RTOY and the city of Riihimäki are going wild: the city center is getting more life
Riihimäki Tilat ja Kehitys Oy (RTOY) and the city of Riihimäki have launched a project to revitalize the city center. The project is called Rieha. The aim of the project is to strengthen the competitiveness and attractiveness of the center of Riihimäki from the point of view of business, tourism and housing.
"A vibrant city center is the heart of the city. People create the city center and its atmosphere, that's why I invite all Riihimäki residents to liven up the city center", says Samuel Koivisto, CEO of RTOY.
In the project, the city center is understood broadly, and it includes the surroundings of Hämeenkatu and the station area with services.
The number of visitors to the center will increase
With the help of the project, life and vitality will be brought to the city center through, among other things, events and joint marketing campaigns. Easy accessibility and transportability as well as commercial attractiveness are taken into account in the development of the center of Riihimäki. The project aims at a cozy city center of lively encounters.
"The goal of the business company and the city, in cooperation with other operators in the city center, is to improve the attractiveness of the city center, increase the number of visitors to the city center and the enthusiasm of visitors and customers to come to do business and enjoy themselves in the city center," Koivisto says.
Rieha is driven by Tomi Hänninen, an entrepreneur from Riihmäki. The pilot project will last until the end of December 2024, but we want the achievements to be established as part of the activities of the city's economic company RTOY, the city and local entrepreneurs.
Together towards a shopping event
"Strengthening the center's vitality requires quick and forward-looking actions. It is important that the business company and the city develop the attractiveness of the city center together with entrepreneurs and other stakeholders. In May, I will visit the operators in the city center to hear their development wishes," says Tomi Hänninen, who leads the project.
In the beginning, Rieha implements, among other things, events and marketing campaigns. The goal is to organize, for example, a shopping event.
"Rieha is a new kind of concept where we cooperate extensively with different stakeholders. Implementation requires not only the business company and the city, but also all Riihimäkä residents and operators to be involved. Let's have fun together in our wonderful city center!", Hänninen encourages.
RTOY and the city of Riihimäki communicate about Rieha and the events and adventures of the project on their website and social media channels. Residents of Riihimäki and downtown entrepreneurs can participate in Rieha by using the hashtag #RiehaRiihimäki on social media and tagging RTOY and the city in the publications.
Riihimäki event calendar
The website of Riihimäki Tilat ja Kehitys Oy
Rieha's presentation page on the city's website
Additional information
CEO Samuel Koivisto, RTOY, tel. 040 841 0700
Tomi Hänninen, leader of the Rieha project, tel. 044 244 4965