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Feedback on fiber optic sites belongs to fiber optic operators

3.5.2024 Releases Living in Riihimäki Residence The streets Street work

Cable trench.
Photo: Mika Arminen

After the arrival of spring, fiber optic operators are again building a fiber optic network in the Riihimäki area to improve services in residential areas.

Recently, the city has received a lot of feedback from residents about why various companies have been granted excavation permits in the residential areas of Riihimäki, and why the city does not monitor their work sites.

The city has an obligation to allow companies to dig wires and pipes on its land

The city of Riihimäki has an obligation to allow the installation of lines that serve the community, such as electricity and telecommunication cables, in its areas. The same obligation also applies to water supply, district heating and gas pipes.

Operators may not place anything on the side of private properties without the property owner's permission. However, there is no need to consult neighbors for cables and pipes placed underground in areas managed by the city.

Streets and green areas must be restored to the same condition as before the work started

All operators are obliged to restore the streets and green areas to at least the same condition as they were before the work started. Site areas for excavation work in public areas are marked on site boards, which show the person who commissioned the work, the contractor, and the contact information of the site manager, to whom feedback can be sent site-specific.

Contact information for fiber optic operators and their contractors can now also be found in the city From the Fiber optic sites in Riihimäki website.

Additional information

Center for urban engineering, area of ​​responsibility Investment permits Street permits Public area permits