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Boards and divisions

The five boards of the city of Riihimäki decide and prepare matters for the city government. The task of the boards is to work close to service production, to manage and monitor different types of service production in the city. The role of the boards also includes strengthening and bringing to the fore the ideas and thoughts of the townspeople for the development of service production.

Board members are elected for the term of office of the council, unless the council has decided on a shorter term of office.

The Economic Vitality Committee operates under the Regional Sub-Committee on Environmental Health, and the Committee on Education and Welfare operates under the Sub-Committee on Welfare.

  • 2025

    Regional Sub-Committee on Environmental Health

    27.2., 5.6., 25.9. and 17.12.

    Regional Employment Division

    26.2., 10.4., 4.6., 23.9. and 27.11.

    Vitality Board

    16.1., 13.2., 20.3., 24.4., 15.5., 23.5. (final seminar), 5.6., 21.8., 4.-5.9. (seminar), 18.9., 22.10., 12.11. and 18.12.

    Sub-Committee on Welfare

    29.1., 19.3. postponed> 12.3., 21.5. >postponed 22.5., 10.9., 1.10. and 19.11.

    Central Election Commission

    30.1., 10.3., 12.3., 13.3., 11.4., 13.4., 14.4. and 16.4.

    Education and welfare board

    15.1. (cancelled), 5.2., 5.3., 9.4., 7.5., 16.5. (evening school or seminar), 4.6., 13.8. >postponed 20.8., 11.9. (evening school or seminar), 24.9.>postponed 17.9., 8.10.>postponed 21.10., 5.11.>postponed 18.11. and 10.12.

    Board of Audit

    14.1., 21.1., 11.2., 4.3., 18.3., 25.3., 22.4.- 23.4., 13.5.

    Technical board

    28.1., 25.2., 25.3., 22.4., 13.-14.5. (final seminar and meeting), 3.6., 26.8. >postponed 19.8., 16.9. (seminar), 30.9., 28.10., 25.11. and 16.12.

    The management board of the water supply company

    29.1., 26.2., 26.3.>postponed to 19.3., 23.4., 21.5. (final seminar and meeting), 27.8., 24.9., 29.10., 26.11. and 17.12.


    The meeting minutes of the institutions are generally available on the city's website starting from the second business day of the week following the meeting.




  • Economic Vitality Committee 1.8.2021 August 31.5.2025−XNUMX May XNUMX

    Economic Vitality Committee is responsible for the city's land use planning, urban image, housing development, monitoring and maintenance of the state of the built environment and the cultural and natural environment, management of the city's land assets, museum services and cultural and event services, organizing the tasks of the city's environmental protection and building control authorities, and the strategic planning and development of the city's environmental protection. In addition, the vitality board monitors and guides operational changes, implementation and performance.

    The Vitality Board has eleven members elected by the council for their term of office and the same number of personal alternate members. The council appoints a chairman and vice-chairman from among the elected members. The board of directors and three other members must be authorized.

    The Vitality Board's presenters are the Director of Vitality, the Environmental Director and the Building Control Manager. The mayor and the chairman of the city board also have the right to attend and speak.

    Full member Party Contact us Personal deputy Contact us
    Mikael Leinonen, chairman How come. miksu(at) Mikael Hedman mikael.hedman1(at)
    Juha Peltola, vice president PS kivakok(a) Sauli Anttila sauli.a.anttila(at)
    Eija-Liisa Dahlberg How come. dahlberg.eijaliisa(at) Fairy tale Sinisalo satu.sinisalo(at)
    Rauli Hirviniemi Vessel. hirviniemirauli(at) Minna Salin minna72.salin(at)
    Kaisu Kotirinta SDP kaisu.kotirinta(at) Sari Palm
    Raisa Laurila-Hakulinen Vessel. raisa.laurila(at) Helna Luoto
    Salka Orivuori Green Joonas Mämmela
    Jones Ostrobothnia KD jones.pohjanvuori(at) Jenni Tuomala jenni.tuomala(at)
    Timo Rintakoski How come. timo.rintakoski(at) Kari Moisiola kari.moisiola(at)
    Susanna Heikkinen PS Sonja Lehtinen
    Jouni Valli SDP Jani Roitto janimro(at)
    Lauri Jormanainen city ​​council representative, SDP lauri.jormanainen(at)
    Aino-Liisa Mämmelä youth council representative
    Jasmin Kankaanstähti youth council representative

  • Committee on Education and Welfare 1.8.2021 August 31.5.2025–XNUMX May XNUMX

    Committee on Education and Welfare is responsible for the organization of early childhood education, basic education, upper secondary education, basic art education, library work, youth work and free cultural work, as well as the coordination tasks of promoting health and well-being, which according to legislation belong to the municipality, unless otherwise stipulated or prescribed. To the extent that the tasks are handled by the municipal association or another external actor, the culture and well-being board acts as as a subscriber to the services.

    The culture and well-being board has eleven members elected by the council for their term of office and the same number of personal alternate members. The council appoints a chairman and vice-chairman from among the elected members. The board of directors and three other members must be authorized.

    The board's presenter is the director of education. The mayor and the chairman of the city board also have the right to attend and speak.

    Name Party Contact us Personal deputy Contact us
    Minna Belik, chairman Vessel. minna.belik(at) Katrina Norring
    Jessica Sonko, Vice President How come. Anne-Mari Vallioniemi ame.vallioniemi(at)
    Antti Huotari Vessel. antti.huotari7(at) Risto Leppäranta risto.lepparanta(at)

    Kari-Veli Lehtonen SDP kariveli.lehtonen(at) Seppo Karjalainen
    Jukka Mursula How come. Ari Ranki
    Tiina Mämmela Green tiina.mammela(at) Sari Lukkaroinen
    Hannu Nokkala SDP hannu.nokkala(at) Minna Palkia
    Silja Nurmi SDP silja.nurmi95(at) Lauri Lehtonen lauri.lehtonen86(at)
    Janita Boström PS Susanna Heikkinen susheikkinen(at)
    Janne Tikka PS markojannetikka(at) Ari-Pekka Toivola
    Jenni Tuomala KD jenni.tuomala(at) Hannele Sandberg
    Eija Aittola representative of the city council, Kok. eija.aittola(at)
    Petra Hämäläinen youth council representative
    Jenny Kankaanstähti youth council representative

  • Technical Committee 1.8.2021 August 31.5.2025–XNUMX May XNUMX

    The Technical Committee is responsible for the planning of the city's traffic and public areas, the implementation, maintenance and management of streets and other public areas, forest management, the organization of public transport and customer transport, the organization of waste management, the city's machine, transport and repair services, the management, implementation and maintenance of the city's offices, the city storage and tasks that according to the Sports Act belong to the municipality, unless otherwise stipulated or prescribed. In addition to this, the Technical Committee monitors and guides operational changes, implementation and performance.

    The technical board has eleven members elected by the council for their term of office and the same number of personal alternate members. The council appoints a chairman and vice-chairman from among the elected members. The board of directors and three other members must be authorized.

    The technical director acts as the presenter of the technical board. The mayor and the chairman of the city board also have the right to attend and speak.

    Full member Party Contact us Personal deputy Contact us
    Kari Vilkman, chairman SDP kari.vilkman(at) Hannu Nokkala hannu.nokkala(at)
    Ismo Portin, vice president KD ismo.portin(at) Jones Ostrobothnia jones.pohjanvuori(at)
    Katarina Bitter How come. kata.bitter(at) Heidi Metsäterä
    Janita Boström PS Keijo Eronen keijo.eronen57(at)
    Pauli Juurinen PS Susanna Heikkinen susheikkinen(at)
    Maija Auvinen SDP maija.a.auvinen(at) Kaisu Kotirinta kaisu.kotirinta(at)
    Risto Paajanen Central risto.paajanen(at) Petri Lahtinen
    Tero Rekimäki How come. tero(at) Antti Kökkö antti.kokko(at)
    Mikko Räsänen SDP mikko.rasanen(at) Jarkko Karlsson
    Päivi Sandberg Vessel. hellevi.sandberg(at) Taina Nurminen taina.nurminen(at)
    Eija-Liisa Dahlberg How come. dahlberg.eijaliisa(at) Jenni Jauhiainen jenniemilia88(at)
    Jari Heikkinen city ​​council representative, PS jari.heikkinen(at) Juha Peltola kivakok(a)
    Jonne Purhonen youth council representative
    Juho Rintakoski youth council representative juho.rintakoski(at)

  • Audit Board 1.8.2021 August 31.5.2025–XNUMX May XNUMX

    The council appoints an audit committee to organize administration and financial audits and evaluations.

    Board of Audit

    • Responsible for organizing the administration and financial audit of the corresponding years of the council's term of office.
    • Prepares administrative and financial audit matters to be decided by the council.
    • Assess whether the operational and financial goals set by the council have been realized.
    • Supervises the compliance with the obligation to declare affiliations referred to in Section 84 of the Municipal Act and ensures the publication of public information of the affiliation register on the city's website.
    • Is the registrar of the affiliation register.
    • Sends affiliation notices to the council once per council term and when necessary.

    The audit committee has nine members elected by the council for their term of office and the same number of alternate members. The council appoints a chairman and vice-chairman from among the elected members. The chairman and vice-chairman must be authorized. The auditor has the right to attend and speak at board meetings. The auditor and trustees and office holders appointed by the board have an obligation to attend the board's meeting if the board so decides. The board can also invite a member of a community, foundation or company's institutional body belonging to the city group, as well as an employee, to be heard at the board's meeting. Decisions in the board are made based on the chairman's presentation.

    The audit board's minute-keeper and preparer is an internal auditor, who works in this role as an employee under the audit board.

    Evaluation report 2023

    Evaluation report 2022

    Evaluation report 2021

    Evaluation report 2020

    Name Party Contact us
    Heidi Selenius, chairman PS heidi.selenius2(at)
    Arja Tylli, vice president Vessel. arja.tylli(at)
    Antti Jetsu Movement antti.jetsu(at)
    Panu Karhinen Green karhinepanu(at)
    Mirja Lammi How come. lammimirja(at)
    Marja-Liisa Saarinen KD marjaliisa.1.saarinen(at)
    Tom Sankari How come.
    Sanna Sauramäki Central sannasauramaki(at)
    Matti Silvonen SDP matti.silvonen(at)

  • Central Election Committee 1.8.2021 August 31.5.2025−XNUMX May XNUMX

    The Central Election Board takes care of the general arrangements for national elections and consultative referenda. In municipal elections, it also takes care of the nomination of candidates and the calculation of the result.

    The city council elects the members of the central election board for their term of office. The Central Election Board consists of a chairman, a vice-chairman and three other members and at least five deputy members. Alternates must be placed in the order in which they come in place of members. To the extent possible, both members and alternate members must represent voter groups in the municipality that nominated candidates in the previous municipal elections. The Central Election Board has a quorum of five members. Decisions in the board are made based on the chairman's report.

    Name Party Contact us
    Riku Sutinen, chairman How come. riku.sutinen(at)
    Janne Kankaantähti, vice president SDP
    Juha Eronen PS
    Päivi Eskman Green
    Miia Lehto Vessel.
    Jopi Hukkanen, 1st deputy member KD
    Heidi Siivonen, 2nd deputy member Central
    Jussi Ruohola, 3rd deputy member Movement
    Mirja Lammi, 4th deputy member How come.
    Merja Latvaniemi, 5th deputy member SDP
    Sauli Kovanen, 6th deputy member Vessel.
    Kari Salama, 7th deputy member PS

  • Board of Directors of the Water Supply Company 1.8.2021 August 31.5.2025−XNUMX May XNUMX

    As a municipal business under the board of directors, the Vesihuoltoliikelaitos takes care of water supply in its operating area and, where possible, also offers water supply services outside the area.

    The city council elects seven members to the management board of the business establishment and a personal deputy member for each of them. From among the elected members, the council elects the chairman and vice-chairman of the executive board. The board of directors must be authorized. The board is subordinate to the city government. At the meeting of the board, matters concerning the internal organization of the board's operations are resolved, with the exception of the presentation of the head of the department. The mayor or someone appointed by him has the right to speak and attend board meetings.

    Read more about Riihimäki Veden from the pages.

    Name Party Contact us
    Arja Tylli, chairman Vessel. arja.tylli(at)
    Taru Ahoniemi, vice president SDP
    Mikko Arminen SDP mikkoarminen(at)
    Marko Kauppi PS finstickdt(at)
    Kari Majaranta How come. kari.majaranta(at)
    Heidi Metsäterä How come.
    Taina Nurminen Vessel. taina.nurminen(at)
    Riitta Takala, representative of the city board How come. takala_riitta(at)

  • Welfare Division 1.1.2023 January 31.5.2025−XNUMX May XNUMX

    The task of the Sub-Committee on Welfare is to promote the goals defined in the city's strategy from the point of view of promoting the well-being of the citizens, and to be responsible for promoting the well-being and health of the residents.

    The Welfare Division has seven members elected by the council and the same number of personal alternate members. The council appoints a chairman and vice-chairman from among the elected members. The director of education acts as the presenter of the section.

    Full member Party Contact us Alternate member Contact us
    Petri Siivonen, chairman How come. petrisiivonen(at) Mikko Kerminen mikko(at)
    Maarit Lindberg, vice president SDP maarit.lindberg(at) Kristina Ruuskanen kruu63(at)  
    The only Närkki How come. Minna Räisänen-Ojapalo minna.raisanenojapalo(at)
    Seppo Karjalainen SDP Hannu Nokkala hannu.nokkala(at)
    Ilpo Lepistö PS Jarmo Saarinen isosika69(at)
    Hanna Hänninen Vessel. hanna.hanninen(at) Meri Mustakallio meri.mustakallio(at)
    Semi Tavi Vessel. tavi.semi(at) Lauri Levanto


  • Regional employment division 1.8.2024 August 31.5.2025−XNUMX May XNUMX

    The task of the regional employment division is to work with the municipalities
    in accordance with the responsibility council agreement, organizes the employment services stipulated in the Act on the Organization of Employment Services (380/2023).

    The division is elected for one council term at a time from the members and alternate members appointed by the councils of the contracting districts. The joint institution has a chairman, vice-chairman and 6 members, and each of them has a personal deputy member.

    The division has members as follows: Riihimäki chairman and 3 members, Janakkala vice chairman and one member, Loppi one member and Hausjärvi one member.

    Name Party Contact us
    Närkki Aino, chairman How come. aino.narkki(at)
    Kurki, Rauno, vice president SDP rauno.kurki(at)
    Sinivuori, Timo How come. sinivuori(at)

    Lindberg Maarit SDP maarit.lindberg(at)
    Erja Hirviniemi Vessel. erjaanita24(at)
    Kulonen, Jussi Vessel. kulonen.jussi(at)

    Mäkilaine, Kirsi PS loppi.kirsimakilaine(at)

    Cross danger, Heini Central heini.ristavaara(at)

  • Regional Sub-Committee on Environmental Health

    The environmental health division operates under the authority of the Vitality Board, whose task, in accordance with the cooperation agreement with the municipalities, is to organize the services in accordance with the special laws on environmental health care mentioned in the Health Care Act and § 395a, § 1987c, § 54d of the Medicines Act 54/54 for the municipalities of the cooperation area in accordance with the responsible municipality model.

    The division has a chairman, a vice-chairman and seven members, and each of them has a personal deputy. The section's presenter is the director of health supervision.

    Name Municipality Contact us
    Maarit Lindberg, chairman Riihimäki maarit.lindberg(at)
    Riikka Kinnunen, vice president forssa
    Aki Lintumäki Janakkala
    Satu Hietanen Hausjärvi
    Kirsi Mäkilaine Loppi
    Eero Pura Oak tree
    Jonna Hannula River boy
    Matti Alanko Yäyä
    Timo Nikkanen Humpty