Success stories will be heard at the Grow and internationalize event

The Grow and internationalize event will take place on March 30.3.2023, XNUMX at HAMK's Riihimäki campus. Event starts with a funding morning, followed by a seminar. The after work event is held in the same building In the premises of Riihimäki Business Park. Among others, Jukka Jalonen and Janne Kataja will speak at the seminar.
The Grow and internationalize event is being organized for the 11th time. This year, the venue is HAMK's Riihimäki campus.
"We are really excited to organize the event in Riihimäki. We asked successful people from Riihmäki to be speakers for the seminar. The purpose of the event is to network and share experiences of growth and internationalization," says Riihimäki Tilat ja Kehitys Oy business manager Reima Ojanen.
Tips for getting financing are told in the financing morning
The Grow and internationalize event starts with the finance morning. In the financial morning, there will be talks about ELY's development services and assistance, as well as ELY's rural business financing. In addition, the topic of financing will be heard from Business Finland Tempo, TE office's recruitment training and Finnvera's export trade financing workshop and export credit for buyers.
Success stories of growth and internationalization will be heard at the seminar
The seminar is compiled from interesting and current topics. It is hosted by YLE Häme reporter Miki Wallenius. The first topic of the seminar is the utilization of student cooperation for growth and
in building internationality. Examples in the speech will be taken from joint work done with HAMK's International Business students. Next, Maija Kärkäs, the head of the Enterprise Europe Network unit of the Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce, tells about how her unit can help with the internationalization of SMEs.
Sako's Business Director Petri Rolig will speak at the seminar entitled Finnish success story as part of a global group. Janne Kataja, a thrower from the city of Riihimäki, actor and toy seller, will tell the story of the growth of Riihimäki's Piene Lelukauppa. Who would be a better person to talk about building a successful team than Jukka Jalonen? Jalonen is the head coach of the Finnish national ice hockey team and he has won Olympic gold and three world championships with his team.
In the seminar, the Häme entrepreneurs' export award of the year will be awarded. The seminar ends with a panel discussion led by Riihimäki-Hyvinkä Chamber of Commerce CEO Marja Heinimäki. Karoliina Haapaniemi (Tervakoski Oy), Sanna Pesula (Nordic Caraway Oy), Anne Turula (Business Finland), Marjo Seppälä (Finnvera) and Erkki Taskinen (Yritysvoimala) from the export guild of the Riihimäki-Hyvinkää Chamber of Commerce are discussing.
Networking at the after work event
Networking with other entrepreneurs is also important at the event. This will be a good opportunity at after work, which will be held in the same building in Riihimäki Business Park. The after work event is sponsored by Hämeen yrtypalvelut.
The Grow and internationalize event is organized by the Team Finland Häme network in cooperation. The Team Finland Häme network includes Riihimäen Tilat ja Kehitys Oy, Riihimäen-Hyvinkää Chamber of Commerce, HAMK, Häme ELY-keskus, YritysVoimala Oy, Janakkalan Business Development, Koulutuskuntayhtymä Tavastia, Häme liitto, Linnan Development Oy, Häme Chamber of Commerce, Häme Entrepreneurs, Forssan Business Development Oy, Suomen Yrittäjäopisto, Finnvera, Häme TE office, ProAgria, BusinessPark Riihimäki, Business Finland, Hyria and Suomen Growth Corridor.
Additional information
Riihimäki Tilat ja Kehitys Oy, Grow and internationalize 2023
Reima Ojanen, business manager, Riihimäki Tilat ja Kehitys Oy, tel. 050 401 9005
Tuomo Kauha, Team Finland Growth and Internationalization Coordinator, Kanta-Häme, tel. 0295 025 147
Pauliina Lindgren, marketing and communications manager Riihimäki Tilat ja Kehitys Oy, tel. 050 516 4004
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