The city government approved the Itäinen school's needs assessment and Voimala's letter of intent
Riihimäki city council decided at its meeting on Monday 27.2.2023 February XNUMX to start the project planning of the Itäinen school and daycare center. At the same time, the board approved the needs assessment for the whole.
According to the needs assessment, the new Eastern School will cost approximately 18,5 million euros. A three-tier elementary school will be built on the site of the old school in Peltosaari, which will house a daycare center, a preschool and education for the city's most severely disabled students. About 400 students would receive basic education at the school, there would be places for almost 170 children in the kindergarten and preschool. The school would have a sports hall of about 800 square meters.
The City Council also approved the letter of intent between the city and YIT Oyj, on the basis of which YIT undertakes to sell the real estate company to the city for a nominal price of one euro.
The letter of intent does not oblige the city to buy the real estate company. Instead, YIT may not sell the property to other entities before the contract of intent expires. The letter of intent expires if the sales agreement is not signed by August 31.8.2023, XNUMX. YIT owns the entire share capital of Kiinteistö Oy Riihimäki Voimala.
Archive of categories: Releases
Subject areas: Participate and influence , Living in Riihimäki , Welfare and health , Education and training ,
Keywords: Station area , Residence , City Board , Schools , Basic education , Decision making , Power station ,
All articles: News