Needs assessment of the Itäinen school and Voimala's letter of intent to the city council
Riihimäki city council will discuss the needs assessment of the Eastern school and daycare center and the start of project planning at its meeting on Monday, February 27.2.2023, XNUMX. In addition, the Voimala property's letter of intent is on the agenda.
According to the city council's decision, a three-tier elementary school is proposed in the needs assessment on the site of the school that was demolished in Peltosaari in January 2023, which will house a daycare center, a preschool and education for the city's most severely disabled students. About 400 students would receive basic education at the school, there would be places for almost 170 children in the kindergarten and preschool. The school would have an approximately 800 square meter gymnasium.
According to the needs assessment, the new Eastern School would cost approximately 18,5 million euros. The assessment of the needs of the Itäinen school is the implementation of the Riihimäki city council's decision regarding the service network.
The city is investigating the purchase of Voimala
The city of Riihimäki has prepared, together with YIT Oyj, Voimala's letter of intent, on the basis of which YIT undertakes to sell the real estate company to the city for a nominal price of one euro. Voimala is an old power plant property that was decommissioned 15 years ago, located in a central location in Riihimäki Asemanseuttu.
The letter of intent, which will be considered by the city council, does not oblige the city to buy the real estate company. Instead, the contract is binding for YIT: the company may not sell the property to other parties before the contract of intent expires. The letter of intent expires if the sales agreement is not signed by August 31.8.2023, XNUMX. YIT owns the entire share capital of Kiinteistö Oy Riihimäki Voimala.
The city has been investigating the development of Voimala for years. The city's goal is to assemble an owner consortium for Voimala, to which ownership of the real estate company would be transferred. They want to make Voimala a nationally significant concentration of leisure and cultural services.
The European Commission granted the development support of the New European Bauhaus initiative as the only project in Finland for the development of the Voimala property. The search looked for creative and ambitious development projects led by local authorities that renovate existing buildings, preserve cultural heritage, renovate urban spaces or convert buildings into affordable housing. International design and consulting company Ramboll is responsible for consulting.
You can familiarize yourself with the agenda of the City Council on the city's website.
Archive of categories: Releases
Subject areas: Education and training , Participate and influence ,
Keywords: Power station , Projects , Schools , Early childhood education ,
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