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Talk to a politician


The talk to the politician democracy project is implemented in Ratamo libraries, i.e. in Riihimäki, Hausjärvi, Lope, Hyvinkää and Nurmijärvi.


The project is running from 31.1.2022 October 31.12.2023 to XNUMX December XNUMX.


State funding, awarded by the Regional Administration of Southern Finland.

About the project

The library's mission is, among other things, to support versatile literacy, a diverse society, democratic development and the inclusion of individuals and communities. In 2017, legislation concerning libraries entered into force (1492/2016), which expanded the social mission of libraries and increased and clarified their community responsibility. In the same year, the Bureau of the Parliament expressed the wish that the role of libraries would be strengthened as meeting places for politicians and citizens.

The goal of the Talk to the Politician project is to bring democracy closer to people's everyday lives. We create libraries as meeting places for democratic decision-making and participation, where city residents can participate in decision-making that affects their everyday lives. In the Ratamo libraries, with the project, we will explore what kind of democratic work can be done in libraries and implement e.g. Politics day coffees - occasions. At the events, the townspeople have the opportunity to participate in a relaxed coffee event with the city's decision-makers. During the coffee break, city dwellers have the opportunity to ask decision-makers about issues that concern them.

Riihimäki library events you can see the library Facebook ja Instagram - channels. Welcome aboard!

Read more: Democracy closer to people's everyday life