Kallio Päivi
Customer service representative
Technical industry
The Riihimaki.fi website uses Google Translate.
Riihimäki has several gymnasiums of different sizes in different parts of the city, most of which are located in schools.
The directors and coaches agree on the use of the locker rooms. Unnecessary stay in our premises should be avoided. Schools may have their own instructions for evening users in the premises (notified on the school doors). You can only visit our premises if you are healthy! If you suspect/suffer from an infectious disease, skip the visit and come back completely healthy.
Prices from 1.12.2025st of June XNUMX
Customer service representative
Technical industry
The keys to the gymnasiums are picked up before each use or season from varikko and returned there after each use/season. The return is made even if the person who picked up the key continues to operate in the same gymnasium the following season.
Department Secretary
Technical industry