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Environmental report 2023: The number of cars decreased in Riihimäki for the second year in a row

16.5.2024 Releases Participate and influence Residence Sustainable development Environment and nature

In the foreground, an empty roundabout, in the background, cars in Park at Riihimäki train station. The picture was taken in summer weather.
Photo: Kaisa Takala

The agenda of the Riihimäki city council meeting on May 20 is the city's environmental report 2023. The environmental report tells about the events of 2023 and the implementation of the environmental policy approved by the city council.

The decrease in greenhouse gas emissions in Riihimäki is still slow. Greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 5,6 percent From 2022 to 2023. The city is slightly more than halfway to the goal, which is an 80 percent reduction in 2007 emissions.

Services in the town of Varti are a short walk or bike ride away

The majority of Riihimäkelians live very close to the city center. 94 percent of the residents live within three kilometers of the train station. According to the environmental report, the number of cars registered in Riihimäki decreased for the second year in a row. The use of public transport also rose to a new record: compared to 2022, public transport travel increased by 16 percent.

At the end of 2023, Riihimäki had 18 cars. Compared to the whole of Kanta-Hämee, the people of Riihimäke have fewer cars, probably due to the dense urban structure. There were 180 cars per thousand inhabitants in Riihimäki and 638 cars in the whole of Kanta-Hämee.

Oil heating is no longer used in city-owned properties. The latest oil-heated properties in use have switched to air-water heat pumps and geothermal heat.

Zero waste is still a distant goal. However, paper consumption has decreased by 16 percent per year. The amount of mixed waste has also decreased by 16 percent.

The diversity of nature is promoted in many ways

In Riihimäki, many actions have been taken to promote biodiversity in 2023. Last year, six new nature reserves were established on land owned by the city and two on private land.

Things that promote diversity have also been done in the Urban Area, such as spreading local plant species to new areas, diversifying the tree species and increasing the number of rotting trees in parks.

The environmental report is published annually as part of the financial statement documents and it will go forward with the financial statements to the city council on June 10.

Read more about these and other environmental actions from the 2023 environmental report, which is attached to the agenda of the city council.

Resource wise Riihimäki website

Read the previous news: The number of cars in Riihimäki started to decrease (6.7.2023 July XNUMX)

Additional information

Coordination of the city's environmental system work, reporting and environmental training, circular economy and resource wisdom work, stakeholder cooperation and environmental communication