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Responsible for conducting elections in Riihimäki Central Election Commission. The next elections are the regional and municipal elections on April 13.4.2025, XNUMX.

Five elections are held in Finland: regional elections, parliamentary elections, European Parliament elections, municipal elections and the election of the President of the Republic.

In addition to elections, elections based on universal suffrage can also be submitted

  • advisory state referendums and
  • advisory municipal referenda.

Regional and municipal elections 2025

The election day for the 2025 regional and municipal elections is Sunday, April 13.4.2025, 2.4. Early voting in Finland is from Wednesday to Tuesday, April 8.4.2025–April 2.4, 5.4.2025. Early voting abroad is from Wednesday to Saturday, April XNUMX–April XNUMX, XNUMX.

  • Everyone who has turned 18 at the latest on election day is eligible to vote in regional elections

    • citizens of Finland, other EU member states, Iceland and Norway live in the welfare area
    • Citizens of another country over the age of 18 live in the welfare area if they have lived in Finland continuously for at least two years
    • Helsinki residents do not have the right to vote in regional elections
    • under certain conditions, persons employed by the EU and international organizations and their family members live in the welfare area.

    Everyone who has turned 18 at the latest on election day is eligible to vote in municipal elections

    • citizens of Finland, other EU member states, Iceland and Norway live in the municipality
    • citizens of another country who have turned 18 live in the municipality, if they have lived in Finland continuously for at least two years.
    • under certain conditions, persons employed by the EU and international organizations and their family members live in the municipality.

    The register of voting rights is established 51 days before the election day. This day (February 21.2.2025, XNUMX) determines the voter's home municipality and the actual election day at the polling place in the elections.

    The voting rights register is publicly available at the Digital and Population Information Agency from the 41st day (March 3.3.2025, 24) before election day. In addition, no later than XNUMX days before the election day, a notification about the right to vote is mailed to each registered person, which mentions, among other things, the election day, early voting days, the address of the polling station entitled to vote, and the contact information of the election authorities.

  • Early voting for regional and municipal elections is 2-8.4.2025 April XNUMX

    Riihimäki has three early voting locations, Atomi shopping center, Merkos shopping center and Riihimäki city library. Remember to take your ID with you - a driver's license will also work. The notification card does not have to be with you at the polling station, a photo ID is sufficient. If you don't have an identity document, you can get a temporary identity card from the police department for voting free of charge.

    The busiest time of the elections has traditionally been the first and last days of early voting. If you want to avoid traffic jams, consider scheduling your voting outside of these days. All early voting places are accessible.

    You can vote in advance at any advance voting station, also outside your own municipality.

    Advance voting locations and opening hours

    Atomi shopping center 2nd floor, Voimalankatu 2, 11100 Riihimäki

    2.−4.4.2025 from 10 a.m. to 20 p.m
    5.−6.4.2025 from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m
    7.−8.4.2025 from 10 a.m. to 20 p.m

    Merkos shopping center, Merkosenkatu 5, 11170 Riihimäki

    2.−4.4.2025 from 10 a.m. to 20 p.m
    5.−6.4.2025 from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m
    7.−8.4.2025 from 10 a.m. to 20 p.m

    Riihimäki City Library, 2nd floor, Kauppakatu 16, 11100 Riihimäki

    2.−4.4.2025 from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m
    5.4.2025 March 10 from 14am to XNUMXpm
    7.−8.4.2025 from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m

  • For regional and municipal elections, those staying abroad can order postal voting documents from January 13.1.2025, XNUMX.

    Those who live or stay abroad during the entire advance voting period and election day can vote in general elections by mail from abroad.

    A person entitled to vote who wants to vote by mail orders postal voting documents abroad, after voting and returns his vote in an envelope to Finland to the central election board of his home or population accounting board.

    The letter vote must be received by the voter's home or population accounting board's central election board no later than Friday 11.4.2025 June 19 before XNUMX p.m.

    You can find general information about postal voting as well as order and operating instructions from the website of the Ministry of Justice.

  • If your ability to move is limited to such an extent that you cannot get to the polling or early voting place without unreasonable difficulties, you can vote at home. An official caregiver living in the same household can also vote at the same time. Home voting is only possible in the home municipality.

    If you are entitled to home voting, register for home voting no later than Tuesday, April 1.4.2025, 16.00, by 050:500 p.m. You can register for home voting by calling p. 1648 019 758 /Minna Tiainen or p, 4040 125,11101 2 /Information Center or by mailing the registration form to Riihimäki Central Election Board, PO Box XNUMX, XNUMX Riihimäki or by bringing it to Tietotupa, Eteläinen Asemakatu XNUMX.

    Printable registration form

    The notification must include the voter's exact address, phone number and social security number in full, as well as the same information for the caregiver voting at home. The notification can also be made on behalf of the voter by a person chosen by him.

    The election office of the Central Election Board will contact home voters after the end of the registration period and inform them of the home voting time. The general home voting period is on weekdays from April 2.4 to April 8.4.2025, XNUMX.

    In home voting, in addition to the voter, a person who has reached the age of 18 chosen or approved by the voter must be present. This person cannot be a candidate in the elections.

  • A person entitled to vote in advance can vote in an institution referred to in the Electoral Act only if he is being cared for or admitted there or is performing military service.

    In the Riihimäki city area, polling takes place in the following places:

    • Kanta-Häme welfare area Riihimäki hospital/residential units, Kontiontie 77
    • Riihimäki prison, Kaunolanraitti 3
    • Riihimäki Garrison of the Defense Forces
    • Riihikoti/housing units of the Kanta-Häme welfare area, Kontiontie 73
    • Kanta-Häme welfare area Kivari, Kivimiehenkatu 19-21
    • Tiilikatu, Tiilikatu 4, Kanta-Häme welfare area
    • Kalevanrinne of the Kanta-Häme welfare area, Kalevankatu 23
    • Attendo Oy Kotokolmonen, Kalevankatu 12-14
    • Attendo Oy Kotokaarre and Ilona, ​​Uudenmaankatu 10
    • Attendo Oy Jooseppi, Joosepinkuja 2A
    • Attendo Oy Justiina, Joosepinkuja 2 (voting at Attendo Joosepi)
    • Attendo Oy Tähdistö, Väinö Sinisalonkatu 7
    • Esperi Hospital Linnunpesä, Linnunradankatu 21 C
    • Humana Kristallihovi Oy, Paimentytönpolku 6
    • Inkilänhovi ry's Inkilänhovi, Kalevankatu 18-20
    • Pihlajalinna Uniikki Riihimäki, Jyrätie 9
    • Räiskylän hoiva Oy, Räiskylänkatu 12
    • Hoivakoti Elämantaival, Jyrätie 11

    An announcement about the dates of early voting deliveries to be carried out in institutions is published on the notice board of the aforementioned institution by the election committee.

  • The election day for regional and municipal elections is Sunday 13.4.2025 April XNUMX

    On election day, you can only vote at the polling place marked on your notification card. The Digital and Population Information Agency will mail a notification card to your home about four weeks before the elections, or it can be read on the service. You do not need a notification card to vote. If you are unsure about your voting location, you can inquire about it at the election service number on 0800 9 4770.

    The polling stations are open from 9.00:20.00 a.m. to XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. Remember to take your ID with you - a driver's license will also work. If you don't have an identity document, you can get a temporary identity card from the police department for voting free of charge.

    You can take your own election assistant with you if, for example, you are not able to mark the vote yourself. However, my election assistant cannot be a person who is a candidate in the elections, nor his spouse, children, siblings or parents. If you do not have your own assistant, there is a special election assistant at the polling station.

    Voting regions and polling places

    Voting area 1, Kalevantalo, Kalevankatu 5-11
    Voting area 2, Hyria Riihimäki sports hall, Arjavirrankatu 4
    Voting area 3, Uramo school, Uramontie 63
    Voting area 4, Peltosaari youth facility, Jupiterinkatu 5
    Voting area 5, Herajoki school, Rintapellontie 14
    Voting area 6, Lasitehtaa school, Tehtaankatu 27
    Voting area 7, Istuinkivi sports hall, Pohjoinen Rautatienkatu 40
    Voting area 8, Patastenmäki school, Patastenmäentie 42.

  • Outdoor advertising area. and in municipal elections in the Riihimäki city area

    More detailed instructions on outdoor advertising will be given in January-February 2025.


    Free election advertising is allowed on road sections managed by ELY Center and on lamp posts managed by ELY. Advertising must comply with the guidelines of the Norwegian Railways Agency.

    Guidelines of the Finnish Railways Agency for the placement of election advertisements

    The ELY Center's instructions on election advertising along the roads

    The foreman of urban engineering gives more detailed instructions in matters concerning advertising. Contact information Toni Kokkonen, tel. 040 526 4461.

  • In municipal elections, councilors are elected to the municipal councils. The council decides on the number of councilors to be elected in the municipality.

    In the municipal elections to be held on April 13, 2025, 43 councilors will be elected to the Riihimäki city council.

    The Central Election Board decided on 28.11.2024 Section 50 that the candidate documents for municipal elections addressed to the Central Election Board must be given to the Central Election Board no later than Tuesday 4.3.2025 March 16.00 before 1:2 p.m. The documents will be received by the secretary of the central election board or his deputy in the city administration and group department on the 11130st floor of Riihimäki Matkakeskus at Eteläinen Asemakatu 8.30, 15.00 Riihimäki, during other opening hours (Monday-Thursday 8.30:14.30 a.m. – 4.3.2025:16.00 p.m., Friday XNUMX:XNUMX a.m. – XNUMX:XNUMX p.m.) and until XNUMX March XNUMX at XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. . The election agent is asked to notify the delivery of the documents in advance.

Contact person for the Riihimäki elections

General election-related advice