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The city government will discuss 4.12. space solution for university services

30.11.2023 Releases City Board Civic college Riihimäki music school Service network Art school

Kalevantalo with a glass facade, with trees in their leaves in front and an asphalt road and crosswalk in the foreground.
The students of Peltosaari school currently go to school in Kalevantalo. Photo: Jenniina Nummela

The city of Riihimäki is planning to centralize the services of the civic college, the art school and the music college in the premises of Kalevantalo, i.e. the former trade school.

Mayor Jouni Eho proposes to the Riihimäki city council meeting on Monday, December 4.12.2023, 2028, that the college services, i.e. civic college, art school and music college, should move to Kalevantalo in XNUMX.

The mayor's proposal involves launching a project plan for the premises. In connection with the project planning, the repair costs of the auditorium wing of Kalevantalo would also be clarified and the renovation costs of Monari would be specified, which are estimated to be around 3 million euros. If the city council accepts the mayor's proposal for the transfer of college services, the council must decide on the service network again.

According to the previous service network decision, the university services, the textile mill and the Monari premises were to be located in the so-called To the university building. The city currently does not have a plot for a house.

The city's spatial planning has identified four different options for college services. According to the investigation, the solution planned for Kalevantalo is the cheapest in terms of costs. The price would be around 16,5 million euros. Other options that have been investigated include a new building and three different options where the college services, art school and youth services would be located in different ways in Kalevantalo and the so-called to the old town hall.

Spatial planning's survey work regarding college services is a continuation of the service network decision approved by the city council on 29.8.2022 August 27.2.2023 and the needs survey of the old town hall and Kalevantalo launched by the city government on XNUMX February XNUMX.

Check out the city hall's 4.12. to the agenda.

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