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A view of Kanavakatu and Jokipuisto, with a shared street space paved with red concrete stone in front, planter boxes and benches, and a fenced playground behind.
Observation picture of Kanavakatu and Jokipuisto. Photo: Sweco Oy

Design and construction of Jokikylä's public areas

Jokikylä residential area and park is one of the new residential areas according to the general plan of the Riihimäki station area. The goal is to create a high-quality and cityscape-interesting residential area within walking distance of the train station in the Jokikylä area. The Vantaanjoki, which will be moved to the middle of the residential area, and the public park area formed around the riverbed will play a central role. The site plan change of the Jokikylä residential area and the park, as well as the plot division and plot division change, have entered into law on August 3.8.2023, XNUMX.

Participation and influencing

The area's square, park and street plans were publicly available from 9 to 25.2.2024 February 4 at Virastokeskus Veturi at Eteläinen Asemakatu XNUMX and on the city's website. The plan proposals that were visible can still be found on this website in the drop-down menu.

The presentation and discussion event for the plans in question was held on February 19.2.2024, 18.00 at XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. as an online event.

Jokikylä's square, park and street plans have become law in May 2024.


The main contract for the construction of Jokikylä's public areas and the relocation of the Vantaanjoki river bed has been publicly tendered through an open procedure (Hilma number of the notice 2024-011879). The decision on the procurement will be made in mid-November 2024. The contract is scheduled to start at the beginning of 2025 and be completed by August 2028 at the latest.

Written reminders

During the mentioned period, those whose rights are affected have had the opportunity to leave their written reminders addressed to the technical sector in the plan:

More information

Area of ​​responsibility for planning and operational management Urban environment planning service area Street planning
Area of ​​responsibility for planning and operational management Urban environment planning service area