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Sports hall

The sports hall is located at Pohjolankatu 6, and there is a 900 m² sports hall, a gym, a weight room and a meeting room. There is also a bowling alley on the premises of the sports hall. The facilities are not in open use, but they can be reserved from the sports facility manager on a regular basis.

Please note that unnecessary stays in our premises should be avoided. Hand sanitizers are available for disinfecting hands from several different points. The gym and weight room have disinfectant wipes/substance that you can use to clean the equipment you use every time after use.

You can only visit our premises if you are healthy! If you suspect/suffer from an infectious disease, skip the visit and come back completely healthy.

  • Prices from 1.1.2025st of June XNUMX

    User fees, classifications / exercise use

    • 1st class: juniors under the age of 21 from Riihimäki's sports associations
    • 2nd category: Riihimäki's sports associations 21 years and older, schools, adult education center
    • 3. others
    • The sports activities are free for Riihimäki's special exercise groups
    • Sports activities of Riihimäki's senior citizens' associations before 16 PM are free of charge
    • one-time bookings (competitions, shows, tournaments) maximum charge 10 hours/day
    • exercise use includes VAT. 14%

    Gym, standard shift €/​h

    • 1st grade 31,20
    • 2st grade 62,50
    • 3st grade 113,00

    One time bookings

    • Free event for the public: standard shift price
    • Charged event for the public: 1,5 times the standard shift price

    Gym, usage fee €/​h

    • 1st grade 2,40
    • 2st grade 4,50
    • 3st grade 8,10

    Gym, usage fee €/​h

    • 1st grade 2,40
    • 2st grade 4,50
    • 3st grade 8,10

    Meeting room, usage fee €/​h (not available for rent for the time being)

    • 1nd category 6,70
    • 2nd category 6,70
    • 3nd category 12,40


    • In connection with a gym shift, 10,40 euros/time, other bookings 21,00 euros/hour.

    Booking for other than sports use or events

    Charge for non-exercise use 1,5 times the 3rd class price (VAT 25,5%). For larger one-time bookings and events, on a case-by-case basis, by decision of the office holder.


    • Unused non-cancellable reservations are charged according to the price list.
    • If the reservation is canceled less than two weeks before the event, the charge will be according to the price list.
    • If the reservation is canceled more than two weeks before the event, there is no charge.
    • Also unused non-cancellable 1st class flights at 2nd class price
  • Storage Rent (incl. VAT 10%)
    Heated storage 9,20 euros/square meter/month
    Cold storage 6,10 euros/square meter/month

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