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Two people walking with bunches of balloons. Face covered in balloons. Behind the wall with the logo of the city of Riihimäki.
Photo: Jenniina Nummela

Resident surveys

The city of Riihimäki invited the citizens of the city to respond to the Our Riksu resident survey 1-20.10.2023 October XNUMX. The resident survey is carried out every two years. Residents were able to share their views on the city's safety, comfort, smoothness of everyday life and services. The participation of the townspeople is important so that the residents' voice is heard when developing services.

Results of resident surveys

  • In the resident survey, which is carried out every two years, residents were able to express their opinions on, among other things, the city's safety, comfort, smoothness of everyday life and services. Comprehensive material from over the years is used in the city's operations, and the results of the survey provide valuable information to both officials and decision-makers regarding the development of the city. The results of the survey give clear feedback on the implementation of the Rakas Riksu strategy in practice, in the everyday life of city dwellers. A large small town is the home of meaningful everyday life, culture and future know-how.

    The resident survey was carried out between 1 and 20.10.2023 October 1569. A total of 76 people responded to the survey, which is twice as many as in previous years. Answering was possible both online and on a paper form. The majority of respondents were women again this time, 20%. Of the respondents, 2% were under 20 years old, 40% were 29–41 years old, 60% were 41–60 years old, and 28% were over XNUMX years old.

    Regarding the main activity, 56% of the respondents were gainfully employed, 21% were pensioners, 4% were students, 3% were unemployed and 3% were self-employed.

    The respondents evaluated the fulfillment of the claims in the four-field on a scale of 1−5. 1 = disagree/little importance. 5 = agree / great importance.

    Based on the survey, residents have experienced a clear positive development in all measured areas. Resident satisfaction in the city of Riihimäki has increased from 2,95 -> 3,33. The city's long-term strategic goal is to achieve at least an average of 4, and we are moving towards that. The best grades were given to the questions regarding the possibilities of working from Riihimäki (3,8) and the smoothness of everyday life (3,8). These same things got the best marks in the previous survey as well.

    As in the previous survey, the comfortability of the station area and city center received the lowest rating, but development has taken place in that area as well. The experience improved by 33% (1,8 in 2021 -> 2,4 in 2023) in the question "Is Riihimäki's station area and city center attractive to have a good time?"

    Investments have been made in the development and marketing of the cityscape in recent years, and the results are now visible. The biggest change from the previous year has occurred in the city's image in the eyes of the residents, it has improved by as much as 38% (2,1 in 2021 -> 2,9 in 2023).

    In the strategic focus areas of the city's development, residents' experiences of the city have improved significantly.

    • Irresistible quarter city, positive change 17%
      Our everyday life is easy, safe and functional. We value community, inclusion and an excellent life. Our services are of high quality.
    • Home of future creators, positive change 9%
      We raise tomorrow's top experts who develop their knowledge and skills throughout their lives. Due to its diversity, the area has a successful business life. Riihimäki is the capital of robotics.
    • Sustainable growth community, positive change 18%
      We cherish sustainable development and responsibility. The city grows and develops taking into account the needs of the people of Riihämäki and businesses.

    You can read the full report here.

  • Our Riksu resident survey

    In the summer of 2021, in a resident survey, the citizens of the municipality were able to express their opinions on, among other things, the city's safety, comfort, smoothness of everyday life and services. Opinions about living in Riihimäki were collected for the eighth time. The comprehensive material is utilized in the city's operations and the results of the survey provide valuable information to both officials and decision-makers regarding the development of the city. The survey also included questions related to the Riihimäki strategy, which measured the effectiveness of the city's new strategy.

    The resident survey was carried out between 1 and 30.6.2021 June 2019. In XNUMX, a resident survey with the same content was carried out, the results of which are noted in the summary in parentheses.

    A total of 769 (475) people answered the survey, the majority of whom were women, 56% (70%). Of the respondents, 20% (2%) were under 4 years old, 20% (40%) were 28–29 years old, 41% (60%) were 37–42 years old, and 60% (13%) were over 25 years old. A fifth of the respondents had not stated their age.

    Regarding the main activity, 73% (59%) of the respondents were gainfully employed, 15% (22%) were pensioners, 4% (9%) were students, 3% (4%) were unemployed, and 5% (6%) were self-employed.

    Answers to claims

    Respondents evaluate the realization (X scale) and importance (Y scale) of the statements on a scale of 1−5 (disagree – agree / low importance – high importance). The average values ​​of the answers are marked (the result of the previous survey in parentheses) as absolute averages.

    Based on the survey, residents have experienced significant deterioration in all measured areas. The average rating is 2,95, while in 2019 the average was 3,17. The city's strategic goal for the 2017−2021 council term is to achieve at least an average of 4, so there is still a long way to go.

    The best marks were given to questions regarding the possibilities of working from Riihimäki and the smoothness of everyday life. These same issues also received the best marks in the previous survey, and the evaluations of these issues improved compared to the 2019 survey. As in the previous survey, the comfortability of the station area and city center received the lowest rating.

    • It is safe on Riihimäki: X: 3,22 (3,41) Y: 3,38 (3,72)
    • Riihimäki is comfortable: X: 2,99 (3,06) Y: 3,65 (3,51)
    • The Riihimäki station area and the center are attractive to spend time in: X: 1,80 (2,36) Y: 2,90 (3,23)
    • Everyday life is smooth in Riihimäki: X: 3,64 (3,60) Y: 3,77 (3,67)
    • Riihimäki has functioning social and health services: X: 3,18 (3,25) Y: 3,72 (3,47)
    • Riihimäki has versatile training services: X: 3,01 (3,31) Y: 3,29 (3,00)
    • Riihimäki has vibrant cultural services: X: 2,97 (3,28) Y: 3,09 (3,02)
    • Riihimäki has comprehensive sports services: X: 3,33 (3,48) Y: 3,40 (3,25)
    • At Riihimäki, environmental issues have been well taken into account: X: 3,01 (3,21) Y: 3,27 (3,32)
    • In Riihimäki, it is easy to participate and influence: X: 2 (37) Y: 2,97 (3,29)
    • The possibilities of working from Riihimäki are good: X: 3,75 (3,67) Y: 3,67 (3,37)
    • Riihimäki has a good image: X: 2,13 (2,49) Y: 3,67 (2,97)

    Compilation of open answers

    There were four open-ended questions in the survey, which asked the respondents' views on the beloved Riksu of the future and measures to reach the goals, as well as their opinion on the four executive projects of the city's strategy. In addition, there was an opportunity to give development proposals to the city.

    What does your future look like, Dear Riksu?

    445 people answered the question. The most comments came from the following themes:

    • Vibrant / energetic / city with a lively center
    • Neighborhood schools and kindergartens kept / no big schools
    • A city that is considerate of children and young people / free from bullying
    • A city that is equally considerate of residents / humane / humane
    • Safe / clean / quiet city
    • Versatile exercise and hobby opportunities / a city offering active leisure activities
    • Green / cozy nature nearby / nature close by
    • A functioning small town
    • A functioning city with good basic services
    • Inclusive and communal
    • More cultural offerings / events / tourism
    • The whole city is being developed as a whole

    "A vibrant city center and nearby schools for children."

    "A healthy, comfortable, active and lively city with room to breathe and services (including nearby schools) and nature nearby. This is the attraction of the city, not the station from which you come and go, but the comfortable and functional residential areas and services."

    "A good place to live for everyone. Cozy and green, vibrant and offering the necessary services. A place investing in families with children and attracting them to the locality. The kind where we look for versatile solutions to achieve a good end result. Not a place where you think about things in black and white, only one solution and goal as a direction, never daring to admit someone's so-called a rational decision has large negative effects elsewhere."

    What should happen or be done to get there?

    422 people answered the question. The themes that came up most often are:

    • Service network / schools need to be reconsidered / no community center
    • By investing in children and young people
    • By increasing opportunities for participation and influence
    • By marketing Riihimäki / investing in communication
    • With bolder and more open decision-making
    • By investing versatilely in transport connections both on Riihimäki and from Riihimäki
    • By adding culture / events / tourism to Riihimäki
    • By developing the whole city instead of the station area / by giving up the development of the station area
    • By developing the current center and its vitality
    • By increasing security / surveillance / police resources
    • By investing in the economy
    • By investing in zoning / urban planning
    • By attracting companies to Riihimäki / cooperating with companies

    "Community schools should not be abolished. It is a factor of traction and grip. The construction of a multi-purpose building in an unsafe and peaceful place next to the railway station should also be reconsidered."

    "We are already on the right track. An extensive network of basic education schools is an important attraction for immigrants, as is competitive municipal taxation. As an elderly person, I especially appreciate high-quality care for the elderly."

    "More listening to residents and genuinely taking their issues into account."

    "Market the city as a nice and safe hometown. To attract companies and ensure the survival of existing companies."

    In the current strategy of the city of Riihimäki, there are four top projects implementing the strategy. What do you think about the current top projects? Would you like to change something in them in connection with the strategy update, and if so, what?

    307 people answered the question, of which

    • 10 answered only in relation to the #RakasRiksu theme
    • 55 answered only in relation to the #RoboRiksu theme
    • 70 answered only # UusiRiksu - related to the theme
    • 16 only answered #RipeäRiksu - related to the theme

    RakasRiksu - a total of 49 answers

    43% of the respondents consider the theme important, 14% of the respondents hope that a lot of investment will be made in the strategy theme. 25% of the respondents mention the importance of consulting the municipal residents and that consultation should be increased. The answers of 18% of the respondents were critical of the theme.

    "RakasRiksu is close to my heart"

    "In my opinion, the enjoyment of the municipal residents already living in the city, #RakasRiksu is clearly the most important of the top projects. Others cannot be done at the expense of this comfortability."

    "#rakasriksu has not been realized in practice, this should be developed in such a way that the participation of the citizens is genuine. The scrapping of the neighborhood school network and the closing of several old buildings that are important to the townspeople have caused a lot of bitterness."

    RoboRiksu - a total of 115 answers

    3% of the respondents consider the theme particularly important and significant. 11% of respondents had a very neutral view of the theme. 15% of respondents were worried that teaching robotics at school takes resources away from other subjects, especially art subjects. 20% of the answers are critical or negative per theme. 13% of the respondents feel that the talk about robotics does not meet practical activities and that the theme is emphasized too much in relation to the results. 24% answered that robotics alone is too narrow to be the city's strategic tip or that robotics is emphasized far too much, and 14% pondered the equality of robotics in their answers. Now it is felt that only a small group of students can participate.

    "Raising robotics to the top is not the most common or the most uncontroversial top. On the other hand, it makes the city's strategy stand out. I would like a nature perspective alongside it."

    "#RoboRiksu is great as an idea, but the question arises how many children or young people really get excited about it. I hope robotics is not removed from the rest of education."

    "Robotics is a nice thing, which is naturally good to promote, because it is a developing and modern activity, but in terms of the city's strategy, it is not a top project."

    UusiRiksu - a total of 131 answers

    40% of the respondents hope that the entire city will be taken into account in the development, not only the station area and the center. 7% of the respondents thought that the development of the station area and the city center was a positive and worthwhile thing. In 22% of the answers, critical and negative comments about the development of the station area emerged. 13% of the answers mentioned the construction of a multipurpose building as a negative thing. 5% of the responses wished to preserve "#vanhariksu". 13% of the answers had individual considerations related to the theme.

    "#UusiRiksu, Developing the vitality of the Aseman region is not a bad thing in itself, but it must not be done at the expense of other areas and the strategy must be fine-tuned if necessary so as not to get stuck in the original plan."

    "The station area can be developed as long as it does not weaken nearby services. There are many in Riihimäki who will lose a lot in the karate of local services to the center. As I mentioned, the elderly, children, families, singles are not all able to use public transport or own a car. Forgetting the peripheral areas makes the city worse than Elävöi, and indirectly causes a burden on the social and health side as community, meeting and hobby places decrease."

    "Developing the station area is a good thing, but there is no need for new apartment buildings there. Renovating old buildings and building a beautiful environment around them would be amazing."

    RipäRiksu - a total of 60 answers

    23% of the respondents pointed out that digitization must also take into account those residents who, for one reason or another, cannot use electric services. At the same time, care should be taken that digitalization does not displace people as service organizers. 27% considered the development of digitization a positive thing. 15% stated that digitalization and its development require additional resources, and 17% of respondents did not consider the flagship project important or considered the current situation to be bad. 5% think that the things developed by digitization should be taken for granted today without strategic emphasis. For 13% of the respondents, the content of the flagship project has remained unclear.

    "#RipeäRiksu, it probably sounds good in normal life, but not everyone can participate in this because of age or illness, not everything can be digitized"

    "In digitization, ease of use and up-to-dateness are important for the customer. A remote connection can sometimes make everyday life easier, sometimes close contact is more important in an encounter."

    Development proposals

    276 people answered the question.

    The answers are sorted by theme:

    • Residents' consultation and opportunities for participation, 17% of responses dealt with this topic.
    • Zoning, street maintenance, parks, etc., 17% of the answers dealt with this topic.
    • Culture and competence, 14% of the answers dealt with this topic.
    • Leisure, culture and well-being, 12% of the answers dealt with this topic.
    • The city's marketing, strategy and communication, 11% of the answers dealt with this topic area.
    • Service network, 4% of the answers dealt with this topic.
    • Robotics, 3% of responses addressed this topic.
    • Social and health services, 3% of the responses dealt with this topic area.
    • 19% of the answers dealt with individual themes, wishes and comments.

    "Listen and listen. Be brave enough to dare to do differently than what an expensive consultant tells you, or what has been done in other big cities and later regretted. Focus on quality basics and make them the trump card of this city. Awakening and courage will change the direction!"

    "City bikes are a wonderful thing. Riihimäki is a wonderful hometown, where I hope the most at the moment is that the youth are especially well taken care of, they have a future."

    "Dare to give up the multi-purpose building project and invest in what's best here: functioning, nearby schools and daycare centers run by great staff."

    "More investment in communication and transparency. Meetings of townspeople in other ways than via social media. More visible marketing towards the capital region. Information about these measures is also provided to the municipalities so that they know what is going on. You can never communicate too much!”

  • Riihimäki's future is born from encounters - resident survey

    In the spring 2019 residents' survey, the citizens of the municipality were able to express their opinions on, among other things, the city's safety, comfort, smoothness of everyday life and services. Opinions about living in Riihimäki were collected for the seventh time. The comprehensive material is utilized in the city's operations and the results of the survey provide valuable information to both officials and decision-makers regarding the development of the city. The survey also included questions related to the Riihimäki Strategy 2030, which measured the effectiveness of the city's new strategy.

    The resident survey was carried out between 1 and 26.5.2019 May 2017. A similar resident survey was carried out in XNUMX, the results of which are noted in the summary in parentheses.

    A total of 475 (710) people answered the survey, the majority of whom were women, 70% (65%). Of the respondents, there were 20% (4%) under 4 years old, 20% (40%) between 29 and 29 years old, 41% (60%) between 42 and 38 years old and 60% (25%) over 29 years old. Compared to the age structure of the city's residents, there were relatively more respondents aged 41–60.

    Regarding the main activity, 59% (57%) of the respondents were gainfully employed, 22% (25%) were pensioners, 9% (7%) were students, 4% (7%) were unemployed, and 6% (4%) were self-employed.

    Answers to claims

    Respondents evaluate the realization (X scale) and importance (Y scale) of the statements on a scale of 1–5 (disagree – agree / low importance – high importance). The average values ​​of the answers are marked (the result of the previous survey in parentheses) as absolute averages.

    Based on the survey, residents have experienced great improvement in all measured areas. The average rating is 3,17, while in 2017 the average was 3,01. The city's strategic goal for the 2017–2021 council term is to achieve at least an average of 4, so there is still a long way to go.

    The best marks were given to questions regarding the possibilities of working from Riihimäki and the smoothness of everyday life. These same things got the best marks in the previous survey as well. Compared to 2017, residents' assessments of opportunities for participation and influence and the image of Riihimäki improved the most. However, the ratings for these were still below 3. The lowest rating, as in the previous survey, was given to the comfortability of the station area and the city center.

    1. It is safe on Riihimäki: X: 3,41 (3,26) Y: 3,72 (3,54)
    2. Riihimäki is comfortable: X: 3,06 (2,88) Y: 3,51 (3,28)
    3. The Riihimäki station area and the center are attractive to spend time in: X: 2,36 (2,20) Y: 3,23 (3,15)
    4. Everyday life is smooth in Riihimäki: X: 3,60 (3,41) Y: 3,67 (3,35)
    5. Riihimäki has functioning social and health services: X: 3,25 (3,01) Y: 3,47 (3,31)
    6. Riihimäki has versatile training services: X: 3,31 (3,17) Y: 3,00 (2,79)
    7. Riihimäki has vibrant cultural services: X: 3,28 (3,13) Y: 3,02 (2,92)
    8. Riihimäki has comprehensive sports services: X: 3,48 (3,43) Y: 3,25 (3,08)
    9. At Riihimäki, environmental issues have been well taken into account: X: 3,21 (3,12) Y: 3,32 (3,14)
    10. In Riihimäki, it is easy to participate and influence: X: 2,97 (2,69) Y: 3,11 (2,95)
    11. The possibilities of working from Riihimäki are good: X: 3,67 (3,55) Y: 3,37 (3,10)
    12. Riihimäki has a good image: X: 2,49 (2,29) Y: 2,97 (2,87)

    Development proposals and greetings to the city

    Development suggestions and greetings were received from around 200 respondents. The city received positive feedback on the participation of residents, and several respondents considered the current direction in the development of the city to be the right one. According to the local residents, good work has also been done in many services. Here are some excerpts from the answers:

    "Thank you for the library and the art museum. Bigger allocations for both."

    "There are enough options for children's hobbies."

    "I am satisfied that Vahteristo has jogging paths in addition to the tracks, even in winter."

    "Healthcare services are a big plus."

    "Thank you to the health center and dental care! They work very well these days."

    "Thank you for the renovation of the duck park."

    "Thank you for removing scrap cars from Peltosaari."

    "A large connection park is good, as is the renewal of intersections into roundabouts."

    "It's great when residents are involved. Some has been a good channel to reach out and be informed about what is happening in the city."

    "Good working mood! The current direction is the right one."

    In terms of administrative and group services and management, more information was desired, although several respondents praised the city. Investments were hoped for high-quality basic services, especially services for children, young people and the elderly. Here are some excerpts from the answers:

    "More common events of the whole city, even small meetings in the city. In addition to the big Easter events."

    "The city could invest in the health of its residents and market 'smoke-free Riksu'."

    "Keeping calm and listening to people, moving forward to develop a friendly, warm-hearted, people's city!"

    "We live in Riihimäki because it has a lot of good things for a small town: a great library, good hobby opportunities (variously active clubs, hobby places of which the swimming pool is especially great, nature, especially Hatlamminsuo), lots of events and cultural life and active townspeople. I hope that all of this will continue to be supported, so that Riihimäki will be just as great a place to live in the future. I don't miss shops and shopping centers here. We should stand out because of what Riihimäki is good at: working together, creating culture and with a versatile selection of free time."

    "In my own municipality, my own municipal services and not all would be outsourced."

    "Riihimäki could function as a retirement town in the same way as some towns in England. Living in Riihimäki is significantly more affordable than in the capital region. The apartments are clearly cheaper."

    In the comments regarding education and welfare services, investment in early childhood education and training services was hoped for. In terms of early childhood education, there was hope for, among other things, more kindergarten groups for young children. There was room for improvement in the functionality of the customer system. The robotics teaching in basic education drew comments. Here are some excerpts from the responses directed at cultural and welfare services:

    "Take children's families into account when making decisions. Smooth school path. Smaller groups in schools and kindergartens."

    "Investing in basic education creates a foundation for the future. The study guidance resource of middle schools must be put in order."

    "Robotics and youth theater are good things, but they don't bring any permanent jobs to Riihimäki. Riihimäki does not have a professional theater or companies specializing in robotics. Those that use robotics, yes, but the users in them have received some other competence training. Has either of them brought paying students to Riihimäki. The key is how to get e.g. HAMK graduates to stay and live in Riihimäki. One key reason for choosing a place to study is the possibility of combining hobbies and studies. This creates ties that affect placement even after studying."

    "Focus on functional everyday life, services that attract working, tax-paying families with children. As a school path, robotics is not the reason to move to Riksuu. It's a good day."

    Investments in cultural and sports services were also seen as important. Here are some excerpts from the responses directed at cultural and sports services:

    "I believe in the new rise of the Theater in new hands, the summer theater is also important for the image, it could be a springboard for the youth theater."

    "Percentage art and greening the environment are included in the investments!"

    "Cultural matters in order, the status of museums must be secured."

    "More summer events."

    "The cultural representatives of Riihimäki have put Riksua well on the 'world map.' It is worth taking advantage of this in the future and also supporting the implementation of cultural services in the future. Riksu has started to get the freest image."

    "Transportation to cultural events as far as Hämeenlinna and Lahti and Hyvinkää."

    "Self-employed library for Riihimäki if opening hours cannot be extended!"

     "I hope for a local exercise service: all guided exercise opportunities are in the city center area. The city could bring guided exercise to e.g. Vahteristo."

    "More free exercise places for residents, where you could do a variety of exercises, for example. Now it's quite rare and only a few points, which are not designed for senior citizens."

    "The swimming pool will also be more attractive to the locals. The free swimming opportunity for young people on Fridays is a good thing."

    "Could you invest in the maintenance of the ski slopes in winter? Would it be possible to have some kind of ring track that would go around the city and have starting points/track connections so that you don't need a car when you go skiing. And the longest possible cycling route around the city."

    "We could start planning the extension of the swimming hall."

    There were a lot of comments directed at the domain of urban development, and a large part of them focused on the development of the cityscape. More shops and liveliness were hoped for in the center and Matkakeskus. Action was also hoped for at VR's locomotive depots. Here are some excerpts from the responses directed at urban development:

    "The development of the old VR pit area as part of the gap between the station and the city center. An event park? Stone workshop companies, glass art, theater performances, music, cafes, cultural events, an escape room."

    "A transport city could be built for children and young people. It would be a summer job for young people. Kindergartens and schoolchildren could use, for example, a joint practice with the people of Hamki for traffic education."

    "Not too much housing such as apartment buildings in the same place, e.g. next to the train station."

    "Consider Riihimäki as a human-sized city."

    "Much more should be invested in the comfort of Riihimäki. It seems that there is no common line. Granitit square is designed completely wrongly and does not serve anyone in any way. It's a really cold and cramped place. Granitit square could be made into more parking space for the implementation of the pedestrian street. There should be more greenery, trees and bushes, statues and water elements. Lightness for heavy buildings. In the center, there are terraces on the pedestrian street, park benches and plantings. Music, plays, art, good food, stalls and even a small children's playground on the pedestrian street right in the center near the cafes, which can be reached on foot or by bike and cars are parked behind the buildings. In the area of ​​the station, putting the old locomotive stables into use, a Christmas market for the winter and a carousel and Santa's workshop for children. In Riihimäki, the image is completely lost and more effort needs to be put into comfort. We are looking forward to the brawling event!”

    In terms of transport, investments were hoped for in the condition of the roads and the functionality of public transport. More light traffic lanes were hoped for. A few respondents doubted the replacement of traffic lights with roundabouts. Here are some excerpts from the traffic-related answers:

    "The quality of street maintenance must be increased. More bike lanes.”

    "A Youtube video made of each bus route, which simultaneously shows the location of the bus on the map and from the front window where the stops are located on the different routes. This could be done by a media student from HYRIA or a team from HAMK."

    "As a person who works in Helsinki every day, the most brilliant thing and a superior factor compared to neighboring municipalities is the parking lot at the station, which is large and spacious enough for its purpose."

    "Develop a value-added travel card for public transport, cf. HSL.”

    "Close to the railway station (e.g. in the empty spaces of the Matkakeskus) a controlled and, for example, paid bike park for bicycles, so that those who take the train to work (and others) could go to the station by bike when the local people don't travel appropriately."

    We also received some comments and feedback regarding social and health measures:

    "Mental health services for young people must be made easier and resources must be increased."

    "Elderly care in order."

    "Social services have incredible queues for e.g. family counseling and occupational therapy. And to speech therapy.”

    "Developing the hospital to a full service level."

  • Is Riihimäki the meeting place of the future - the results of the resident survey

    The resident survey was carried out on November 6-20.11.2017, 2015. A partly similar resident survey was carried out in 710, the results of which are noted in the summary in parentheses. A total of 568 (65) people responded to the survey, of which 72% (XNUMX%) were women.

    Of the respondents, there were 20% (4%) under 4 years old, 20% (40%) between 29 and 29 years old, 41% (60%) between 38 and 42 years old and 60% (29%) over 25 years old. Compared to the age structure of the city's residents, there were relatively more respondents in the two older age groups.

    Regarding the main activity, 57% (55%) of the respondents were gainfully employed, 25% (23%) were pensioners, 7% (7%) were students, 7% (10%) were unemployed, and 4% (5%) were self-employed.

    Answers to claims

    Respondents evaluate the realization (X scale) and importance (Y scale) of the statements on a scale of 1-5 (disagree – agree/ low importance – high importance). The averages of the answers are numbered in the four-field below (the result of the previous survey in parentheses) as absolute averages.

    Overall, the summary of the survey shows that in Riihimäki's opinion, safety, comfort, smoothness of everyday life, easy participation and influence, employment opportunities and image have somewhat weakened in Riihimäki. The importance of the aforementioned issues to residents is also lower than in the previous survey.

    This survey serves as a starting point for the comparison, as the city's strategic goal for the 2017-2021 council term is to achieve at least an average of 4.

    • It is safe on Riihimäki: X: 3,26 (3,49) Y: 3,54 (3,89)
    • Riihimäki is comfortable: X: 2,88 (3,34) Y: 3,28 (3,73)
    • Riihimäki city center is comfortable: X: 2,20 Y: 3,15
    • Everyday life is smooth in Riihimäki: X: 3,41 (3,77) Y: 3,35 (3,78)
    • Riihimäki has functioning social and health services: X: 3,01 Y: 3,31
    • Riihimäki has versatile educational services: X: 3,17 Y: 2,79
    • Riihimäki has lively cultural services: X: 3,13 Y: 2,92
    • Riihimäki has comprehensive sports services: X: 3,43 Y: 3,08
    • At Riihimäki, environmental issues have been well taken into account: X: 3,12 Y: 3,14
    • In Riihimäki, it is easy to participate and influence: X: 2,69 (3,01) Y: 2,95 (3,20)
    • The possibilities of working from Riihimäki are good: X: 3,55 (3,96) Y: 3,10 (3,51)
    • Riihimäki has a good image: X: 2,29 (2,86) Y: 2,87 (3,10)

    Residents want to participate in the development of the city

    Residents were also asked about their willingness to participate in the development of the city.

    According to the answers

    • 67% want to participate in the development of city services
    • 70% want to join others in creating a sense of community in Riihimäki
    • 84% want to tell positive things about Riihimäki
    • 91% want to be responsible for the environment themselves through their own activities

    Development proposals and greetings to the city

    The city received positive feedback especially about culture and sports services. The beautiful parks, plantations and green areas were also perceived to be well maintained. According to the local residents, good work has also been done in many services, e.g. in social and family services and healthcare.

    Here are some excerpts from the answers:

    "It's good that Riihimäki has cultural services, which I hope you understand to stick to, because their value for the city's image is good."

    "The fitness stairs on the slopes of Salpausselkä and Riuta inspire you to move. Thanks to the creators and financiers for them!"

    "Could you kindly give the social and family workers and the council an award for a job well done?" "It's a great city to live in because all services and recreational opportunities are nearby."

    "I am satisfied with the services and the schools."

    "The city is beautiful in the summer and it's wonderful to walk here when the green areas are taken care of."

    "We are on a good track. The economy is in order, let's be proud of ourselves and let's keep the theater too!"

    We received a lot of development suggestions and greetings from the respondents.

    Regarding corporate and administrative services, several responses wished for more cooperation and interaction with residents. Getting the economy in order, transparency in decision-making and improving the image also came up, along with communication and marketing. In terms of business services, the city center and its empty business premises sparked the most discussion.

    Here are some excerpts from the answers:

    "Safety, comfort and ease of living are important. They bring residents.”

    "Cooperation and interaction with residents should be increased."

    "Making it seem easy and less bureaucratic."

    "Let's make a change together, as a starting point and understanding the identity of our city."

    "I wish you a huge amount of courage, ideas and out-of-the-box thinking, because by changing the image of Riihimäki, this city will become wonderful, cozy and attractive."

    "Riihimäki should boldly be itself."

    "It is important for influencers to be visible at events and to ask for feedback from the citizens in many different ways."

    "The people of Riihimäki could stop belittling their own place of residence."

    "Make decisions even if they're painful, but now there's a lot of running around in different directions all the time and it doesn't look good in any direction."

    "Open information about the economy and the city's financial position."

    "I would like more information about the municipality's strategy in regional development, construction and the development of basic education services. "

    "This survey is good. Just with something like this, the locals are challenged to think about the issues of their own place and possibly commit the residents to solutions."

    "The location of the city is good, and more bangs should be added to attract businesses and increase the functionality of the city center."

    "Working in empty business premises and marketing more widely."

    We also received some comments and feedback regarding social and health measures, which targeted the entire industry and services for all age groups:

    "Peltosaari's Olohuone is really worthwhile, I hope it stays permanently in the city, but I would like its activity calendar to be visible on the city's website, for example, and I would like more activities there, e.g. a baby club. "

    "Health services should also be in the center (e.g. a laboratory), the former hospital is far for people without a car."

    "It would also be good to develop services and care for the elderly, let's make the services so that you would feel good about using them when you are old."

    The comments and feedback regarding cultural and welfare services were mainly aimed at cultural and sports services, and even within them especially the theater, which was heavily featured in the local media at the time of the survey.

    "Being profiled as a city of culture would perhaps bring more residents and also tourists from both Finland and abroad."

    "I would hope that Riihimäki would make more use of the glass factory area in terms of culture and possibly move museums and other activities there centrally."

    "The city is obstinate in its decisions. The decline of culture is painful to watch."

    "Ensuring and supporting cultural offerings (theatre, cinema, library, art museum, glass museum). Preserving the civic college."

    "Develop information, there is a lot going on in Riihimäki, there are free exhibitions, offers, exercise. The townspeople would appreciate Riihimäki more if they knew what you can actually do here every day, and often for free! "

    "Culture in the broadest sense - as a set of accepted ways and meanings - is our greatest asset and is present every single moment within our community."

    "Riihimäki has good and versatile sports services, which also take into account the aging residents."

    "The surroundings of Riihimäki would offer a lot of nature experiences, routes for e.g. cycling, hiking, trail running, etc. This would be worth productizing and marketing by offering events, built routes, wellness events and services in cooperation with organizations, clubs and companies."

    "The lively association activity in the Riihimäki area has been positive."

    The feedback also included some views and wishes regarding early childhood education and basic education:

    "Good early childhood education and school services are important for attracting new residents to the city."

    "The lack of morning day care makes it difficult for parents of first and second graders to go to work and upsets the children's sense of basic security."

    "The city's environmental issues should be brought up in primary schools and children and young people should be motivated to maintain the environment."

    "Children's schools and kindergartens in such condition that there is no need to fear that they will get sick from this and that."

    We received quite a few comments on the domain of urban development, and most of them focused on the development of the city center and traffic issues, e.g. Regarding Erkyläntie:

    "The city center as the heart of Riihimäki. Now the services are scattered here and there and you have to drive from one place to another, quite often to other places to shop and use the services."

    "The center of the city of Riihimäki is deserted and is not pleasant in terms of general appearance and functions".

    "Riihimäki would have the opportunity to raise the city's profile and brand through insightful planning and use of cultural environments and green and nature areas."

    "There are plenty of beautiful parks and plantations in the city center, which are important for the city's image."

    "However, the center is almost deserted. Empty business premises seem depressing and they should be put into use as soon as possible and offer versatile services to the residents. Services have largely been moved from the center to the outskirts, which depopulates the center even more. Large supermarkets have taken away the opportunities for survival from small specialty stores."

    "Get rid of waste from buildings, electrical cabinets and traffic signs."

    "The old market back. It would fit the spirit of the fair city that Riihimäki tells about. It would be possible to offer local food. A good place for a cozy coffee and many kinds of events."

    "Make the center more beautiful, flowers and care for the environment. Ideation and bold risk-taking, so that the empty and still empty brick-and-mortar stores of the "former city center" do not reinforce the decaying cityscape."

    "The old center to work! Activities should not be taken to the outskirts of the city, not everyone has a car. In addition to residents, entrepreneurs, small and large, should be informed about the good opportunities to operate in Riihimäki."

    "In front of the main door of the railway station, here is a map of Riihimäki's attractions."

    "The city could think about traffic solutions even before zoning more plots. Erkyläntie is an entrance road and it is not right for other residents to close it."

    "The sandy streets of the old areas of Riihimäki are in a terrible condition."

    "I think Riihimäki doesn't take light traffic and street maintenance into account enough."

    "Accessible Riihimäki - this city is not convenient for everyone. A new movie theater came here - disabled people can't go there."

    "Keep the surroundings of the entrance roads in good condition, green areas, plantings, etc."

    Communication issues

    Similar to the survey conducted in 2015, the residents were asked questions about communication. Based on this survey, residents get information about the city's services mostly from the online service and local media. The importance of social media has grown substantially since the previous survey. Residents also want the most information from these same channels.

    As in the previous survey, residents need the most information about events and culture, decision-making and urban development (housing, transport, streets, environment) services. Correspondingly, residents get the most information about events and culture and sports services.

    (in parentheses are the results of the 2015 survey)

    Mark the channels from which you get information about the city's activities?

    • online service 67,5% (71,8%)
    • 48,3% (45,1%) of Kotikaupunki residents' magazine
    • from social media (Facebook, Twitter) 53,8% (33,1%)
    • from the newsletter 11,4% (10,4%)
    • 14,6% (15,8%) of the Mobiilikunta application
    • 20,5% (21,6%) of the event calendar
    • from local media (Aamuposti, Yle Häme, Hämeen Sanomat) 67,3% (68,2%)

    Mark the channels from which you want information about the city's activities?

    • online service 63,2% (58,5%)
    • 33,5% (40,2%) of Kotikaupunki residents' magazine
    • from social media (Facebook, Twitter) 52,3% (38,0%)
    • from the newsletter 18,8% (24,1%)
    • 21,3% (22,4%) of the Mobiilikunta application
    • 31,0% (30,2%) of the event calendar
    • from local media (Aamuposti, Yle Häme, Hämeen Sanomat) 63,6% (56,8%)

    What kind of information about the city's activities do you need?

    • decision-making 72,2% (58,5%)
    • business services 22,6% (17,0%)
    • of sports services 54,4%
    • of day care and education services 26,8% (30,0%)
    • from social services 43,3% (33,6%)
    • of urban development services (housing, transport, streets, environment) 67,2% (52,1%)
    • events and culture 81,6% (74,8%)
    • of contact information for city employees 30,3% (25,2%)
    • of participation opportunities 49,0% (42,2%)

    Mark the things you get information about

    • decision-making 47,1% (46,8%)
    • business services 13,6% (12,3%)
    • of sports services 51,3%
    • of day care and education services 26,6% (33,2%)
    • from social services 24,2% (23,7%)
    • of urban development services (housing, transport, streets, environment) 39,3% (36,2%)
    • events and culture 70,2% (63,8%)
    • of contact information for city employees 19,4% (19,3%)
    • of participation opportunities 15,5% (18,5%)

    How would you develop the city's communication?

    The respondents had the opportunity to present their views on the development of the city's communication.

    In the answers, e.g. increasing targeted communication, utilizing different communication channels, communication up-to-date. Criticism and expectations were mostly aimed at websites as well as information about decisions.

More information

DEFINE projects, project management, participatory budgeting and Our Riksu -resident surveys.