Other institutions
The city of Riihimäki has a youth council, a council for the elderly and a council for the disabled, whose composition, appointment and operating conditions are decided by the city government.
With the help of the institutions, we want to ensure that the voices of the elderly, disabled, children and young people are heard in the decision-making of the city of Riihimäki.
You can read about the activities of the Youth Council from the website of the youth council.
The Riihimäki Disability Council is established by the Riihimäki City Council. It is a cooperation body between disability organizations operating in the area and the city. It meets 4–5 times a year. The purpose is to interact directly with organizations, boards and trustees. The Council for the Disabled participates in local and national events whenever possible and cooperates with the local Council for the Elderly.
Starting in 2023, the meeting minutes of the Council for the Disabled can be found using the minutes search (link on the right).
Action plan of the Council for the Disabled 2023
Memorandum of the joint meeting of the disabled and elderly councils on 15.11.2023 April XNUMX
Memorandum of the joint meeting of the disabled and elderly councils on 4.4.2023 April XNUMX
Meeting notes 2022
Memorandum of the Council for the Disabled 16.12.2022 December XNUMX
Memorandum of the Council for the Disabled 4.11.2022 December XNUMX
Memorandum of the Council for the Disabled 29.9.2022 December XNUMX
Memorandum of the Councils for the Disabled and the Elderly, 11.8.2022 August XNUMX
Memorandum of the Council for the Disabled 15.6.2022 December XNUMX
Memorandum of the Council for the Disabled 5.5.2022 December XNUMX
Memorandum of the Council for the Disabled 7.4.2022 December XNUMX
Memorandum of the Council for the Disabled 3.3.2022 December XNUMX
Memorandum of the Council for the Disabled 3.2.2022 December XNUMX
Appendix 1_Vammaisnuevosto's statement on Riihimäki's environmental policy draftMeeting notes 2021
Memorandum of the Council for the Disabled 17.12.2021 December XNUMX
Appendix 1 Statement on Riihimäki's Sustainable Mobility Plan_2021_disability councilMemorandum of the Council for the Disabled 28.10.2021 December XNUMX
Appendix 1_Vammaisnuevosto as an actor in accordance with the Municipal Act_meeting of the Council for the Elderly on 28.10.2021 October XNUMX
Appendix 2_Statement_housing scheme_meeting of the disability council 28.10.2021 October XNUMXName Representation Contact us Petri Mattila, chairman City Board petri.mattila1971(at)gmail.com Marjo-Kaisa Konttinen, welfare coordinator The city of Riihimäki p. 040 610 6952
marjo-kaisa.konttinen(at)riihimaki.fiSirpa Roivas, secretary The city of Riihimäki p. 050 500 1938
sirpa.roivas(at)riihimaki.fiRaisa Laurila-Hakulinen Vitality Board raisa.laurila(at)gmail.com Reijo Kurkela Riihimäki Region's Carers and Relatives Association reijo.kurkela(at)gmail.com Jukka Mursula Education and skills board mursulajukka@gmail.com Esko Mäkinen Riihimäki regional rheumatism association emakinen1(at)gmail.com Ismo Portin Technical board ismo.portin(at)kd.fi Pirjo Rautanen Kanta-Hämeen Neuroyhdistys ry rautanen.pirjo(at)gmail.com Tiina Siivonen Riihimäki Seudun Invalidit ry Tarja Simonen Riihimäki Seudun Visually Impaired Association tarja.inari42(a)gmail.com Päivi Sinivuori Riihimäki Kehitysvammatutuki ry paivi.sinivuori(at)riihimaki.fi -
The Riihimäki Council for the Elderly is a cooperative body of the city and pensioner organizations, whose task is to monitor the well-being of the elderly population and the implementation of services aimed at the elderly. The activities of the Council for the Elderly are regulated by law. Meetings of the Council of Elders are held at the invitation of the chairman 5-6 times during the calendar year.
Starting in 2023, the meeting minutes of the Council of the Elderly can be found using the minutes search (link on the right).
Memorandum of the joint meeting of the disabled and elderly councils on 15.11.2023 April XNUMX
Memorandum of the joint meeting of the disabled and elderly councils on 4.4.2023 April XNUMX
Meeting notes 2022
Minutes of the Elderly Council 1.12.2022 November XNUMX
Minutes of the Elderly Council 13.10.2022 November XNUMX
Minutes of the Elderly Council 8.9.2022 November XNUMX
Minutes of the Elderly Council 6.4.2022 November XNUMX
Minutes of the Elderly Council 2.3.2022 November XNUMXMemorandum of the councils for the elderly and disabled 11.8.2022 August XNUMX
Minutes of the Regional Elderly Council 1.11.2022 November XNUMX
Minutes of the Regional Elderly Council 19.5.2022 November XNUMXMeeting notes 2021
Minutes of the Elderly Council 30.11.2021 November XNUMX
Other documents
Action plan of the Council for the Elderly 2022-2025
Rules of procedure of the Elderly Council
Initiatives and positions taken by the Council of the Elderly
A petition by the Council of the Elderly to find gathering spaces for the elderly
Name Representation Contact us Jorma Höök, chairman Eläkeliiton Riihimäki association jorma.hook(at)gmail.com Pirjo-Liisa Snellman-Tenhunen, vice president Riihimäki national seniors tenhunen.tuulikki(at)gmail.com Marjo-Kaisa Konttinen, welfare coordinator The city of Riihimäki p. 040 610 6952
marjo-kaisa.konttinen(at)riihimaki.fiSirpa Roivas, secretary The city of Riihimäki p. 050 500 1938
sirpa.roivas(at)riihimaki.fiEija Aittola City Board eija.aittola(at)pp.inet.fi Eero Halmesmäki VR Pensioners Riihimäki department eero.halmesmaki(at)elisanet.fi Suoma Salonen Riihimäki pensioners association Silja Nurmi Education and skills board silja.nurmi95(at)gmail.com Risto Paajanen Technical board risto.paajanen(at)kotiportti.fi Blue field Christian pensioners of the Riihimäki region peltola.sinikka(at)kolumbus.fi Marja Tarkkonen Riihimäki region's senior teachers RISSO ry Jouni Valli Vitality Board -
The Riihimäki Mental Health and Substance Abuse Advisory Board is a cooperative body established by the Riihimäki City Council, whose mission is to promote the treatment of mental health and substance abuse clients in Riihimäki. The advisory board meets four times a year.
The purpose of the council is
- to deal with questions related to the general situation of mental health and substance abuse issues and customer services,
- share their views on the effects of the city's political decisions on the status of mental health and substance abuse clients,
- to increase the opportunities for citizens to participate in the evaluation and development of services,
- to be a channel between the city administration and the citizens when developing mental health and substance abuse services,
- the advisory board can be asked for opinions and statements related to the above-mentioned matters.
Members of the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Advisory Board
- chairman Juha Hiltunen, city council
- vice president Miia Nahkuri, city council
- secretary Piia Elovaara, service manager City of Riihimäki (until 31.12.2022 December 1.1.2023), Marjo-Kaisa Konttinen, welfare coordinator (from XNUMX January XNUMX)
- Sari Jokinen, city council
- Semi Tavi, representative of the Social and Health Board
- Hanna J., experience specialist
- Esko M., experience expert
- Jari Konttinen, Riihimäki region A-kilta ry
- Susanna Luostari, Nuortentalo Nuppi
- Katja Björnholm, preventive substance abuse work
- Petri Saloranta, detective youth work
- Hanna Hintikka, NAL Riihimäki
- Minna Salin, psychiatric nurse, Riihimäki high school
- Sari Ledig, Riihimäki mental health and substance abuse unit MPY
- Taina Palmroos, Crisis Center Hymise
- Iris Kekki, youth council
- Riihimäki Mental Health Association
You can read about the activities of the Children's Parliament from the Children's Parliament website.