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The construction of Jokikylä's public areas and the relocation of the Vantaanjoki riverbed begin

13.1.2025 Releases Living in Riihimäki Station area Jokikylä Street work Construction Vantaajoki

The river bed and bridge in the observational photo. A few people walking on a dirt road and a sand embankment on the river bank. Big white apartment buildings in the background.
Observation picture from the Jokipuisto track. A pedestrian and cycling bridge over the Vantaanjoki and a multipurpose beach. Photo: Sweco Finland Oy

In the new planning area of ​​Jokikylä, the construction of public areas and the relocation of the Vantaanjoki river bed will begin with preparatory works on January 15, 2025.

The city of Riihimäki has entered into a contract with Tieluiska Oy for the construction of Jokikylä's public areas and the relocation of the Vantaanjoki river bed. The total contract amount according to the agreement is 6,8 million euros. The contract period ends in August 2028.

The site's plans can be seen on the website of the city of Riihimäki Design and construction of Jokikylä's public areas.

Tieluiska Oy is the main contractor of the site and Erkka Mehtälä is the responsible foreman (tel. 040 1293383). The site's developer is Anniina Aho (tel. 040 330 4925). During the work, the entire work area is fenced and the area must be recorded by camera surveillance. Public transport connections through the area are not in use during the work.

A new residential area near the train station

Jokikylä residential area and park is one of the new residential areas according to the general plan of the Riihimäki station area. The goal is to create a high-quality and cityscape-interesting residential area within walking distance of the train station in the Jokikylä area. The Vantaan River, which will be moved to the middle of the residential area, and the public park area formed around the riverbed, which will also include a playground, play a central role.

In the future, you can follow the city of Riihimäki's construction sites and the progress of the work On the Streets website.

Read the city's previous news: Get to know the plans for Jokikylä's public areas and participate in the presentation on February 19.2.2024, XNUMX

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