Publicity of documents
In order to implement the principle of public disclosure, the information management unit must maintain a description of its data reserves in order to make documents public. The city of Riihimäki is such an information management unit as referred to in the Information Management Act (906/2019). The clarification of the contents of the city's information reserve serves the transparency of the administration.
Documents created in connection with the city's operations are generally public. Everyone has the right to access public documents and information.
The key documents resulting from the operation are published on the city's website. On the website, you can find the agendas and protocols of the institutions (city council, city government and boards) with attachments, as well as public announcements and decisions of office holders.
The city's website has a link to a business facility under the city government Riihimäki Veden to the most important documents arising from the activity.
City council meetings are events open to the public. The council meets at Uramo school about once a month. You can also follow the meeting live from the city of Riihimäki on the YouTube channel.
For information and documents that are not published on the website, you can make an information request to the city.
Institutions' agendas with public attachments are published before the meeting on the city's website.
The person responsible for the preparation or another designated person will provide information about unfinished matters under preparation. If necessary, you can ask the case preparer at the city registry office.
According to the Municipal Act, the municipality's announcements are made known by publishing them on the public information network, unless the provisions on confidentiality dictate otherwise, and if necessary, in another way decided by the municipality. The city's official notices and announcements are on the city's website at Announcements.
The city of Riihimäki also maintains a notice board, where the city's notices and announcements are published, for which special legislation stipulates this. The notice board is located in Virastokeskus Vetur, Eteläinen Asemakatu 4 A (stairs on the street side). Announcements and announcements can be read during Veturi's opening hours.
The announcements include information about, for example, plans for land use, zoning and construction, as well as how city residents can influence these plans.
The purchase invoices for the industries and areas of the city of Riihimäki and the Water Supply Company at supplier and account group levels can be read on the page Economic.
In addition to the publicly available information in online services, a lot of information and documents are generated in the city's operations, from which you can make an information request if you wish. The request for information must specify as precisely as possible which document or information the request concerns.
According to the Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679), the data subject has the right to receive confirmation from the data controller as to whether the latter processes personal data concerning him. Information requests of the registered person are made using a form prepared for that purpose and the form is delivered to the city registry office.
Request for information about a public document or information
When the request for information concerns a public document or public information, there is no need to justify the request or tell what the information will be used for.
Everyone has the right to receive information about the authority's public document in accordance with the law on public authorities' activities (621/1999). Requests for information regarding the documents of the city of Riihimäki are directed directly to the responsible office holder or industry or to the city's centralized registry office. If necessary, you can get advice from the city's various authorities at the city registry office
It is a good idea to specify the information request as precisely as possible to make it easier to find the document. The request for information must be identified in such a way that it is clear which document or documents the request concerns. For example, you should always state the date or title of the document if it is known. A request for information regarding a public document can also be prepared in a free form in writing, for example by e-mail or by telephone.
Request for information about a document or information that is partially or completely confidential
A request for information regarding confidential information or documents is made in writing. In order to obtain information, the purpose of use of the information must be stated in the information request. In order to provide information, the requester must prove his identity. In addition, the city may request other necessary additional information from you to ensure that the conditions for providing the information are met.
Requests for information received by the city are treated as public matters. After the request reaches the city, it is evaluated from the perspectives of publicity and data protection. If the information or document to be provided is public and the request can be easily implemented, the information or document will be provided without delay or within a maximum of two weeks according to the administrative rules of the city of Riihimäki. If the processing of the information request requires special measures or a larger workload than usual, the information and documents will be provided no later than one month after the information request arrives.
If the provided information or document must be partially or completely kept secret according to the Publicity Act, providing it requires checking the identity of the person making the request for information, as well as consideration in providing the requested information or document. If information cannot be provided, you will be asked separately if you want to receive an appealable decision. The processing time for handing over confidential documents is a maximum of one month. If the request for information is very extensive, it must be answered within three months, however, the information requester must be informed within one month of the processing status of the information request.
Disclosure of information
The city can hand over the requested information either electronically or in paper printouts, or you can come and inspect the documents on site. For paper prints, a fee may be charged based on the tax approved by the city of Riihimäki.
Public information and documents are generally released as requested. If it is difficult to provide information or a document in the requested manner, for example because there is a lot of information to be provided, another method of providing information will be agreed separately. The method of providing confidential information is always agreed upon separately.
In addition, a fixed basic fee may be charged for providing information that requires special measures, depending on the difficulty of the information search. Based on the data protection regulation, when handing over personal data, the identity of the requester must be verified.
According to the Publicity Act, the authority in possession of the document decides on the issuance of the official document. In Riihimäki, the resolution of requests for information regarding documents is delegated in § 88 of the administrative rules: the decision to issue a document is made by the director of the aforementioned domain or his appointee, and in the case of social and health care, the director of social and health care or his appointee. Regarding document requests from the water supply company, the matter is decided by the director of water supply.
If it is considered that the requested documents or information cannot be provided, the person who requested the information must be given the reasons and the information that he can, if he wishes, have his request for information resolved by the authority. The decision of the institution and the office holder on the provision of information and documents can be appealed directly to the administrative court. Based on the Data Protection Regulation, the data controller's representative, i.e. the management of the industry or service area, decides on the release of data. The transfer of information can only be refused on the basis of the Data Protection Act (1050/2018 § 34) and the certificate of refusal must be given in writing. The registered person can refer the matter further to the data protection commissioner.
Archives Act 23.9.1994/831
- organizing an archive operation
- preparation, storage and use of documents
Administrative Act 6.6.2003/434
Municipal Act 10.4.2015/410
Act on public administration information management, i.e. information management act, 9.8.2019/906
- organization of information management
- general control of public administration information management
- information security
- creation of data materials and electronic way of handing over
- case management and information management of services
The Act on the Publicity of Official Activities, i.e. the Publicity Act, 21.5.1999/621
document becoming public
the right to receive information about the document
providing information about the document
the authority's obligation to promote access to information
confidentiality obligationsData Protection Act 5.12.2018/1050
Legal basis for processing in some cases
Legal protection and sanctions
Special situations in data processingEU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679