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Respond to and influence welfare services for the elderly

1.2.2024 Releases Welfare and health Inquiry Wellness Library Rickshaw

An adult's hands hold out a coffee cup to an elderly person's hands.
Photo: Jenniina Numela

The task of the city of Riihimäki is to contribute to the well-being, health, functional capacity and independent everyday life of elderly residents.

People over 60 years old now have the opportunity to tell which of the services organized by the city that support the well-being of residents are good, which were better before, and which services are not available at all or not enough.

Answers to the questions can be recorded on the participation walls in Riihimäki library (Kauppakatu 16) and Riksula (Travel Centre, Eteläinen Asemakatu 2) during their opening hours. Questions can also be answered via an electronic survey. The response time is 9.2. until. Go here to the survey.

In addition, on Wednesday 21.2. from 10 to 11.30:XNUMX an event where we discuss the wishes and dreams of the elderly related to various aspects of well-being. You do not need to register for the event in advance.

The answers received from the survey and the event will be used in the preparation of the welfare plan for the elderly.

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