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Rotten trees left in parks increase biodiversity

22.5.2024 Releases Living in Riihimäki Welfare Environment and nature

Two thick cut tree trunks on the lawn. The other shows a dark stamp in the shape of the letter R.
Stamped rotten trees in the park. Photo: Päivi Sundman

Rotten trees in Riihimäki have been given their own R code. The R-stamp can be used to identify rotting trees intentionally left in parks and park-like forests.

"The city leaves rotten wood on the ground in suitable places during forestry work and the removal of individual trees. Rotten trees with large trunks can also be left in parks and park-like forests," says Riihimäki city forest expert Jami Suojanen.

Frames with the R stamp can already be found in Kottaraisenpuisto and Hirsimäenpuisto.

Leaving rotting wood contributes significantly to biodiversity. According to estimates, there are approximately 5 species in Finland that are directly or indirectly dependent on rotting wood. Fungi rot wood, insects use fungal mycelium for food, and birds peck insects from rotting wood.

"Trees left in the landscape are often seen as disturbing, "garbage" that doesn't belong in the landscape or as firewood, and they get feedback," says city gardener Päivi Sundman.

"By labeling rotten trees, we aim to communicate the purpose of the trees in the terrain and at the same time tell what kind of measures can be taken to promote biodiversity," Sundman continues.

Diversity is also promoted with the selection of plants in the new meadows

In addition to leaving decaying trees, the city of Riihimäki promotes biodiversity by, among other things, combating harmful alien species such as Spanish reeds and establishing new meadows.

The diversity of nature is supported with the selection of plants in the new meadows of the urban environment. Many endangered insects are dependent on a certain food plant, for example, the saurum moth is dependent on the sedum, the lady's tongue moth is dependent on the lady's tongue, and the firefly moth is dependent on the firefly flower.

In the center of the roundabout between Arolammintien and Teollisuuskatu, last fall, among other things, wild nettle, maidenhair tree, thunder's sedge, red sedum, sweet cornflower, cat's chestnut, white honeysuckle, daisy, masmaloa, St. The meadow seeds were collected near the Riihimäki railway yard.

Today is Biodiversity Day

The International Day for Biodiversity is celebrated annually on May 22. The purpose of the day is to increase awareness of natural diversity and to make people familiar with environmental protection, sustainable utilization of nature and equal distribution of benefits.

In Riihimäki's city strategy, the goal of the Community of Sustainable Growth is that diverse nature is close by and we bear responsibility for the environment through our own activities. Improving the diversity of local nature also supports people's well-being and health.

Nature conservation page of Riihimäki city

Forests page of Riihimäki city

Additional information

Area of ​​responsibility for planning and operational management Urban environment planning service area