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Many events for the whole family during Child Rights Week

6.11.2024 Releases Culture and leisure A child-friendly municipality Public transport Child Rights Week

Two blonde-haired primary school-aged girls excitedly putting something on the wall or on an object, which is limited to the outside of the picture.
Photo: Jenniina Nummela

Child Rights Week is celebrated from 18 to 24. November. The city of Riihimäki organizes several events during the week for children and the whole family. In early childhood education and schools, the theme of the week is the child's right to learning, which is the theme of the national week.

"Unicef's Child-Friendly Municipality recognition requires that we continue to systematically work towards children's well-being and the realization of their rights. During the fall, we have drawn up an action plan for the city's work for the years 2024–2026," says Marjut Helenius, secretary of the city's Child-Friendly Municipality coordination group.

You can familiarize yourself with Riihimäki's child-friendly work at the library on Wednesday, November 20. During the theme week, stories on the city's social media channels also tell about the aspects of child-friendly municipal work.

The goal of Child Rights Week is to promote awareness of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, especially among children and young people.

Program of the week

There is a lot going on during Children's Rights Week. During the theme week, people under the age of 18 travel free of charge on R transport lines. The free service applies to regular bus lines, not R-rides.


  • Children's Day on Saturday 16.11. from 9 to 11.30:6 a.m. at the Sports Hall (Pohjolankatu XNUMX).
  • Annika Welling's children's book publication order in the library on Saturday 16.11. from 10 a.m. to 13 p.m. in Samuli Paronen's hall.
  • Children's rights orientation adventure on Tuesday 19.11. from 14:16 to 2:15 at Matkakeskus (Eteläinen Asemakatu 20), departure in front of Kotola, the city's integration services. With ticks, you get to know the rights of the child and look for syllables that make up a word related to the theme. The duration of the tour is about XNUMX–XNUMX minutes.
  • The Children's Parliament meets on Wednesday 20.11. from 9 to 11.00 a.m. at Antoni's house (Öllerinkatu 3).
  • Child-friendly Kuntatyö get to know event on Wednesday 20.11. from 17:18.45 to 16:XNUMX at the library (Kauppakatu XNUMX). At the points, you get to know the six areas of Riihimäki's child-friendly municipality action plan. The purpose is to tell about what child-friendly Kuntatyö means in practice.
  • The city is taking part in the Children to Work event on Friday 22.11. Employees can bring a child to the workplace.
  • Children's concert on Saturday 23.11. at 11 o'clock at Antoni's house (Öllerinkatu 3). Children's music orchestra Orffit performing. At the center of Orff's concert are half-wild stories, presence and versatile compositions. According to some observers, Orff's music helps with a sense of humor! Free.
  • Children's cultural Saturday 23.11. at 13.45:14.30 p.m.–8:18 p.m. in the Riemu museums (Temppelikatu XNUMX). There will be a dance performance and a magic show. The event is free for under XNUMXs.
  • The Houses of Lights event on Sunday 24.11. from 16:18 to 5:15 at Opistothalo (Puistikko 18) and from 5:11 to XNUMX:XNUMX at the art school (Kalevankatu XNUMX–XNUMX). Music performances by civic college groups, a Christmas crafts workshop and student works from different courses on display in the lobby and ballroom. Mulled wine and pepper serving. The art school has traditional Christmas vendors in connection with the student exhibition, where the art school students sell their art, crafts, pastries, homemade cards and other wonderful things. Free access to both.

Welcome to enjoy the week's abundant offer!

Additional information

Child-friendly Riihimäki 
Riihimäki Children's Parliament
Houses of lights at the civic college
Houses of lights at the art school

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