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A poisonous giant was found at Rahitunlammi in Janakkala - environmental health advises to avoid swimming

2.8.2024 Releases Welfare and health Environmental health care Environment and nature

Pier at Rahitunlammi in Janakkala.
Environmental health advises to avoid swimming in Rahitunlammi. Photo: Johanna Laine

A poisonous poison ivy has been observed at the swimming beach of Rahitunlammi in Janakkala. The municipality of Janakkala has demarcated the area where poison ivy grows, and swimming in this area is prohibited. Environmental health in Etelä Häme advises to avoid swimming in Rahitunlammi for the time being.

All parts of the poison ivy contain kikutoxin, which is very toxic. You should not eat or touch poison ivy, and you should not drink water from the water areas around it, because broken plant parts can contaminate even small water areas.

If you touch the plant, you should wash your hands carefully for 10–15 minutes. If the point of contact starts to show symptoms, you should seek hospital treatment. If the plant has been swallowed, seek hospital treatment immediately.

Poison ivy resembles a daisy in appearance. The plant has a green hollow stem and small white flowers growing in clusters. The poison ivy separates it from the dandelion in its growing place, because the ivy thrives in yards and roadsides, while the typical growing places of the poison ivy are in the shallow water of lush water bodies. The poison ivy blooms in July-August and its height is 30–150 centimeters. The poison ivy does not warn of its toxicity with a bad smell or taste, but its leaves smell of dill and the taste is reminiscent of parsley and parsnip.

Environmental health will collect bathing water samples from the public beaches in its area of ​​operation next week and will pay special attention to the vegetation on the beaches. Environmental health in Etelä Häme monitors the water quality of the public swimming beaches of Forssa, Hausjärvi, Humppila, Janakkala, Jokioinen, Lope, Riihimäki, Tammela and Ypäjä.