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX)

  • The draft of the Maisterinkatu 7-11 site plan change was available for viewing between May 17.5 and June 15.6.2021, 30 (MRA § 4) at Riihimäki Agency Center Vetur (Eteläinen Asemakatu XNUMX) and at

    Station plan map, draft
    Site plan report, draft
    Draft reference plan

    A presentation and discussion event on the draft plan was organized remotely on June 25.5.2021, XNUMX.
    Memo of the presentation and discussion session

  • The city government decided at its meeting on 20.9.2021 September 341 (§ 7) to make the proposal for the site plan change at Maisterinkatu 11-XNUMX available for viewing.
    The proposal for the site plan change at Maisterinkatu 7-11 was on view on September 27.9. – 26.10.2021 October 65 (MRL § 27, MRA § 4) on Riihimäki's zoning notice board at Eteläinen Asemakatu 3 (XNUMXrd floor) and

    The plan proposal was refined based on the feedback received in the draft phase. The answers to the feedback from the draft phase are attached to the report (appendix 4).

    Station plan map, proposal
    Site plan report, proposal
    Reference plan for the proposal phase (includes shadow analysis and observation photos of the area)

    The view from Kirkkopolu from the edge of the Railway Park (Maisterinkatu 7-11 reference plan, L Arkkitehdit Oy, 2021).

  • There is currently no exact timetable for the approval of the plan change.

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