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Riihimäki's Voimala is emerging as a unique event and cultural center on a Finnish scale

7.6.2023 Releases Culture and leisure Station area Architecture Projects Culture Strategy Power station Trying

The red brick power station building with chimneys in front on the right, Matkakeskus and the railway in the picture on the left.
Photo: Kimmo Haapanen

The city of Riihimäki has been looking for ideas for a new use of the old power plant property located next to the railway station. Consulting firm Ramboll has published Voimala's future operating concept at Voimala's open house on June 7.6.2023, XNUMX. The concept has been based on feedback received from citizens and stakeholders.

In the concept, the former power plant turns into a factory of culture and experiences. Voimala's future visitors will be lovers of music, culture, robotics, design and well-being.

- Voimala raises Riihimäki's profile as a focal point for culture and events. The culturally historically valuable building offers a unique setting for versatile experiences. Riihimäki is already known for its active cultural scene and I am happy that we can build on our strengths while developing the city's attractiveness as a tourist destination, says Riihimäki's mayor Jouni Eho.

According to the plans, the power plant will have four floors, of which the street level will be open to all, mainly non-commercial space.

Voimala combines private and public service provision

The city has held negotiations with operators in various fields about locating in Voimala. Among the city's functions, the premises of the Riihimäki art museum and the city museum, as well as the functions of the college building, have been tentatively sketched in Voimala.

- Voimala will be a meeting place for townspeople of different ages, a common living room for townspeople, says Kristian Keinänen, project manager of the city of Riihimäki.

A large multipurpose hall, suitable for concerts and other performing arts and events, will become the center of the experiences. Several smaller halls suitable for cinemas, for example, are also included in the concept. Voimala's private services can also include other cultural and wellness services, as well as restaurant and retail services.

- Riihimäki lacks a large performance hall designed for cultural events. Voimala has the opportunity to create a multipurpose hall for up to 700 people in a unique location next to a busy station. With this, we could get a significant increase in our cultural offer, says the city's vitality director Mika Herpiö.

Agreements with the entrepreneurs have not yet been made. The city will inform after the summer, when the participating companies have been confirmed.

Voimala's concept was created with EU funding

Starting from autumn 2022, the concept of Riihimäki Voimala has been developed with the help of the development support of the European Commission's New European Bauhaus initiative. The work has emphasized the values ​​of the initiative: sustainable development, aesthetics and inclusiveness.

- It has been wonderful to watch with what enthusiasm Riihimäki and YIT have worked with us on the conceptualization of Voimala. The goal has been to make it an inspiring whole that will entice you to go further afield, says Katri Einola, project coordinator from Ramboll.

The operation will start at street level already next year

It is planned to organize small-scale activities in Voimala already in the summer of 2024. A summer cafe has been proposed for Voimala's street level.

The goal is for the entire Voimala to be opened for use in 2027, when a housing fair is also planned for Riihimäki.

The power plant will be transferred to the city

Riihimäki has signed a letter of intent with YIT, according to which Voimala would be transferred to the city's ownership for one euro. Negotiations on the matter will continue during the summer of 2023. The goal is for Voimala to become the city's property during 2023. The property would be transferred from the city to the implementing consortium, and after the development phase, the city would rent premises from Voimala.

Voimala is a red brick building complex of approximately 5 square meters in size, which serves as a landmark of the Riihimäki station area. It is located at Paloheimonkatu 000, 2 Riihimäki, with excellent transport links.

Voimala's three-day open doors were on June 7.6.2023, XNUMX. Program of the event Voimala's website.

News 9.5.2023 May 7: Welcome to Riihimäki Voimala's open doors on 9-XNUMX. June

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