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According to Riihimäki's premises program 2023–2032 (KH 29.5.2023 § 182), the property of the Patastenmäki wood school is an object that the city will give up. Before selling the property, it is necessary to change the site plan of the area.
With the site plan change, the purpose of use of the wooden school area will be changed to be more flexible than the current one. In addition, the site plan change examines the possibilities of supplementary construction in the area. The cultural and historical values of the Patastenmäki wooden school are taken into account in the design. The wooden school building is to be preserved and designated as protected in the site plan.
The elementary school and pre-school education organized in Patastenmäki wooden school and the slice school located on the same property will end in 2021. The site is listed in Riihimäki's premises program as a C-portfolio premises, which the city will give up. It has been deemed necessary to change the site plan before selling the property. The intention is to change the use of the area as a plot of land for public buildings to be more flexible. In connection with zoning, in addition to the cultural-historical values of the buildings, possible urban image and other values of the built cultural environment must be considered.
The City Council approved Riihimäki city premises program 2023-2032 on May 29.5.2023, 182 § XNUMX.
Minutes of the City Council
The site has also been in the previous Riihimäki city's premises program for the years 2021-2023.
The city council has decided to start a plan change in connection with the approval of the planning review on 28.3.2022 § 109. The site plan is prepared as the city's own work.
The plan change is being prepared for the approval of the Vitality Board.
Survey material related to planning work:
The city council has decided to proceed with the plan change in connection with the approval of the planning overview 2022 on March 28.3.2022, 109 § XNUMX.
The announcement about the launch and making the participation and evaluation plan visible was published in Aamuposti and on the city's website on September 24.9.2023, XNUMX.
Erkyläntie 7, Patastenmäki wood school's site plan change draft was available for viewing between September 25.9.2023, 16.10.2023 and October 30, 4 (MRA § XNUMX) on this website and at Riihimäki's office center in Vetur at Eteläinen Asemakatu XNUMX.
The announcement that the draft plan is available for viewing was published in Aamuposti and on the city's website on December 24.9.2023, XNUMX.
Plan draft material:
Station plan map, draft
Site plan description and attachments, draft
A presentation and discussion event about the draft plan was organized in Riksula (Eteläinen Asemakatu 2) on Tuesday, October 3.10.2023, XNUMX.
Memo of the presentation and discussion session
The opinions expressed in the sketch and the official statements are used by the designer when preparing the proposal and their equivalents are given. The responses describe how the feedback has been taken into account in the preparation of the formula. The feedback and responses are attached to the formula description of the proposal phase.
At its meeting on January 18.1.2024, 6, the Vitality Board approved the site plan proposal for Section 7 Erkyläntie XNUMX, Patastenmäki Puukoulu and decided to put it on display.
Minutes of the Vitality Board
The proposal was available for viewing between January 29.1 and February 27.2.2024, 65 (MRL § 27, MRA § 4) on this website and at the Riihimäki city office center in Vetur at Eteläinen Asemakatu 3 (XNUMXrd floor).
An announcement about the availability of the plan proposal was published on the city's website on March 28.1.2024, XNUMX.
Design proposal material:
Site plan map, proposal stage
Site plan report and attachments, proposal stage
During the proposal phase, the necessary official statements were requested and the participants had the opportunity to submit a reminder of the plan proposal. 3 statements were received, no reminders were received.
The feedback is used by the designer when the formula is being prepared for the approval phase.
After the proposal phase, the revised plan proposal (station plan map with regulations and plan description) and the feedback received during the proposal phase and the equivalents were prepared for consideration and approval by the Vitality Board.
At its meeting on March 7, 21.3.2024, the Elinvoimalautakunta considered and approved the site plan change of Erkyläntie 52, Patastenmäki wood school § XNUMX.
Minutes of the meeting of the Vitality Board on 21.3.2024 March XNUMX.
The approval notice was published on the city's website on June 25.3.2024, XNUMX.
Station plan map, approved
Site plan description with attachments, approved
Erkyläntie 7, Patastenmäki wood school's site plan change and land division change have entered into law on 6.5.2024 May XNUMX.
Online announcement on the validity of the law was published on the city's website on August 6.5.2024, XNUMX.
Legal planning material:
Site plan map, legally binding
Site plan description with attachments, legally binding
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