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The winners of the Riihimäki home yard competition were awarded on Riihimäki Day

11.9.2024 Releases Culture and leisure Residence Backyard competition Riihimäki Day Environment and nature

A winding stone path in the garden, beautiful colorful flowers, a greenhouse and a shed in the background.
Riihimäki's most beautiful home yard 2024 series winner. Photo: Auli Hirvonen

The winners of Riihimäki's home yard competition were awarded on Riihimäki Day on September 11 at the renovated Hämeenaukio. There are two series in the competition: Riihimäki's most beautiful home yard series and Nature garden series.

"The yard committee was very happy and honored to be able to tour the wonderful yards of Riihmäki again," says committee chairman and city gardener Päivi Sundman.

"All the yards that participated in the competition were made with love and carefully maintained."

The most beautiful yard stunned the jury

In the review of the traditional Most beautiful home yard 2024 series, the main attention was paid not only to the comfort of the yard and the space distribution, but also to the well-maintained view from the street and the connection of the plot to the surrounding environment.

The winning yard stunned the jury right from the gate.

"A wonderful whole. The yard contains several rooms, which are cleverly arranged on the plot. The vegetation in the yard is very diverse and the flower splendor is unparalleled. In addition, the jury appreciates yard structures suitable for the yard, beautiful curved gravel paths and versatile paved surfaces. The yard is wonderfully maintained with a precise but relaxed approach," Sundman thanks.

The nature garden promotes ecological sustainability

A yard with six owls on a sand/stone base that serve as seats by the campfire. In the background, plenty of flower plantings and a red house.
Winner of the Riihimäki Nature Garden Series 2024.

In the Natural Garden 2024 series, we wanted to highlight the possibilities of yard care to improve the quality of the environment.

"Especially in the densifying urban structure, it is important that the naturalness of small house areas is preserved and that rainwater is managed locally. An ecologically sustainable home yard contributes to the realization of a sustainable environment," says Päivi Sundman.

In the series, we searched for a yard that takes into account, for example, biodiversity by maintaining a meadow, utilizing rainwater or recycling bio-waste for the plants in the garden.

The judging criteria for the nature garden were increasing diversity, utilizing rainwater, and combining ecology with aesthetics.

The Riihimäki Nature Garden 2024 winner charmed the jury with versatile flower plantings, between which meander paths made of recycled stones or bricks.

"The versatile flower plantings in the yard provide food for the butterflies, and the rotting wood has been left as a natural part of the yard," says Sundman.

Finland's oldest yard competitions

The Riihimäki home yard competition is one of Finland's oldest continuously organized yard competitions. The first one was organized in 1935 and since 1959 the competition has been organized regularly. Today, the competition is held every two years.

Award-winning yards

The most beautiful home yard series

  1. award, Kumelantie 10, Maarit and Mika Mäkipää
  2. award, Rauduskuja 6, Kirsi Viitaila
  3. award, Metsäkorpi, Aino Rajamäki

Home garden committee's round award, Sivakkatie 13, Riitta and Matti Leppänimi.

Riihimäki club round award, Kumelantie 10, Maarit and Mika Mäkipää.

Round award of the Riihimäki small real estate association, Sivakkatie 13, Riitta and Matti Leppäniemi.

Certificates of honor

Joukolankatu 4, Sinikka and Heimo Mäkeläinen.

Oikokatu 11, As Oy Riihimäki Valtapiha.

Leskenpolku 3, Veli-Matti Kuparinen.

Nature garden series

  1. prize Patastenmäentie 28, Hanna Riskumäki

Members of the yard committee in 2024

  • Päivi Sundman, chairman
  • Tarja Kantola, secretary
  • Auli Hirvonen, Riihimäki ProAgria Southern Finland
  • Terttu Arminen, Riihimäki real estate association
  • Ritva Pahkala, Riihimäki-Seura ry
  • Ritva Antila, Riihimäki Martat ry

Additional information

Area of ​​responsibility for planning and operational management Urban environment planning service area