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Riihimäki invests in preventive work for the elderly

30.3.2021 Releases

The corona era has also posed challenges in the services aimed at the elderly in the city of Riihimäki, when almost all functions are closed.

The corona time has not been wasted, because the quiet life has been used to develop operations and plan new ones. The result is a brand new team: Senior services that support functionality. It combines day activities for the elderly, day activities for people with dementia at Rentuka, Kulmakunta activities, volunteer work and the staff of Virsu, a meeting place for seniors, into one team.

"The unification of the teams was natural, because everyone does very similar work on their own. The common goals are to meet the elderly, support the ability to function and community spirit, and refresh the mind. Uniting into one multiprofessional team enables ideation and development work and brings flexibility," says Sonja Pääkkö, supervisor of senior services that support functional ability.

In Riihimäki, as elsewhere in Finland, the age structure is changing radically. In ten years, the number of people over 75 will increase by 50 percent, and fewer children are born all the time. In addition, Finns live longer and spend more and more healthy years in old age.

"Senior services that support functional ability form an important step on the service path for the elderly. The goal is that the functional capacity of the elderly would be supported in a timely and versatile way even before they are covered by heavy services. The better mental and physical strength the people from Riihmäki get older, the further away is the day when round-the-clock care is needed, i.e. assisted living," says Janne Yrjölä, service manager of home services.

The open senior services of the senior services that support the ability to function include the bodies that organize the city's open activities, i.e. Kulmakunta activities, volunteer work and Virsu. Open senior services are preventive, activating and searching senior work that organizes events for seniors living at home and enables various activities. Getting to know new people and networking, maintaining the ability to function socially, exercising the mind and body, and feeling a sense of belonging are important factors in combating loneliness and exclusion. Open senior services work closely with, for example, the Kotokartano Foundation, Riihimäki Parish and many associations.

"It would be great if every senior living in Riihämäkela knew what there is to do in the city when they retire. There are meeting places, parks, exercise opportunities or, for example, housing association activities. And if there is enough enthusiasm and energy, many people get new content in their lives from volunteer work. The important thing is to find that conversation partner and new friends as well," Yrjölä says.

At the moment, due to corona restrictions, the services aimed at the elderly are running Happihyppelyt and Digiloikkari. Day activities for people with dementia Rentukka is open on a small scale to support caregivers. Last summer's hit Senioripuistoilu is also planned to be launched in the summer. You can ask for more information about open senior services at the address

For more information:
Sonja Pääkkö, supervisor of senior services supporting functional ability, 050 359 5838
Janne Yrjölä, service supervisor for home services, 040 664 5609