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Ole Riksu! Participate in the city's marketing campaign

26.8.2024 Releases Welfare and health Living in Riihimäki Culture and leisure Participate and influence Communication and marketing Ole Riksu!

Be Riksu! White text on a red background

Starting on Monday, August 26, 2024, Riihimäki's Ole Riksu! campaign highlights the city's vibrant business life and great cultural offerings.  To the website of the marketing campaignstories of smart residents of Riihimäki who are influential in business and culture have been collected, as well as information about workplaces and plots of land. "The goal of the campaign is to arouse positive curiosity about the possibilities of Riihimäki and attract new residents to find their way here. At the same time, we are spreading a happy, energetic and attractive message about the life and values ​​of our city", says Mia Miettinen, the communication and marketing manager of the city of Riihimäki. Be a Riksu! campaign is a continuation of the one that started in spring 2023 resident and image marketing campaign for Personal local guide.

Ole Riksu! is aimed at new potential residents, and it can be seen in the capital region as outdoor advertising and digital marketing. You can come across the campaign, for example, in the center of Helsinki and on VR commuter trains. "We also want to utilize the strength and creativity of the locals in strengthening our marketing. Now you have the opportunity to become part of the marketing campaign of the city of Riihimäki! Stickers have been made for the people of Riihimäk, on which Ole Riksu ends up via a printed QR code. -websites. Stickers are distributed free of charge in the information center and the library. We hope that as many townspeople as possible will join the sticker talks," says Miettinen.

Here's how you can participate

  • Pick up your sticker. You can pick up your sticker (five pieces per person) at the city of Riihimäki Information center (Eteläinen Asemakatu 2) and from the library's customer service points (Kauppakatu 16) within the opening hours.
  • Spread the word. Attach stickers creatively on Riihimäki and elsewhere, for example when visiting other towns, events or traveling. Place the stickers in places where they will attract attention: on public notice boards, on the side of suitcases or on bicycles - the only limit is your imagination! Please stick stickers only in permitted places. Also remember to share a picture of the sticker and its location on social media and tag Riihimäki city's social media account.
  • Be proud of your city. Tell others why Riksu is the best place to live. Even a small act can have a big impact.

Let's spread good spirits and pride in our hometown together - one sticker at a time!

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