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Riihimäki presents the glass biennale at Matka Travel Fair 2025

9.1.2025 Releases Culture and leisure Glass city Tourism Fair The Finnish Glass Museum Events

Large glass cases full of colorful glass objects in a high hall. In the foreground is a table with glassware.
Finnish Glass Museum. Photo: Ella Tommila

The city of Riihimäki and the Finnish Glass Museum are participating in the Matka Travel Fair from 2025 to 16. January 19 at the Helsinki Fair Center. Welcome to get to know the tourism offer of the glass city Riihimäki and the glass biennale organized next summer at the department 2025r6!

The first day of the fair, Thursday, January 16, is aimed at professionals. From Friday, the fair will be open to the public.

The city of Riihimäki will organize an international glass festival, the Finnish Glass Biennale, next summer. The biennale will take place from 5th to 8th. June 2025 in Riihimäki, Iittala and Nuutajärvi. The biennale offers an impressive range of glass-related programs.

Come and hear at the Riihimäki glass city fair booth how through the biennale it is possible to immerse yourself in the many forms of design, art and utility glass and experience a piece of the atmosphere of Riihimäki glass city!

Rich coverage of the program

The city of Riihimäki offers a program at the fair for both professionals and the general public. Check out our program and take down the most interesting ones!

Glass city Riihimäki: how art, design and culture are used to build a city image and brand

Thursday 16.1.2025 January from 16.00 to 16.30, professional day
Traveler Stage, Matka 2025 fair

Come and hear how we use art, design and culture to create a city image and brand! We are building a glass city from Riihimäki, relying on its own strengths: glass design, glass blowing and glass art.

In the talk, you will hear what kind of process we used to create the Riihimäki glass city brand, where we found the best partners and how the people of Riihimäki participate in making the glass city. Hanna Mamia-Walther, director of The Finnish Glass Museum, interviews Kari Korkman, known as the founder of Helsinki Design Week and Fiskars Village Art & Design Biennale. Korkman has initiated numerous projects promoting the appreciation and internationalization of design both in Finland and abroad.

How do I buy art?

Saturday 18.1.2025 January from 13.00
Riihimäki city department 6r2, Matka 2025 fair

Art historian Johanna Lindfors, also known from the TV show Antiikkia, antiikkia, discusses the ways and practices of acquiring glass art with Hanna Mamia-Walther, director of the Finnish Glass Museum. Come and hear tips for increasing your own collection!

The magic of glass and ceramics - A collector's perspective

Sunday 19.1.2025 January at 13.00
Riihimäki city department 6r2, Matka 2025 fair

Ceramics and glass collector Jyrki Kippola talks about his collection - about collecting that started by chance and the journey to a deep understanding of the subject and enriching encounters. The works in Kippola's collection cover the period from the 1960s to the present day. Kippola is interviewed by Hanna Mamia-Walther, director of the Finnish Glass Museum.

Finnish Glass Biennale – a glass festival as a tourist attraction

Sunday 19.1. from 15.30 to 16.00
Navigator Stage, Matka 2025 fair

The Finnish Glass Biennale, a glass festival organized for the first time, offers an impressive range of glass-related programs. At the biennale, you can learn about the history of glass, glass manufacturing methods, and design and art glass. The International Glass Biennale brings together glass artists, glassblowers, glass collectors and all of us who enjoy glass design. Biennale week is celebrated in Riihimäki from 5th to 8th. June 2025. Come and hear how it is possible to immerse yourself in the many forms of glass through the amazing biennale!

The Finnish Glass Biennale will take place in Riihimäki in the area of ​​the Finnish Glass Museum, the old glass factory and the city center. The biennial program is also available in Iittala and Nuutajärvi. During the talk, you will hear how you can participate in the week's events and from which channels you can get more information about the Finnish Glass Biennale. In addition, there are tips on how to travel to the event locations.

Finnish Glass Biennale will be discussed by Hanna Mamia-Walther, director of The Finnish Glass Museum, development manager Kristian Keinänen from the city of Riihimäki, and Helsinki Design Week program director Anni Korkman from Luovi Productions Oy.

High-quality program content is being sought for the biennale through the currently ongoing open call.

Experience the magic of glass at Riihimäki

The Finnish Glass Museum is the most famous tourist attraction in Riihimäki. The museum is visited by approximately 50 visitors each year. In addition to exhibitions, the museum holds various events. The Finnish Glass Museum Friends Association is organizing the Winter Glass Day on Saturday, January 000, 25, from 2025 a.m. to 11 p.m. The museum will offer a comprehensive selection of glass for use, art glass and collectors. Admission to Glass Day is free.

Corrected on January 14: The Finnish Glass Museum does not organize Glass Day. Glass Day is organized by the Friends of the Finnish Glass Museum Association.

Website of the International Glass Biennale
Winter Glass Day on the website of the Friends of the Finnish Glass Museum Association
Website of The Finnish Glass Museum

Additional information