Opening hours of Riihimäki city services in July

The city's offices are largely closed from the 1st to the 28th of July 2024 due to staff annual leave.
The switchboard operates from Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 16 p.m. and on Fridays from 8 a.m. to 15 p.m. at 019 758 4000.
The information center and cash desk are closed from 1st to 28th. July.
There may be delays in responding to feedback sent through the city's feedback service during the closure period.
Education and welfare department, Eteläinen Asemakatu 4
Early childhood education
Telephone hours from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
24.6.–19.7. phone 040 330 4274
22.–26.7. phone 050 538 7701
The reduced activity period for early childhood education is 24.6.–28.7. Hirsimäki daycare center, Jukola daycare center, Piikinmäki daycare center and Uramo daycare center are open.
Teaching services
Closed from 24.6 June to 30.7 August.
Youth services
Club activities are on summer break on May 27.5. from
The Monari Youth Center is open until Midsummer on Tuesdays and Fridays from 18 to 22 p.m.
Monari BBQ is open throughout the summer every Thursday from 18:21 to XNUMX:XNUMX.
A meeting place for young adults aged 18–30, coffee shop point is open throughout the summer on Wednesdays from 16:20 to XNUMX:XNUMX. The cafe is located on Monari.
The Riihimäki region's Driver's Office is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 13:16 to 28:30. The exception is the weeks of July 13–16, when Ohjaamon is only open on Wednesdays from XNUMX:XNUMX to XNUMX:XNUMX on the side of the youth area.
The detective youth work can be reached throughout the summer. You can call for anyone looking for a youth worker or get in touch via the website or by e-mail at
Meeting place Riksula, Etelainen Asemakatu 2
Closed 28.6–4.8.
Senior park fun 20.5 – 18.8. from Monday to Friday is organized as an open activity in the city's parks, phone 040 330 498.
Elinvoima branch, Eteläinen Asemakatu 4
Land use
Closed from 1 June to 28.7 August.
Measurement service
Closed from 1 June to 28.7 August.
Closed from 1 June to 28.7 August.
Building control
1–7.7 July 040 750 2324, 040 330 4152
8.–14.7. closed
15.–28.7. phone 040 330 4152
29.7. phone 040 750 2324
30.7.–1.8. closed
2.8. phone 040750 2324
Environmental protection
1.–12.7. phone 040 330 4161
15.–22.7. phone 050 500 1968
23.–26.7. tel. 040 330 4163, tel. 050 500 1968
Cultural and event services
Closed from 8.7 June to 1.8 August.
Environmental health in South Häme
There is no actual summer closure in the area's health control and veterinarians' offices.
In the summer, acute patients are primarily treated in veterinary care. There may be a delay in accessing non-urgent patients.
Technical branch, VO Mäkisenkatu 2
Housing services
Closed from 1 June to 28.7 August.
The city's rental apartments are brokered at Riihimäki Kotikulma Oy, Maisterinkatu 9, phone 019 569 5690.
Spa center
Property management and building maintenance, phone 040 330 4900
Urban engineering
Office, tel. 040 330 4900
Riihimäki Vesi, Etelainen Asemakatu 4
Customer service on 019 758 4855
Closed from 8 June to 28.7 August.
Network maintenance during office hours, phone 050 512 3421. Outside office hours, phone 040 330 4969.
Archive of categories: Releases
Subject areas: Living in Riihimäki , Education and training ,
Keywords: Environmental health care , Administration , Planning , Culture and well-being , Information Center , Early childhood education ,
All articles: News