On this page, you can find the rules and instructions governing the operation of the city of Riihimäki, such as the administrative rule and delegation rules.
- Administrative rules of the city of Riihimäki from 1.8.2024 October XNUMX
- Delegation rule for the Administration and Group branch from 17.6.2024 August XNUMX
- Elinvoima industry delegation rule from June 29.6.2023, XNUMX
- Delegation rule of the field of education and well-being from 1.1.2023 January XNUMX
- Delegation rule for the technical sector from 2.9.2024 November XNUMX
- Group instruction of the city of Riihimäki from May 1.5.2018, XNUMX
- The principles of Riihimäki city's financing and investment operations